Hi, So this is like my first time writing a story so I hope you think it's good.

Oh, and I don't own gallagher girls Ally Carter does.

chameleon - Cammie

bexy105 - Bex

hacker101 - Liz

voguegirl4eva - Macey

blackthornespy - Zach

betterlooking - Grant

firewallbegone - Jonas

chameleon, bexy105, hacker101, and voguegirl4eva are on line

bexy105~ Hey cam, macey, liz

chameleon~ Hey bex wassup?

voguegirl4eva~ Hey liz can you do me a favor and and hack into zach's computer?

hacker101~ Sure and why?

voguegirl4eva~ Cause i want to see if he still likes cam. Duh.

bexy105~ Yah liz this should be fun.

chameleon~ Guy's really? Leave Zach's computer alone. Liz if you want to hack something hack Jonas or the CIA.

voguegirl4eva~ Awwwwww cam, we are just having a little fun. Come on, pleas?

bexy105~ Yah cam, pleas?

chameleon~ NO!

voguegirl4eva~ Come on cammie we know you want to know what he thinks.

chameleon~ I said NO!

bexy105~ Fine, fine, fine. We wont.

chameleon~ Thank you

hacker101~ Ok if i'm not hacking Zach I'll hack Jonas. BRB

voguegirl4eva~ k Lizzy

firewallbegone is on line

firewallbegone~ Liz stop hacking my computer.

hacker101~ Fine Jonas but just so you know it was you or Zach and I wanted a bigger challenge. ( Even though its not that big a difference)

firewallbegone~ Hey! My computer is so much harder to hack then Zach's!

voguegirl4eva~ A, no it isn't cause even i've done it before.

firewallbegone~ ...Oh...well I'm of to put up more fire walls. Oh, and to tell Zach that you guys tried to hack his computer...

chameleon~ Jonas NO!

bexy105~ Yah, or I'll kill you.

fireewallbegone~ Fine, mabey I will, mabey I wont.

chameleon~ Jonas wait...

firewallbegone is of line


blackthornespy is online

blackthornespy~ Whats this about hacking my computer?

voguegirl4eva~ Bex i guess your gonna kill Jonas now.

bexy105~ yep

chameleon~ Well, Liz was bored so Macey told her to hack your computer. So I told her not to and said to hack someone else's computer. So she hacked Jonas. :)

voguegirl4eva~ but...

chameleon~ Macey

voguegirl4eva~ Oh... Yah thats right ;)

blackthornespy~ I don't believe you.

chameleon~ Thanks a lot Macey.

bexy105~ We will never tell you.

blackthornespy~ Then I will just come and get the answers.

chameleon~ NO, NO, NO!

voguegirl4eva~ Awww come on cam we know you want to see him.

blackthornespy~ Yah. Come on Gallagher girl I'll leave right now.

chameleon~ NO! You know what I'm going to bed.

chameleon is off line

hacker101~ Well I guess I'll go to bed to.

bexy105~ Yah same. Good night.

blackthornespy~ Good night Liz, *smirk* Rebeca.

hacker101 and bexy105 are off line

voguegirl4eva~ I think you should still come but bring Grant and Jonas with you.

blackthornespy~ When?

voguegirl4eva~ Saturday

blackethornespy~ Ok. We'll leave tomorrow.

voguegirl4eva~ Good night Goode.

blackthornespy~ Good night Macey.

voguegirl4eva and blackthornespy are off line

Hope you liked it. Pleas review.