I don't own Maximum Ride or Twilight
After all the Twilight books and Fang never happened.
Mind talking
Yo, I'm Max. Max Ride. Or Maximum Ride. If you don't know me you shouldn't be reading this. Knowing about me could get you killed. Yes you. Dead. Get the point? Good. I should start telling the story now.
It all happened after they took Iggy. We fought, and we lost Iggy. Gazzy was heartbroken, so of course we had to find Iggy. But nooo! The voice said we had to some place on the coast in Washington! It's named after something you eat with.
"It's called Forks."
Oh, hello all amazing voice! Got more cookie crap you want to share with me!
"You just passed Forks a couple of minutes ago."
Well why you didn't tell me sooner!
"Max, are you alright?" stupid, silent, invisible, cute… We are now stopping that meaningless rant!
"I'm perfectly okay! I only have a stupid voice in my hea"
"YOU STUPID TREE!" oh, god. I was shouting at a tree. And I think I broke my nose. "Okay, we are staying here for the night. So Gazzy collect fire would, Angel find our food, and Fang set my nose."
"Why can't you set your own nose? Your blood is a pretty red. you know the red they make dresses? OMG! Don't you think I would look pretty in a dress like that! We should go shmm mmm!"
"Thank you Gazzy, and Nudge what have I said about meaningless rants?" by this time we had a fire going, and Angel was trying to open a thing of hot dogs. Oh, and Fang set my nose. Don't you think its easer to set a nose that you can see?
So this is how the night went:
Eating burn hot dogs and falling asleep on tree branches. Yep, the good life.
Iggy POV
They had run out of cages, so I got tossed in with a girl. I didn't know it at first. Her hair was so dirty and matted with blood, it was discussing. How would you feel waking up to feel that stuff?
They took her out a lot, and I could hear her scream. But she never spoke. Not once.