Hello lads and lassies! And now for something completely different. Out of all the FFXIII that I could think of, SnowxFang seems rather underrated if you ask me. I can understand the appeal of SnowxLight (Even if I'm not a fan of this pair) but SnowxFang does seem more appealing of the two when you think about it for a moment. Both seem rather cocky as hell, work quite well of each other and are just interesting to think about them as a pair. Of course Fang is involved in a lot of Yuri stuff, all of which I do get E.G. FangxVanille and FangxLightning (Even though that one does leave a bad spot on me, oh well.)

In many ways if you'd like to see Fang in a pair that is not Yuri related, this one might be the one for you I guess. Sadly, there isn't much on these two, hats of who do write about them. So to sum it up, I'm joining in to add more for Snang, or is it Faow? Don't ask me, both sound like cleaning products over at my house, hehe. I do apologise if they are OCC, both seem rather difficult to write in IC, the way i write is normally 'Getting-better-as-we-go-along'.

Just to sum it up, the story is slightly AU as Fang and Vanille did survive at the end of XIII, other from that, that's all. So go on and read then.

Part 1

Many Problems

In every tale ever told, when the hero saves the world and gets the girl, he's suppose to live happily ever after; in Snow's case, that didn't turn out to be true as such.

Sure he and the rest of the motley gang he was in had saved the world and Serah in the process, but even when he and his fiancée had their little moments with each other, something didn't feel right, and Serah felt it too. Just what was wrong?

Snow knew it wasn't another woman he was seeing, had he had, he would have faced the wrath of the two Farron sisters, possibly killing him in the progress. What ever it was, he tried asking Fang about his problems. Oddly enough, things between did seem rather calm. Of course, asking Fang for any advice was probably one of the last things anyone would of done with tribes' woman, still, any advice was better than nothing. He asked Sazh, Vanille and even Hope, none of which any of their advices seem to give him a solution.

Oddly enough, Fang seem to come out on top. Once again, there they were in Lebreau's bar that night discussing other than Snow's problems like other events and so forth. Lebreau had kindly allowed the two of them to stay in he bar after closing time.

"Do you think I'm worth it for Serah?" Snow asked Fang as she gulped down another drink.

"Well you spent most of the time on our mission saying that you were going to rescue her and be the big hero, don't tell me you forgot about it?"

"No, no! It's not like that," Snow pouted. "It's just…"

Fang looked at him raising an eyebrow. "Well…?"

"…Is Serah the right one for me?"

The tribes' woman found about he said surprising, most certainly not like Snow to say things quite low rather than his usual positive personality, yet as she would think, rather stupid persona.

Fang rubbed the back of her head thinking of what to say to Snow. "Well, my only guess is that things are still up in the air since what we went through, guess that's the only thing I can think of if that makes you feel better 'Mr. Hero'."

The large man didn't look at her and continued to stare in blank space pondering her words. His train of thought though was interrupted with the sound of Fang getting off her stool and heading out the bar.

"Wait! Where you going?" Asked Snow looking out to her.

"It's ten to eleven," replied Fang as she stopped to look at him and pointing to a clock on the wall. "Need to check on Vanille and see if she's fine, see you around then." And with that, left Snow alone in the bar to thing about his problems with Serah.

Speaking of Fang leaving so soon, Snow knew that she had been quite tense lately. The reason? Vanille had been struck with an illness of some sort and had ended up in hospital, and Fang was only wanting to make sure she was ok. Each of the gang had wanted to ask Fang as much information about Vanille of how she was doing and what had caused it.

Knowing how close the two women were, Snow had decided not to press on the subject and give her some space, oddly, he'd been the only to do so for her. Was this just for Fang's own benefit, or something else…?

Snow couldn't think about it. His memory was almost full he would say. But he did conclude that there was something about Fang that he couldn't put his finger on. She'd been the only one he felt comfortable with, she had gave him the information which he found suitable, it may have not been completely helpful, still any information is good enough.

With a final drink of whisky to drown out his thoughts, he left the bar and locked the door to the place (Lebreau had gave him the keys to her bar and had told him to lock it when he had had enough.)

Walking down the street heading for home, he couldn't help but notice how disserted the street was, not a soul in sight. Sure it was a beautiful starry night, but even that didn't help to brighten himself up.

The man who had so much thought of himself as a hero had problems of his own. What was he to do?


Arriving back at his and Serah's dinghy flat (they were to move out soon to a bungalow house nearby) he couldn't help but noticed how the flat seemed to be lacking something…

"Honey I'm home" He called out unenthusiastically. Cleary he wasn't in the best of moods.

Sure enough, his fiancée did call out, but all she said was a rather short 'hi'. Not even her seemed to be in the best of mood either. He did his normal routine of giving her the quick kiss on the check, but Snow could tell that Serah had something to say to him. Her face really said it all.

"Snow," she spoke sadly, "there's something I need to tell you…"

The blonde's thoughts picked up, had she got pregnant? What ever it was, something in the way she spoke told him that things weren't all going to seem rather good…

Alright, I know this chapter was short, will have longer ones in future. Please review if you want, any review no matter how good or bad is always a motivational thing for any fanfic writer.