DISCLAIMER: Anything you recognise belong to J.K. Rowling, not me. I do not own Harry Potter.
WARNING: Slash, OOCness, definitely limes and possibly lemons.
A/N: This is my first fanfic so please review and let me know what you think =)
Voldemort smiled to himself. He knew it was only a matter of minutes now. The Dark Lord would rise again. He would punish all those who had renounced him in his absence and kill those who had sought to interrupt his return. Had the wizarding world really believed him gone forever? Were they truly naïve enough to think that he had taken no precautions against his death? Perhaps they had not thought him powerful or clever enough to conquer death. He would show them.
A shrill scream pierced the night, the ritual must be nearly complete. Yes. He could feel it now, the slow changes to his pitiful, helpless form were quickening. He knew it would be worth waiting for. Wormtail would have had him use the blood of any enemy but he knew, even in his desperate, weakened state, that only the boy's blood would do. The blood carrying Lily Potter's protection, her love, would make him even more powerful than he had originally been and would remove her son's only advantage over him. Anyone who believed that an infant could be his undoing was a fool. The mudblood's sacrifice would not save her son this time.
A surge of white steam billowed from the cauldron and he could feel the last pieces of himself being put back together. He felt himself rise from the cauldron and through the last of the thick vapour hanging in the air, he locked eyes with his young rival. He smiled. The ritual was complete. Voldemort could feel the boy's fear reach it's peak and was not surprised when he screamed. However, the sound stirred something deep within him that he did not recognise.
Something had gone very wrong.
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