Hehe sorry for the wait guys I had things going on and such ^^# heh, but anywayyyyyyy here is chapter four! Oh and I might change the rating to M for language and it'll become pretty gorey later on. So just it may change, just to let you all now.

Also any bold letters are attacks and I'll give the translation at the end!


The journey the three were making picked up as soon as the sun was just barely peeking over the horizon, though they had to wait for a few moments while Sora started to through up. Naruto, or Tenten knew of the reason for her sickness and they didn't ask knowing Sora was to stubborn to say anything about it, even if it just did happen in front of them.

"Sora-nee-chan how much farther! I'm starving!" Naruto complained as he stomach growled for the umpteenth time this morning.

"Uh…well there is a small village up ahead, were supposed to meet someone there anyway. So just hold the fuck on!" Sora shouted back to him then landed on the ground and turned towards the other two as they landed behind her. "Okay listen up you two, the village is a few hours away, so were going to be kicking up the speed! I want to get there before the afternoon so we can rest up before going to the boat."

Naruto blinked a bit. "Boat?" he asked slightly confused. He himself has never been to were Sora or Tenten were from but he didn't think they had to take a boat to get there.

"Yeah a boat, were isolated from the rest of the world, for…well…..many reasons." Tenten answered sighing slightly then leaned against a tree holding the side of her stomach.

Sora glanced at her curiously then narrowed her eyes. "Something wrong?"

Tenten shot her a small glance then stood up straighter shaking her head. "No. Just rubbing my side." She answered, though she was clearly lying, Sora could see the pain in her eyes and her movements were a bit strained.

"And I'm stubborn." Sora muttered turning away to glance around then looked back at the two. "Okay, were far out of the safety of the Fire Nation boarders, so we will have to keep out guards up since we never know what's lurking around." She said then started walking off leaving the other two to fallow.

Naruto rubbed the back of his head a bit confused. "Er…..Sora-nee-chan didn't you say you wanted to pick up the speed?" he asked her. If she wanted that, then why were they walking?

"Oh…well I thought maybe walking would rest us up a bit!" Sora exclaimed turning to look behind her and smile a bit. As another growl escaped Naruto's stomach she chuckled. "And pushing you right now would probably make you pass out from the lack of garbage in your stomach." She told him smirking slightly then turned back around placing her hands behind her head and tilting it up a bit to look up at the sky.

"RAMEN IS NOT GARBAGE!" Naruto argued charging past Tenten to go up next to Sora to start his argue on how Ramen was a life savior.

Tenten smiled a bit as she watched the two bicker then winced as Naruto got smacked over the head. Sighing slightly she fallowed after them deciding not to get into this fight. Crossing her arms over her chest she shifted her gaze down to the ground as she thought. Why did Sora come back? It wasn't that she minded, but it was so sudden, and right when it was that season. If she knows that, then why do I have to go back? It can wait can't it? She wondered then sighed again. No, it probably couldn't wait. Ugh. She hated this. She hated this so damn much. Not only would she have to go back, but going back would make her a 'mating' material.

A groan escaped her lips as she rubbed her head. Great. Just great. Going back in the mating season for demons. She thought bitterly then glanced at Naruto. Him having the Kyuubi would make him…She blushed. Oh this defiantly was not good.

Don't think about it Tenten just don't think about it. She told herself though she knew that'd be hard. Sighing a bit she glanced up at the two in front of her and noticed they stopped walking. "Something wro-"

"Shh." Sora said then motioned them to head up into the trees.

Once the three were in the tree out of view they looked down to see a group of six cloaked figures surrounding a girl who was on the ground, and from the look of it, bleeding. Tenten's eye widened a bit as she recognized the masks they wore. It was the same ones the group of guys that attacked her, Neji, Lee and Gai just yesterday. Watching them her eyes narrowed as she noticed one of the men stood over the woman and lifted her up by her hair.

"Now what have we learned today?" he questioned, his voice slightly muffled by the mask he was wearing.

The woman stayed quite though from the looks of it she was barely conscious.

"Tch. So disrespectful." The man said before raising his hand which had a kunai in it.

Seeing this Naruto stood up about to jump down but Sora dragged him back placing a hand over his mouth. "Don't, you dare." She hissed at him quietly watching as the man struck the woman with the kunai and she fell to the ground unmoving.

Two out of the three hiding in the trees just stared wide eyed then Tenten turned to glare at Sora. "What the hell is your problem? We could have helped her." She whispered at her angrily. Damn it, if only she acted right after Naruto.

"No we couldn't have. Those people are…are….insane." she said looking down at the group then back at Tenten. "They'd kill all three of us in seconds, that is, if they were feeling nice." She said then took the pack that was on her back and started to look around through it until she pulled out the mask that Tenten saw her in the other day and a cloak. "Let me just check what's going on and then I'll be back. Don't move from this spot or make a sound." She said slipping on the mask and cloak then vanishing into the group below silently.

Naruto glared down below at the cloaked figures and made his hands into fists. "Kuso." He said quietly, and angrily. He should of shrugged Sora off and done what he thought was best. He was a hero god damn it! He defeated Pain by himself, tamed the Kyuubi and defeated Madara. These Bastards should be nothing for me. He thought bitterly glaring at the group of people below.

"Oh, is that what you really think boy?" Someone asked and both of the two ninja's looked were Sora was crouched down to see another masked figure but he had blood all over his cloak and his voice was hallow and stone cold. "Want to test that?" and the next thing the two knew, about a dozen more appeared around them.


The eight ninja's had been traveling through most of the night stopping for a few hours for some much needed rest, though they started up again right before day break. All of them knew it was dangerous to push their bodies with a risk of a fight lurking over their heads, was rather stupid. They all knew that, but they had strict orders to catch up to them before they entered the Land of Demons, or it'd be a mission failed.

"Kiba, you or Akamaru smell anything?" Shikamaru asked the dog-lover for the second time since they started traveling after they rested.

Kiba looked down at his companion that he was sitting on. The large white dog sniffed at the air then barked a few times. "He says he can smell the faint scent of Ramen probably meaning they ate around here and there scents are getting stronger as we continue on. But…." He trailed off also scenting at the air and growled slightly. "There's also the scent of blood."

"Blood?" Ino asked a bit worried. Ever since Tsuande told them about this she was worried that Sora was here to get rid of them as revenge or something for Orochimaru. If she could kill her teammates no problem, what about her own family?

Kiba just nodded his head. "Do you know whose?" Sai asked glancing at him for a second before blinking. "Shikamaru-kun do you-"

"Yeah." He slowed down his pace to a stop leaving the others to fallow. What is this? He asked himself after feeling a strange presence lingering in the air. He shot a look at Neji who merely gave a short nod before activating his Byakugan.

"There's a group up ahead and there fighting." He said his eyes narrowing slightly as he focused. "Our target is in the mists of battle with a couple of cloaked figures and." he paused cursing silently under his breath. "Move. Know." He ordered sternly and the ten of them jumped off to the sides as a body was thrown right past them fallowed by a few explosions.

"You can't escape me know, Princess." Someone said as they shot into the dust caused by the explosions and appeared above the body before slamming it's foot into the stomach causing that person to crash into the ground.

"Ack!" Bits of blood came out of her mouth as soon as she hit the ground and started to gasp for air.

"I thought you'd put up more of a fight, though I see I overestimated you. Well then again I overestimated most of your pathetic fam-"


Tenten staggered to her feet and moved back a bit holding her side. Damn it. I don't think I fully hit him. She thought. If it weren't for her already being sick and weakened then she would of killed this sorry bastard already.

"Not bad, though, not good enough." He said and shot out of the dust. His cloak was on burnt though it seemed he was perfectly fine. The cloak fell off of him and so did his mask, which also got burnt during the explosion, revealing his face. Though, maybe it should be her face since the person behind the mask was a female.

Tenten glanced at her and her eyes widened in shock as she recognized the face. Her mouth opened going to say her name, but nothing came out. Seeing her made her freeze in shock as she raised her kantana and brought it down, only to have it crash into a diamond wall.

She cursed and brought the kantana back and stared emotionlessly at Tenten. Sora jumped down near Tenten and pushed her shoulder trying to get her attention, but she wouldn't take her eyes off the other girl.

"God dammit Tenten, don't freeze up like that! For crying out loud you should know that by k-" Sora paused in her ranting to see who her sister was staring at and stiffened.

Seeing her chance the woman made hand sings. "Doton: Dosekiryu!" she shouted causing the ground to shoot up into the air and from a dragon made from the earth and shot over the wall and right at the two.

"Odama Rasengan!" Naruto shouted shooting out at the thing and smashing the giant blue sphere of chakra into the dragons face. At first it looked as if Naruto was going to be pushed back but the stone started to crumble and then it shattered into rubble.

"Oi! You two sleeping or what?" Naruto asked with a grin as he turned to look at the two but it quicly vanished as he saw their faces.

Sora was the first to snap out of her state then glanced up seeing blood fall from the trees and land in front of them. "Okay! Time to go! There distracted!" she shouted then glanced towards the woman before making hand sings. "Bushin no Jutsu!" she said creating a clone of herself then soon that one was making hand sings. "Raiju Hashiri no Jutsu!" she shouted sending a lightning beast at the woman. The diamond wall broke down just before the beast shot past and right at the girl who jumped back but it fallowed. "Alright. We can go now." She said and shot off into the trees having Tenten and Naruto fallow.

Tenten shot a quick glance back and saw a green blur fly out of the trees fallowed by one of the cloaked figures then it spun and slammed its leg into the cloaked figures head. Lee. She thought then glanced back ahead. "Sora."

"Yeah I know a team has been sent after us. We're going to have to go to the small village quickly and get who meeting and head off to the boat." She said then shot a swift glance back then looked on ahead. "If we go quickly we should make it in about ten to fifteen minutes." She said putting more chakra into her feet and going faster. Naruto and Tenten copied seeing as how they didn't want to be left behind.

Just as Tenten's right foot landed on one of the branches she winced and faltered causing herself to stop so she didn't fall. "Tenten! What's wrong?" Sora asked as she turned around and glanced at her sister then behind her quickly.

Tenten put her hand on her side. "My side. I-I can't." she said breathing a bit heavily.

Sora scowled a bit. "Naruto!" she shouted looking over at him before turning back around.

"Hai!" He said jumping back over to Tenten and picked her up causing her to hiss a bit in pain. "Heh, gomen." He said with a sheepish grin before catching up to Sora. "Sora-nee-chan, can we really just leave those guys behind?" he asked her hating to leave the others behind with those people.

"We have to or we won't make it in time." Sora said then narrowed her eyes as she saw a something ahead. "Almost there!" she shouted glad the village was ahead. If they could just get to the shore.

"Oi! Hold up!" someone shouted and Sora glanced back seeing a brown haired fang faced boy riding a large white dog coming after them fallowed by Lee. "

"Damn it." Sora said then spun around once her foot hit the branch and made hand sings. "Daiyamondo: Rokkaku Shuriken: Ranbu!" she said throwing a large amount of diamond shuriken at the two of them. "Move it Naruto! Now!" she said as he hesitated a bit before shooting off. Sora watched as the fang faced boy growled then jumped of the dog.

"Gatsuga!" he said then both him and the dog twisted around quickly and then spun towards the diamond shuriken and caused them to change course as they hit. As he got closer Sora gritted her teeth and jumped back but since she had her attention focused on the boy and his dog she didn't notice Lee coming up behind her.

"Konoha Shofu!" Lee yelled out giving Sora just enough time to bring her arm up causing that to get hit instead. When she got hit, she didn't expect the metal she felt as she got sent back and slammed her back into a tree and her arm went a numb. "I am sorry Sora-san but I can't let you go."

Sora glanced at Lee then over at the dog boy who stopped spinning and was now standing by Lee. "What about your friends? Those cloaked guys are tougher then you think." She said with a smirk though it vanished when she noticed the two looked at her confused. "Er, what?" she asked.

"You mean those whips?" The dog boy snorted then rolled his eyes. "You sure you're an S-ranked criminal? I mean those guys fought us for a minute or so then they ran off. They didn't even put up a fight. For you to say that." He gave her a cocky grin. "Well, you'll be easier to fight then I thought. I bet I could even take you on single handedly!" he challenged causing the dog that was next to him to bark.

"Kiba-kun Tsuande-sama said not to underestimate her." Lee said and was going to give him a 'stern talking to' when a girl and another boy joined them. "Akiko-chan, Sai-kun, did the others catch up to Naruto-kun and Tenten?" he asked the two of them curiously.

The black haired boy, who Sora could only guess was Sai, nodded his head. "Hai. They should be confronting them now." He answered but he never took his eyes off Sora as he did so.

Akiko on the other hand was glaring daggers at Sora who just stared back. "Akiko….you mean Arata-kun's little sister Akiko?" she asked noticing how much the two looked away.

"Don't say his name! After what you did to him you have no right!" Akiko snapped at her ready to jump at her but Lee put a hand on her arm. She glanced at him then sighed before crossing her arms over her chest and calming down slightly. "So what are you going to do? Come with us quietly or are you going to fight? Your lovely sister and Naruto are probably face to face with Neji-kun, Shikamaru, Ino, Sakura and Hinata-chan." She said to her still giving her a cold glare.

Sora sighed rubbing the back of her head. "You guys really underestimate people don't you?" she asked standing up straight. "I was really hoping I would haven't to fight you guys, but now that I don't see a way out of it," she paused pulling a kantana out of a scroll and her eyes want blank. "I won't go easy." She finished then charged.


Alright, I finished! And again I am sorry for the late update. I had to do so many projects for school, or well proficiencies for school, and if I didn't do them I'd most likely fail, then my laptop got hacked so I hate to wait until someone fixed it for me. But since it's summer and schools almost out I'll upload much quicker, I promise!

Doton: Dosekiryu: Earth Release: Earth and Stone Dragon

Odama Rasengan: Giant Ball Rasengan

Bushin no Jutsu: Clone Jutsu

Raiju Hashiri no Jutsu: Lightning Beast Running Jutsu

Daiyamondo: Rokkaku Shuriken: Ranbu: Diamond Hexagonal Shuriken Wild Dance

Gatsuga: Fang Over Fang

Konoha Shofu: Leaf Rising Wind