This is just a small bit of a long story. I thought to post it and get past my fear of my work being public. **this is a REALLY rough draft***

The Warchief sat amidst a room full of noise, advisers talking, visitors talking, citizens of his city talking. Everyone and everything in this room had to make noise, not even a moments peace had he partaken of in months... no years. There was entirely too much noise for him to take, with anger rising Thrall dropped his head into his hands. This headache was worst than the last, this one made even the dim lights of war room to bright. When did it come down to this... to so many people vying for his attention... to so many people needing his help... to so many new encounters within this world and beyond?

So many things had changed since the Warchief had liberated his people and formed his Horde. It all started with the release of his noble people from the bonds of servitude. Pulling them up from the brink of destruction and reminding them who they really are and who their ancestors sought to be. What started as just his race had become so much more, the Darkspear and Tauren had proven themselves noble and worthy and easily became part of the Horde. Both races were proud of their heritage and though sought blood when needed kept the peace when needed as well. After a very brutal time in recent history, Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, or what was left of her, sought refuge for herself and her people the Forsaken. They had broken the free of the curse of the undead and wanted to rebuild their lives as best they could. He welcomed the allegiance though at times wondered if she realized the havoc some her followers could cause. Still there would be more to join them and he wondered if one day even more would reach out.

It was not only his people who had changed but the world around them did so everyday. There had been wars... so many wars though none more costly than the one they fight with their sometimes allies the Alliance. It was the Alliance and their allegiance with the Draenei that almost broke what little peace the two groups shared. Thrall was angry, were these not the people who had cause the orcs so much pain? Why would Jaina allow such. Humans were very self involved, they tended to only care for themselves and not a care for whom they hurt. Jaina whoever was one of he exceptions to that rule, she cared about her people and the other races who followed them. She wanted a peaceful co-existence. Still he felt so betrayed that the anger built and the anger allowed him to open his doors once more the power hungry Blood Elves. Though they had proven to be better people than most thought Thrall could see some were far more sinister than he liked. Anger was an amazing thing, and how it worked in the soul was even more troubling.

An Orc scout burst into the room pushing all thoughts aside, so demanding was he of attention. Trailing behind the messenger was a young tauren, no more than 15 summers, with a terrified look upon his face. "They" the orc spat the word as if it poison "have killed again!"

The room went silent, what a time to finally have peace, Thrall thought as he motioned the young tauren forward. "What is your name boy and What is it you have seen?"

"Vek, Sir, I work for the tanner and was sent to meet his hunting party near Ashenvale Forest. When I reached the camp all were dead." He replies

"What makes you think the Alliance have anything to do with this?" Thrall asked

"Warchief of course they..." One of his overeager advisers tried to enter the conversation but was silenced by the look upon Thrall's face.

Vek looked even more shaken, the atmosphere in the room had changed from casual to hatred " It was like the other attack sir, the hides, the food and trinkets, none of it was stolen. The men and women in the camp were all dead, it was brutal there was blood everywhere, they killed the woman with an axe to her back, Sir she was trying to get away." his face was a mask of terror when he finished the telling.

It was too much to hope this was not related to the others. Thrall was still not convinced it was the Alliance but he also had no proof that it was not. His people would demand repayment, this must be headed off before it got worse...

"They make fools out of our compliance!" The adviser from earlier attempted once again to join the conversation. " We should not stand for this..."

"Enough!" Thrall bellowed "You think I do not know this? I realize my people are under attack but can we be certain its the Alliance."

The adviser saw his moment to push his agenda " We can easily take care of this problem Warchief. The destruction of several small settlements in Ashenvale would ensure we could use the forest as our own." He had to fight to keep the smile off his face as he spoke.

Thrall sat back placing a hand to his throbbing head. "I think we have lost more good men fighting the Alliance more than any other battle. We will hold to the understood truce for now."

"But Warchief " The adviser tried one last time to change Thralls mind "You can not mean this, we are being caged in like animals, the land is as much ours to use as theirs."

"No" was his very quiet and very final response, he looked to the scout "Send off a missive to Jaina . Before we shed any blood in return I will have answers, Rajit'Kal speaks common very well send him on the mission. Now the rest of you clear out, I need to think without the noise of your talking."

Grumbling the advisers and diplomats started clearing out. Some spoke in hushed tones to one another other got out as quickly as possible. A young orc standing in the corner, unseen by all was last to leave. Anger within Thrall's camp... things are going according to plan, he thought as he smiled to himself.