Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the characters from it, but I do own the children the characters have in this story.

Author's Note: Okay, I have mixed feelings about saying this, but this will be the last chapter of this story for a bit. I feel like I have literally burned myself out on these characters and that my writing has become stagnant. I hope it hasn't but I get the bad feeling that it has. In fact, this is the last chapter for this half of the story. I decided this mostly because it feels like an ending. I still have a little one or so thousand word extra I want to do involving Tsunade and the Hyuuga elders. I'm not sure when the next part will get started, but I'm very excited about it and am already planning the first chapter. But since I just started a really labor intensive job, I'm not sure how much writing I will get done. And I apologize for how short this chapter is and how long it took for me to get it out.

End May (Five Weeks)

Neji paced around the circumference of the room, glancing at the clock on the wall every few seconds. Never in his life had he been as nervous as he was right now. Not when he had been taking the chuunin exams, when he had become a jounin, nor when he had been in the hospital giving birth to Hotaru. The brunette paused as the door to the small room opened and Lee stepped in. His friend was dressed in a suit, white shirt and black normal compared to the shock of a silver vest peaking out form Neji's own black jacket.

Lee smiled reassuringly at him as he walked across the room to stand in front of the nervous Hyuuga. The man's smile was contagious and Neji found himself smiling as he stared at the Rock. Even though his heart was still racing a million miles a second, he felt better in his old friend's presences. Lee has always had that quality and Neji prayed the man never lost it. He got the feeling he was going to need it a lot in the next few years.

"Ready?" Lee asked his, straightening the Hyuuga's vest as he spoke.

"Not really, no," Neji answer. Lee chuckled and moved around behind the brunette to fiddle with the high pony-tail his long hair had been pulled up into. Neji grimaced when Lee pulled too hard and the man behind him apologized as he settled the Hyuuga's hair back against his back.

"I don't think I have ever seen you this nervous," Lee commented as he moved to stand back in front of the man. Neji nodded as his friend confirmed his own thoughts.

"When you marry Sasuke, I'll ask you how you feel," the Hyuuga said jokingly. Toying with Lee always made him feel better, especially when Lee blushed the same color as Sasuke favorite food.

"Don't say that," Lee muttered as he stared at his feet, which felt huge in the dress shoes Sasuke had made him wear, "You don't know that that'll ever happen." Neji raised an eyebrow and scoffed.

"Have you seen how he looks at you, or are you blind?" Neji asked as he watched Lee fidget with the button of his dress pants. The color covering the man's cheeks darkened and spread down his neck.

"It's no different than the way Itachi watches you," the Rock whispered. He was still amazed by the fact that he was dating a guy and that that guy was none other than Uchiha Sasuke. At least Makoto didn't seem to mind the fact that both of her elder children were homosexual and had boyfriends, and one of those boyfriends was about to become a husband, or wife, depending on how you looked at it. She was ecstatic about the wedding and had planned it faster than any of the participants had ever thought possible. The Uchiha matriarch had only need a month and a few days to get it all planned out and about a week or so to get everything set up.

"Exactly what I mean," Neji stated with a smirk, "I'm about to marry Itachi. Just you wait; you'll be in my place in no time." Lee gave his friend a disbelieving look but didn't argue the subject further. Neji sighed and smoothed his hands over the pudge of baby fat he still sported. Even though he had worked as hard as he could to get rid of the extra weight he had gained, he was still a couple of pounds from when he wanted to be. He prayed he didn't look like a fool walking down the aisle without being in top condition.

"Stop worrying about it," Lee snapped as he batted Neji's hands away from his stomach, "You look fine and no one will care, except for you. Now are you ready? Or do you want to be late for your own wedding?" Neji glared at his friend before taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly. After repeating the action a few times, Neji nodded that he was ready. Hinata and Tenten met them as they were walking out the door and Neji mentally re-prepared himself for one of the biggest days of his young life.

The ceremony was simple. Itachi and Neji had each chosen three people to be in the wedding party. Itachi chose his own brother, one of his cousins, whom he had grown up with, and, amazingly, Naruto was the eldest Uchiha's last person. Neji picked Lee, Tenten, and Hinata. The wadding was very small for two clans as large as the Hyuugas and Uchihas were. But after the incident with the Hyuuga elders, and Tsunade's subsequent tearing down of the old men's egos and statuses, Neji hadn't felt comfortable inviting his whole clan. The number of Uchihas outnumbered the Hyuugas two to one. Neji and Hiashi didn't really care. It was friends and select family. Neither groom really cared if they offended some of the people from their clans, many of them were still hung up on the fact that an Uchiha and a Hyuuga had had a child, from a male pregnancy to boot. And now the two were getting married.

The ceremony only lasted about thirty minutes. Neither of the grooms had felt the need for a long ceremony. They both knew they loved each other, and this only cemented the fact legally. So, they said their 'I dos' accompanied by a few tears on Neji's part. Itachi had only smiled sweetly down at the Hyuuga when he had started apologizing and kissed him.

The reception was smaller than the ceremony, mostly because many of their clans men decided seven o'clock was just too late for them. Neji watched as people mixed and mingled, engaging in conversation or dancing. He was glad everything had gone smoothly, and he was even happier that the two clans were getting along better than he had thought they would, considering their past together. A hand smoothed through his hair before cupping his cheek form behind. The Hyuuga leaned into the touch and closed his eyes. He tilted his head back to receive the small kiss he knew Itachi was after. The Uchiha kissed him softly on the lips and then kissed each cheek.

"You look tired," Itachi observed and Neji nodded in concession. The raven chuckled and wrapped his arms around Neji's neck from behind the chair. Itachi propped his head on the brunette's and watched as Mikoto danced around the dance floor with Hotaru. The small baby giggled happily and waved his tiny hands in the air as his grandmother grinned down at him. The small child had been passed from person to person the entire night. Everyone wanted to hold something that was literally a miracle. No one had ever thought two men would be able to conceive and carry a child to a healthy term, but it had been accomplished and by two of the least likely people, too.

Hotaru was as healthy as he could be, but Tsunade was on her guard none the less, and had told them to do the same. But as he watched Naruto tap his mother on the shoulder and happily take his son away from her, Itachi had a feeling there wouldn't have to worry about a thing. The blonde smiled down at the baby in his arms, holding a finger out for Hotaru to grab at. Even from where Itachi stood, he could see the longing in the younger man's eyes. Naruto looked up at them suddenly; eyes full of emotion before he gave them a beaming smile.

The jinchuriki made his way through the crowd to stand beside them. Neji smiled up at the Uzumaki, reaching out a hand to stroke it through Hotaru's hair. As they watched the baby's eyes fell closed and he drifted off to sleep, still clutching Naruto's finger in his tiny hand.

"He really seems to like you," Itachi observed as he watched his tiny son sleep. Neji nodded in agreement before a large yawn took his by surprise. Itachi chuckled, squeezing one of his lover's shoulders.

"Yeah," Naruto replied, voice only an octave or two above a whisper, "Here." Naruto held Hotaru out to his father, and Neji took the baby careful in his arms. Naruto said his congratulations, for the fourth time, and bid them good bye. Itachi watched the small blonde walk out of the room with Sasuke, chatting adamantly together, and wondered briefly where the Uzumaki's pony-tailed hip attachment was. Obsidian eyes scanned the room, but he didn't see the Nara anywhere. The Uchiha wondered if the pair was having problems. Every time he had been around the two of them at the same time, the tension in the air had increased ten-fold.

His eyes finally landed on Shikamaru as he scanned the room once again. The brunette was standing with Chouji and Ino in one corner. The small group was talking adamantly, and the Nara held one of his goddaughters in his arms. As Itachi watched, the small girl laughed happily, waving her hands up at the man holding her. The Nara smiled and gave her his hand to play with.

"They would make great parents," Neji said as he leaned against his husband, their child cuddled in his arms, fast asleep. Itachi nodded his head and continued to watch Shikamaru. They would make great parents, but the Uchiha knew that topic was a no go for the two at the moment, with Naruto being so small, and the jinchuriki of the Kyuubi as well. The Nara wasn't going to risk his little lover, especially if you went by how he reacted when Naruto started going on missions again.

"Ready to go?" the raven asked when Neji yawned again. The brunette nodded his head. They hadn't planned to stick around for the full allotted time of the reception. It had been a very long day, for all three of them. And Itachi was ready to give the Hyuuga his wedding gift.

Twenty minutes later, the pair were walking out of the large building in the Uchiha compound where the wedding and reception had been held. Once again, they just hadn't trusted the Hyuugas. Itachi honestly worried that his younger husband would never forgive his family for their grave mistake. He didn't want Neji to cut all ties with his clan. No matter how much the young Hyuuga might despise them, the man still need his clan. It was unavoidable.

Hotaru was cuddled up against Neji's chest, snuggled in a sling. Itachi smiled down at the child, brushing some of his black hair off of his forehead.

"He looks just like you," Neji commented as he cradled his son closer to him.

"Yeah, but he has your eyes." The Hyuuga rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smile. It was true, the child did have the Hyuuga clan's eyes, but the brunette wasn't sure whether or not he would have their blood line limit.

"Wait," Itachi said as Neji turned toward the Uchiha's apartment as soon as they left the boundaries of the Uchiha compound. Neji's eyebrows furrowed together, a frown forming on his face. Itachi only smiled at him, and tugged on one of the brunette's hands.

"Itachi?" Neji questioned as he followed the older man. Itachi said nothing. He began walking in the opposite direction as his apartment. There were many questions Neji wanted to ask the older man but he decided to just let Itachi have his way. They walked quietly side by side for a while, content to just enjoy the cool spring night air and being close to each other. Hotaru murmured in his sleep, small hands coming up to clutch at his father's shirt.

"He sure does sleep soundly," Neji observed as they walked. It was quite unusual for him to see an infant sleep so soundly, and most of the time Hotaru slept through the night. Most of the babies he had seen through the years cried instantly through all hours of the night. But he wouldn't trade his son for any other.

They stopped abruptly. Neji blinked through the darkness and his superior eyesight could make out the outline of a large house. The brunette looked from the house to his lover and back again.

"Itachi, where are we?" the Hyuuga asked as he turned to face the raven, "What is this?" Itachi smiled down at him. Moving to stand behind Neji, the Uchiha placed his hands on the younger man's shoulders and turned him to face the house.

"Welcome home," the raven whispered in Neji's ear. The brunette gasped softly and turned to face the older man, a big smile on his face as his eyes went wide with shock and amazement.

"What?" Neji asked softly. Itachi nodded his head. Neji's arms tightened around Hotaru, holding his son close.

"Consider it a wedding present, form me," Itachi told him, moving past the Hyuuga and heading for the front door. Neji followed in a daze. The Uchiha unlocked and pushed open the front door. With a flick of his hand, lighting up the entire entrance area. Neji gaped as he walked in. It looked as if the entire house was already furnished, but how?

"Sasuke, Lee, Naruto, Shikamaru and I moved everything in here over the past few days," Itachi answered the Hyuuga's unasked question.

"So that was the 'mission' you were being so damn secret about," Neji teased as he slipped off his shoes. Itachi chuckled and shook his head. The older man led his husband through the house, giving him a tour. The house was large, but each room was fully furnished. Neji had known the Uchiha had been saving up money for months, but the brunette had never expected to get a house as a wedding gift.

Nearly an hour and a half later, Neji and Itachi snuggled down in their new bed. Hotaru had woken up about half way through the small tour and it had taken a little while to get the small child to settle back down and fall asleep.

Neji sighed in contentment, snuggling back into the man stretched out behind him. Itachi wrapped an arm around him, tucking his hand under the Hyuuga's body and pulling him closer. It felt just like any other night, but Neji felt giddy over all that had happened today. He was now married. To Itachi. And they had a house, a big house with plenty of room for any future additions to their budding family.

Itachi buried his face in the back of the brunette's neck, breathing in his scent as his hands began to roam across the younger man's chest. Neji made a low protesting nose as hands wondered across his body. He most certainly didn't feel sexy or even close to good looking at the moment. But it didn't seem like he was getting a choice in the matter. Itachi's mouthed the back of the Hyuuga's neck, kissing his way down and then back up. Neji shivered under the touch, unable to control his reactions.

The Uchiha smirked against the smooth skin of Neji's neck as he slid his hands under the younger man's shirt. Neji squeaked loudly as his lover trailed fingers over his stomach to his nipples. Ever since the pregnancy, the Hyuuga's nipples had become much more sensitive. Tsunade had laughed loudly when Neji had questioned her about it. She had only told him at least he couldn't produce breast milk.

Neji squirmed under the raven's touch, moaning as his cock twitched and filled. They hadn't been able to have sex for months, and the Hyuuga was finding his was a lot hornier than he could remember ever being. His heart was racing in his chest and he was so hard it nearly hurt. Eye lids flutter closed over lavender eyes as Itachi teased a nipple with his fingertips before pinching it sharply. Neji arched back against the older man, a groan spilling form his lips.

Itachi nuzzled the brunette's ear, nibbling at the shell. Neji wiggled back against the raven, pressing his bottom against Itachi's erection. The Uchiha moaned into Neji's ear and the brunette shivered. He threw one hand over his head and twisted his fingers in the older man's hair.

"'Tachi," the Hyuuga whined arching further into Itachi's touch as the elder played with his nipples. The Uchiha moaned and pulled his husband tightly to his body, hands coasting down the expanse of the brunette's stomach.

"You are beautiful," Itachi declared when the Hyuuga winced as the Uchiha rested his hands against the small pudge Neji retained form his pregnancy. The Hyuuga gasped as the older man abruptly shoved his hands down his pants. Long fingered hands wrapped around the length of his cock and a thumb slid across the tip. Neji couldn't help but press hungrily back against the hardness he could feel against his backside.

"There's lube in the top drawer of the table," Itachi whispered in his ear. Neji chuckled with a roll of his eyes. Itachi was just as impatient as him tonight, it seemed. The Uchiha nipped at the soft skin of his neck as the brunette detached himself from his husband with a little whine. He tugged open the drawer and sure enough, there was a brand new bottle of lube. Neji pulled it out, not bothering to close the drawer back.

The Hyuuga turned back to face Itachi and moaned when he caught sight of the older man. Itachi had stripped completely of his clothing, and was reclining back against the head board, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. The raven held out and hand and Neji crawled towards him on all fours, pushing his bottom up into the air as he did so. Even though he didn't really like how he currently looked, Neji took great pride in the fact that Uchiha Itachi loved his ass. The brunette was rewarded with a soft growl at the action and he smirked.

Itachi's eyes darkened as Neji moved closer. The Hyuuga moaned loudly when he finally reached his lover and the older man pulled him into a heated kiss. The Uchiha traced Neji's gums with his tongue before sliding it along the Hyuuga's own. A hand curled in the brunette's long hair, holding him still co Itachi could plunder his mouth. The raven's other hand made itself busy by tugging on the younger man's boxer briefs. Neji pulled away, panting, so he could slid out of his under wear.

Once the cloth covering Neji's lower half was gone, the raven jerked him into his lap. Neji grunted when he nearly slammed into the other man's chest. Before he could protest, Itachi's hands were sliding down his back and groping at his bottom. The Hyuuga moaned, pressing back against the searching fingers.

"You have the lube," Itachi said teasingly, and Neji all but shoved the bottle behind him and into his husband's hands. The Uchiha chuckled but wasted no time opening and up ending the bottle of clear fluid over the cleft of Neji's back side. The Hyuuga whined at the coolness of the lube and buried his face in Itachi's shoulder.

There was a clattering sound as the Uchiha tossed the bottle clean off the bed. Neji silently prayed he had closed the damn thing before he had gotten rid of it. Lube could be a real bitch to get out of things. He didn't get a chance to think much more on the subject because Itachi was pushing a finger into his entrance.

"Itachi," Neji moaned disjointedly, and Itachi pressed a kiss to the Hyuuga's exposed shoulder where the oversized shirt had slipped off of one shoulder. The Uchiha pressed his finger into the second knuckle before pulling it out to the tip and pressing it in again. Neji groaned loudly. Just that small bit of attention had his cock twitching and leaking against his lover's bare chest. He could feel the older man's erection pressing against his own and that just made it all that much of a turn on.

Soon Neji was riding three of the Uchiha's fingers as the older man stretched him. Itachi was nearly at the end of his rope, having heard the Hyuuga practically beg for it since finger two. But he would be damned if he was going to hurt the smaller man, and that was exactly what would happen if he didn't stretch. They had been without sex for way too long for Itachi not to stretch his lover as best he could.

When another strangled version of his name fell form Neji's lips, the raven couldn't hold back any longer. With a groan of his own, Itachi pulled his fingers form his lover twitching entrance and shifted so the Hyuuga was hovering over his cock. The brunette gripped Itachi's shoulder for balance as he lowered himself onto his husband's erection.

"Oh," Neji gasped at the feeling of being stretched and filled after going so long without. If he didn't know better, he would say the raven had gotten bigger since the last time they had had sex. Itachi held the Hyuuga's hips firmly, helping the younger man balance as he started a slow rhythm. Neji gasped and moaned as he rode his lover, feeling every single inch of Itachi stretch him tight. He let his head lull back on his neck, giving in to the need to just feel.

Itachi watched his husband with hooded eyes. Never had the Hyuuga looked more beautiful than in that moment. Neji was tighter than he remembered, and the brunette's muscles clenched and tightened around the Uchiha's erection. The raven rubbed the dips in Neji's hips with his thumbs before he slid his hands up the Hyuuga's body to tweak his lover's nipples.

Neji gasped loudly, back arching in to the touch. Itachi grit his teeth as the younger man tightened even more. The Uchiha was content to just let Neji ride him at his own leisure. Neji panted and gasped as he sifted, trying to find just the right angle. A sharp sound fell from his mouth when he finally found it, Itachi's cock pressing against the brunette's prostate with each undulation.

Itachi's balls tightened at the noise, bringing him faster towards climax without warning. Abandoning one nipple, the Uchiha wrapped one hand around Neji's straining erection. The Hyuuga groaned and began riding his lover faster, searching for the explosion of pleasure that came with orgasm.

"You so damn tight," Itachi moaned and Neji's cock twitched in his hand. The Uchiha stroked his lover faster, determined to bring him before the Hyuuga could draw the raven's own orgasm from him. Neji let out a broken moan and his body tightened unbelievably around Itachi's cock as the Hyuuga climaxed. The Uchiha pumped his lover's erection with one hand and used the other to lift the flattering Hyuuga up and down his erection. As the brunette's muscles pulsed around him, Itachi grunted and thrust in hard one time before spilling himself inside the younger man.

Neji collapsed against the Uchiha with a whimper. Itachi pulled his husband closer, one hand stroking through his hair. The Hyuuga seemed to purr at the action and nuzzled into Itachi's chest.

"I sure am glad Hotaru sleeps like you do," Itachi murmured. Neji blinked at the comment and then burst out laughing. The Hyuuga pressed a kiss to the raven's lips with a smile.

"I love you," he giggled and Itachi rolled his eyes. He gathered up the brunette in his arms and made his way to the bath room, fully intent on making full use of the Hyuuga's newly sensitive body and the fact that his son slept like the dead.


Kiba yawned loudly and stretched as he walked through the front door of the house he shared with Gaara. He kicked off his sandals, leaving them in a messy pile beside Gaara's shoes and his own civilian ones. The Inuzuka glanced around the large living room, searching for his red headed boyfriend. But Gaara was nowhere to be seen. Kiba yawned again, scratching his stomach and the back of his head at the same time as he made his way towards the kitchen.

The brunette pulled up short at the door, brown eyes falling on the slumped form of his boyfriend at their kitchen table. The Inuzuka still couldn't believe he was in Sunagakure and living with Gaara, but it became clearer with each day that passed.

The Kazekage sat at the large table, a small stack of books beside him. He had his nose buried in the book in front of him and was reading intently. The Inuzuka would have said the man hadn't noticed him yet if he didn't know the red head better. Gaara never missed anything, even when concentrating on other stuff.

So, instead of trying to sneak up on his boyfriend like he would have with anyone else, the brunette padded into the room, not bothering to quite his heavy foot falls. Gaara didn't pause in his reading, but he did reach out a hand to stroke it down Kiba's arm at the man passed him on the way to the fridge. Gooseflesh broke out on the Inuzuka's skin form the small touch.

He tried to ignore it as he opened the fridge and pulled out a container of orange juice. But he could still feel the touch like the Kazekage's hands were still on his body. The more time he spent with the other man, the more sensitive his body seemed to be to Gaara's touch. He found himself waking each day with an erection so hard it actually hurt, and sometimes even soiled boxers from dreams the night before. Kiba was starting to feel like he was going through puberty all over again.

Glancing at the other nin as he poured himself a cup of juice, the Inuzuka tried not to think about how good Gaara looked in the thin tee he wore and loose linen pants. He pushed those thoughts away as he made his way around the table and plopped down in the chair across from the Kazekage. He took a sip of his juice, eyeing the title of the books stacked neatly beside his boyfriend and nearly spewed juice across the table.

"What the hell are you reading?" the brunette sputtered as he chocked down the orange juice stuck in his throat. Gaara glanced up from where he was reading to regard the Inuzuka with a confused and slightly board look.

"About anal sex," Gaara stated as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Kiba felt his face flush at the words and stared wide eyed at the other man as the Sabaku went back to reading. The Inuzuka tried to formulate words as his brain digested what had just been so bluntly stated to him.

"You're reading about…anal sex?" The brunette was stuck between outraged embarrassment and being completely turned on. Gaara gave him a dull stare before shutting the book and placing it on top of the stack.

"Is it all that surprising?" the Kazekage asked. Kiba could only nod, still a little shocked. He eyed the stack of books and felt his entire body flush when he realized each and every one of them was about sex between two men.

"Why are you reading up on that?" Kiba finally managed to get out in a close to normal tone of voice. Gaara gave him the did-you-really-just-ask-me-that? look and rolled his teal eyes.

"Kiba, you're smarter than that. Think about it. What reason would I, a homosexual man, who is dating another man, want to research intercourse between two males?" Sometimes the Inuzuka thought he would never get used to how blunt the youngest Sabaku could be. If he could have gotten red-er, the brunette would have. It made sense when he thought about it. They had been together for way more than a month now, and the sexual tension was almost pliable at times. He wanted Gaara and he knew the Sabaku felt the same way. But Kiba was just so…embarrassed by the whole situation. He wasn't quite sure what to do with himself.

This relationship was the first relationship like this he had ever had. That also meant this would be his first time doing anything sexual that didn't involve his own hand. The Inuzuka was afraid that he wouldn't be any good, and that he would let Gaara down somehow. It didn't matter that the other man was basically on the same page as him, if not more so. The fear was still there, and he was yet to find a way to deal with it.

"I get it," Kiba muttered into his cup, avoiding the Kazekage's teal colored gaze. Brown eyes stared steadily at the wooden table top. Out of the corner of his eye, the Inuzuka saw his boyfriend stand and gather up his book. The Suna nin left the room, and Kiba found himself glued to the chair, lost in a torrent of thoughts and a few fantasies. The Inuzuka was so immersed in his thoughts, that he didn't notice when Gaara came back into the room.

A startled sound left the brunette's mouth when strong arms suddenly wrapped around his neck from behind. Gaara's breath ghosted over his ear, and the Inuzuka shivered at the feeling.

"What are you thinking about?" the Kazekage whispered before he pressed a soft kiss to the other man's neck. Kiba let out a shuddering sigh, torn between scrunching up to keep the Sabaku from getting to his skin, and letting his head fall to the side to give him more access. A hand slid up the length of his torso and a thumb brushed lightly across one nipple through the tee shirt the Konoha nin wore. Kiba sucked in a breath, and another kiss was pressed against the sensitive skin of his neck. The Inuzuka twitched involuntarily, and went through the same internal argument from only seconds ago. Before he could make up his mind, the soft touch was gone just as suddenly as it had happened. Kiba blinked, a bit startled at the red head's sudden retreat.

He watched as Gaara walked around the table and began pulling stuff out of the fridge for dinner. Kiba was once again glued to his chair, unsure of how he should react. He had no idea what the Kazekage was thinking, but Gaara threw him a smirk over his shoulder as he began cooking, The look that accompanied the smirk made the brunette blush all the way down to his toes.

That look said Gaara was thinking of things that Kiba was yet to let the red head do to him. He was still a bit freaked out that his boyfriend had actually got books about anal sex. The Inuzuka slid down in his chair, stretching out his legs under the table and flexing his bare toes. He watched Gaara work and tried not to let his mind wonder. But it was impossible as he watched Gaara walk around the kitchen. By the time they actually got to eat dinner, the Inuzuka was getting fidget-y and horny. His brain was on overload and he just couldn't stop think about what it would feel like to have Gaara's hands on his body, touching him and the Inuzuka returning that touch.

After dinner, the brunette helped clean up the kitchen. Gaara took full advantage of their proximity to each other and touched Kiba every chance he got. There were a lot of chances. A brush of finger tips down Kiba's bare arm, a quick press of lips against his neck, a hand cupping the roundness of his bottom. By the time they were done cleaning the kitchen, Kiba was ready to kill his boyfriend. Gaara only smiled at him and placed quick kiss on the brunette's lips before moving into the living room.

They sat in mildly uncomfortable silence for nearly thirty minutes, Gaara reading his book again while Kiba tried to watch television and ignore the awkward tightness in his pants. He glanced between the screen and his boyfriend, trying to figure out what the other man was thinking. But, per usual, Gaara expression gave nothing away. After another ten minutes of silence on the Kazekage's part, Kiba finally sighed and flicked off the television with the remote.

Gaara looked up from his book at the sudden complete silence in the room. Teal eyes watched as the Inuzuka fidgeted on the couch, shifting uncomfortably. The Sabaku smirked knowingly, but said nothing. Honestly, he had grown tired of waiting for to the brunette to grow accustom with the idea of them moving the relationship to the next stage. Gaara was a little annoyed that they had been living together for months now but had only made it as far as light groping. The Inuzuka was a lot shyer than Gaara had ever imagined, especially with how the smaller man acted normally. He would have never pegged the brunette as being this innocent. But the information was glaringly apparent now, and the red head was sick of small teasing touches. As nice as they were, he wanted more.

That was the reason he had gone to a book store and startled the owner thoroughly when he had asked for book on sex between two men. The man had grown very red around the edges but had nodded and showed Gaara what he was looking for. The Kazekage had thanked him and then proceeded to the nearest convenience store. The young woman behind the counter had chuckled when he had placed his purchases on the counter, but had said nothing as she rang up the box of condoms and lube. Most of the civilian population had grown very used to the Kazekage over the years, and many of them admired him, were friendly with him, trusted him. He even chatted with a few of them on a regular bases.

"Ready to go to bed?" the Sabaku questioned when Kiba contunied to sit and stare at his hands. The brunette looked up sharply, and then nodded once. Gaara closed his book and stood from the couch. The Inuzuka stood as well and then headed up the stairs in fornt of the Kazekage. Gaara smirked as he watched the smaller man climb the stairs. Kiba's bottom flexed with each step and the larger man couldn't resist reaching out and fondling the Konoha nin.

Kiba squeaked and turned to glare at the Sabaku before he raced up the stairs. Gaara heard the door to the bathroom slam shut. The red head smirked, making his way to the guest bathroom. If Kiba thought he was going to actually manage to sleep in the Kazekage's bed that night and not have hands explore his body, he was sorely mistaken.

Gaara had never been one to take long showers. He didn't like wasting water, and he was never all that dirty. He spent most of his time in an office. He didn't sweat all that much, having long been used to the desert heat. So he was in his bed by the time the brunette emerged from hiding.

Kiba blinked at him owlishly, not quite sure if he was actually seeing the Kazekage in bed before him. He had grown accustom to being in bed first. That was how it had gone since the first time he had slept over at the Sabaku's house.

Gaara watched the other man intently as the Inuzuka dressed. Legs that were a tad too long for his body moved swiftly as the other man tried to keep Gaara from seeing anything. It didn't really work, considering Kiba wasn't the most graceful of people. The brunette's foot got caught in his boxer-breifs as he was tugging them on and he went tumbling to the floor on his bare bottom. Gaara sat up, partly to make sure the other man was okay and partly to get a better view.

Kiba blushed furiously, tugging his foot from it restraint and pulling up his underwear a little too forcefully. He winced, and then tugged the cotton material down a bit so his ball weren't being strangled. The Inuzuka tugged on one of Gaara's wife-beaters, and then crawled into bed. He laid down on his side, facing the other man.

Gaara gave him a reassuring smile and closed his eyes. He could hear the other man's slightly uneven breathing and could feel how tense Kiba was. He smiled to himself, enjoying teasing his boyfriend more than he probably should. Gaara waited, sure he would hear protesting any moment now. Kiba didn't let him down.

The brunette shifted, trying to lay his legs so they weren't touching Gaara's, but also trying to give his erection room at the same time. Never in his life had he felt so frustrated. And too think he was frustrated with Gaara, of all people. The read head just laid there, bare chested and in a pair of boxers. At least Kiba thought the other man was wearing boxers. He wasn't too sure. He hadn't looked too hard at the sheet, too embarrassed to really stare at the Sabaku. Eventually, Kiba got fed up with the whole silent thing.

"So, are you going to fuck me or not?" the Inuzuka blurted out, a blush dusting his cheeks and spreading down his body when he was suddenly staring into intense teal eyes. Gaara contemplated him for a moment before shifting so he was propped up on an elbow.

"Do you want me to?" the Sabaku questioned, completely serious. No matter how much he wanted the other man; he wasn't going to force Kiba into anything. They both knew that. No matter how much Gaara teased him, it was always going to be Kiba's choice.

The red color of the Inuzuka's skin darkened a few shades at the question. Kiba looked down at his hands, which were fisted in the sheet between them. He wasn't sure what the answer to that question was. Did he want the other man like that? Obviously. Did he want what he was really asking for, more than just a few tentative touches? He thought so. Was he really ready for this? That he didn't know. But he thought he might be.

"I don't know…maybe…" Gaara gave him a look and Kiba took a deep breath, "Yes." He finally answered firmly. Gaara stared at him for a moment longer and then Kiba was gasping as he was pushed into the mattress beneath him. He choked on a protest as the Sabaku ate at his mouth, tongue invading the Inuzuka's mouth and dancing around inside. The brunette gripped at the other man's shoulders in surprise, eyes wide, and then his hands relaxed as he moaned into the kiss, eyes fluttering shut.

The Inuzuka quickly found that the other man, in fact, wasn't wearing any underwear. Gaara shifted against him, pressing with his hips until the brunette parted his thighs and the Sabaku slid in between them with a small appreciative groan. Kiba could feel the heat of the red head's cock as Gaara began to slow press against the other man with small thrust. Kiba whimpered, pulling up his legs so his feet pressed firmly against the mattress, making it easier to lift his hips.

Gaara bit at the brunette's bottom lip, tugging at it a bit harshly. Kiba gasped at the sudden small pain, and pulled back from the press of the Kazekage's lip. The brunette panted for breath as he laid back against the sheets. He hadn't been expecting Gaara to kiss him so suddenly, or for the other man to being feeling him up right away. But that was exactly what the Kazekage was doing, tan hands tracing the planes of the Inuzuka's abdomen.

Kiba blinked up at the Suna nin as Gaara's fingers dipped playfully into his belly button. The Inuzuka shivered at the light touch, and then gasped sharply when teasing fingers found their way to his nipples. The red head smirked at his reaction and pinch one nipple lightly between his thumb and forefinger.

A small noise escaped Kiba's throat as he tried to stifle the embarrassing noise threatening to spill out of his mouth. He bit down on his bottom lip, wincing at the pain.

"You don't have to keep quiet," Gaara leaned down to husk in the Inuzuka's ear, "I want to hear the noises you make." The end of the sentence was punctuated with a rolling thrust that had Kiba's hips lifting off the bed in response. The brunette whimpered and gripped at Gaara's shoulders as the Kazekage began rubbing against him.

This time Kiba didn't try to hold back the noises that welled up inside of him. They spilled out his mouth in the form of small grunts and little moans. This only seemed to spur his soon to be lover on, and Gaara leaned down to nip approvingly at the skin of Kiba's neck. The brunette wiggled under the sensation and let his head fall to the side so Gaara could nibble his way up to his ear.

"That's it," the Kazekage whispered in Kiba's ear. The brunette moaned loudly, growing more confident by each second. That was, until Gaara's fingers hooked in the waistband of his boxers. The Inuzuka jerked at the unexpected contact on his hips and yelped when his underwear was suddenly and forcefully removed from his person.

The brunette blushed hotly as teal eyes traced the line of his body. His hands twitched to cover his lower half, but Kiba managed to resist cupping himself. If the look in Gaara's eyes was anything to go by, the Kazekage liked what he saw.

One long tanned finger traced Kiba's erection from tip to root and back again. The brunette twitched at the small touch, unsure of how he was feeling at this moment. His mind was full of embarrassment but lust was slowly worming its way back in, shoving embarrassment aside.

A moan of pleasure echoed in the room when Gaara wrapped his hand around the other man's cock. Kiba fisted his hands in the sheet under him as the Sabaku stroked him slowly. The brunette lifted his head, looking down the line of his own body to watch Gaara jerk him off.

He was granted not only with the sight of his boyfriend stroking him, but also the sight of a very naked Gaara. The Kazekage was practically hairless, except for the thin dusting of fine red hairs right about his crotch and the small thatch of curls above his cock. His cock hung between his thighs, hard, thick and dripping pre-cum onto the sheets. Kiba let his head fall back against the pillows, moaning loudly at the sight.

Then the hand on his cock was gone and so was Gaara's body heat. The Inuzuka blinked blurrily up at the ceiling, unsure of what was going on. Then the bed dipped as the other man scooted back across the mattress. In his hands were a box of condoms and a bottle of lube. Kiba couldn't help but blush at the sight, knowing full well what was coming next.

In truth, the Inuzuka had also research this part of their relationship. Though, he hadn't done it as bluntly as Gaara had. He had tried his best to be discreet about it, but he had still gotten looks from the librarian when he had asked for the specific books. So he was prepared when the Kazekage flipped the top on the bottle and poured a decent amount onto one hand.

Kiba squeezed his eyes shut, ready for pain to shot down his spin when he felt a lone finger probing at his entrance. But the pain never came. Instead, when Gaara pushed his finger into the first knuckle, it was only a slight shock of cold from the temperature of the lube and the strangeness of having something inside of him.

Gaara gave him a moment to get used to the feeling before he was pressing his finger in as far as he could. Kiba squeaked at the suddenness of it, but Gaara was too far gone to worry. He could sense no pain coming from the other man, so he continued with preparing Kiba.

Kiba twisted the sheet in his hand, turning his head to bite down on his cotton covered fist. Gaara thrust his finger in and out of the smaller man until Kiba was gasping through his makeshift gag. When he was sure the Inuzuka was only feeling pleasure, he slid in a second finger. Kiba trembled slightly, tensing and then relaxing when it didn't hurt.

Gaara poured more lube over the finger thrusting against the brunette. Working his fingers inside Kiba, the Sabaku spread the lube and pressed against the other man's prostate. Pleasure zinged up the Inuzuka's spine, making his hips jerk, cock bobbing as he did so. Gaara watched as the Konoha nin started to squirm as he teased over Kiba's prostate again and again.

"Gaara," Kiba whined, reaching a hand down to fist his cock and beginning to jerk himself off in time with Gaara's fingers inside of him. That was the only prompt the red head needed. The Sabaku hurriedly ripped open a condom. His hands were actually shaking as he rolled the latex over his erection. The same hands then coaxed Kiba onto his hands and knees. The Inuzuka did so with a small moan.

There was a small pause as Gaara stared down at the man kneeling in front of him. Even though he had known full well what he was doing and planned to do that night. It only really hit him now. He was actually about to have sex with Kiba. Kiba. As in, the man he was in love with, the man he wanted to spend his life with. That last bit of information hit him a bit hard. The Kazekage wasn't expecting to have thought of that, but he was never one to deny what he felt, especially to himself.

Kiba shifted slightly, bottom swaying enticingly in the air. Gaara smoothed a hand over one cheek, cupping it gently and pressing a thumb in between the Inuzuka's cheeks. He gently pulled them apart, reveling the other man's slickened and twitching entrance. Using the other hand to help guide himself, the Kazekage pressed the head of his cock against Kiba's body.

The Inuzuka whimpered at the feeling of Gaara's cock head slowly pressing into him. He could feel his body stretching to accommodate the other man's girth, and he gritted his teeth as pain radiated out form that one spot. When he was about an inch in, Gaara paused, rubbing Kiba's sides with one hand.

"Take a deep breath," the Sabaku suggested and warned all at once. Kiba opened his mouth to ask why, but a small scream came out instead. Gaara had thrust the rest of the way in with one quick push of his hips. He gripped the brunette's hips while they both tried to adjust to the feelings running rampant through their bodies. Kiba whimpered into the mattress where he had collapsed, hand twisting in the sheets once again. A few tears leaked out from the corner of his eyes, and he tried to breathe through the pain that was coursing through his system.

"You okay?" Gaara's voice sounded far away, and Kiba did his best to collect himself. After the first initial shock, it really wasn't as painful as he had thought it would be. His body pulsed around the cock buried inside of him. He squeezed his muscles experimentally, and received an instant reaction.

A husky growl rolled out of Gaara's mouth and the hands of Kiba's hips tightened threating-ly. The Sabaku's hips pulled out slightly and thrust back in, unable to keep still when the Inuzuka's pillow-y muscles were clinching around him.

"Don't do that unless you want me to fuck you into the mattress." All elegance was gone from the Kazekage speech. He was too caught up in the feeling of the man around him and trying to control the urge just to pound into Kiba.

"Then do something!" Kiba protested. Gaara moaned at the statement, and pulled out about an inch before thrusting back in. The Inuzuka whimpered at the feeling, body rocking slightly with the shallow thrust. The other man repeated the process, pulling out more each time until he was pulling almost all the way out before nearly slamming back in to the root.

Kiba whined at the feeling, managing to push up on his hands and start pushing back against the other man's thrusts. Gaara leaned over his body, changing the angle slightly and finding the brunette's sweet spot before thrust against it each time. Kiba gasped and whined, rocking with his lover until pleasure was tingling throughout his entire body.

Gaara wrapped a hand around the brunette's leaking cock and began to stroke him in time with his thrusts. Kiba gasped his lover's name, arching his back as his pleasure increased. Gaara groaned when the smaller man became increasingly tighter.

"Gonna come," Kiba gasped, actually throwing his head back with a small whine when Gaara honed directly in on his prostate and began pounding against it. He came with a small cry, spilling himself on the sheet and the red head's hand. Gaara grit his teeth, managing three more thrusts into Kiba's tight heat before his body jerked and he came.

The two feel against the mattress, breathing heavily. Gaara stroked his hands up and down the brunette's side, smearing Kiba's seed on the smaller man's side. Kiba could care less. His mind was hazy with pleasure and he could only lay there and take deep gulping breaths of air. Gaara eventually rolled off of him, and the Inuzuka grunted when their bodies were separated. He could tell he was going to be sore in the morning.

Gaara coaxed his sleep lover up and out of bed, tossing the used condom in the bathroom waste basket when they got there. The shower they took was shorter than Gaara would have liked, but Kiba started dozing off under the warm spray. The Sabaku smiled at his lover as the brunette leaned heavily against him, water cascading down his back.

The Kazekage shook his head, and wrapped his arms around the smaller man. Kiba stirred and then opened his eyes to blink sleepily up at the other man.

"Come on, let's get you in bed," Gaara said, amusement clear in his voice. Kiba was too tired to say much of anything and only nodded. Gaara managed to strip the bed of the soiled sheet before the brunette flopped down upon it. The Sabaku shook his head at the sight of the small man spread out on the bed, uncaring that he was completely naked and slightly damp from their shower. Gaara did the only thing he could. He crawled in bed beside Kiba and pulled the brunette into his arms. He didn't bother with the sheet, content to just hold his lover for the rest of the night.

"Boy you got my heartbeat runnin' away
Beating like a drum and it's coming your way
Can't you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass
Yeah that's that super bass."

- "Super Bass" Nicki Minaj

Author's Note: I hope the lemons made up for how long it took me to get this chapter out. And I hope they are better than last chapters. Well, I guess this is it for now. This part of the story is finished. Don't worry, I will be back with part two soon enough. By the way, there is a poll on my profile to vote on which pairing you would like to see in the next one-to three shot I will be working on. So, please go vote. You know I love hearing from ya'll so leave me a review on the way out and please return when I get the next part going. Thank you all for reading my story and I hope you enjoyed it!