"Now Will, when you are taking aim you have to be precise. Don't just chose a general area, but an exact point. Watch this." Halt turn around to face the forest, selecting a tree, knocked his long bow and shot. He landed exactly on his target. He turned around again. "See what I did? I was concentrated on one spot, and achieved my goal. And once you draw back, don't. . ."
He was cut off when he saw the scared look on Will face. He was gaping a meter above him.
"What is it, Will?"
"B- B- Bear," he choked out.
Halt immediately span around. In front of him now was a three meter high bear standing only on it's back legs. It roared in anger. On instinct, Halt quickly shot of and arrow, closely fallowed by another one. They did nothing to penetrate the bears matted skin. When he saw he could do nothing to stop the bear, he ran into his house.
Will cowered in fear. If ranger steel arrows couldn't get through that fur he hardly doubted that his knives could. He had an idea, but it was risky. It was his only option, so he decided to go with it.
Will timidly walked up to the bear, eying it closely. He slowly reached up his hand to the bear stomach, and scratched it.
The bear tilted it's head and lolled it's tongue out. Will started to scratch it all over, and the bear rolled over and over. This bear was kind of fun. He just had to asked Halt.
Will walked over to Halt's cabin, closely fallowed by the bear, and knocked.
Halt opened the door .
"Halt," Will pleaded, "can I keep him?" He gave Halt his best puppy-dog face.
"No." Halt slammed the door.
And here it is. My story. Hope you enjoyed! Please, please, please review!