The Wrong Time

Chapter 1-Guessing Games

Full Summery-

The Doctor, Amy and Rory travel back in time to the Dark ages to meet the King Arthur. But the Doctor thinks that time has been changed when something wasn't right with the legend, Amy and Rory both think that the Myth could be wrong and the fall out. They go back to the Tardis and discover that it's gone. They need to find it, but the Doctor may have sided on the wrong team.

Set during season 3 of Merlin, after the Crystal Cave, and after season 5 of Doctor Who.

Well, for starters I got this idea emryslovely (If you haven't read it please read it, it's so good!) so the first chapter is quite like there's, which I apologise for. But I promise that the rest of the story is mainly my ideas. Well… I hope you enjoy my first ever story!

The console of the Tardis was flashing; the screen above was showing symbols that only the driver could understand.

"Where are we going Doctor?" Amy Pond shrieked, grabbing tightly to the console. She watched her new husband almost fall to the floor; Rory really wasn't enjoying their first wedded trip.

"You'll find out when we get there!" The Doctor answered, slamming on the hand brake, which made Rory fall flat on his face. The Tardis noise went back to its normal humming sound and the console had stopped flashing. The Doctor turned to the screen and laughed in delight. "Yes! Finally!" He walked over to where Amy was helping up Rory from the ground.

"Once again Doctor, where are we?" Amy turned to the Doctor, she was frowning a little.

"Take a Guess."

"Fine," Rory whispered quietly, rolling his eyes.

"Earth?" Amy cut in,

"Yep, when?"

"Erm… We haven't been to the middle ages yet, are we going there?"

"Close enough, it's the Dark ages." The Doctor quickly rushing to the wooden doors.

"And why are we here?" questioned Rory, walking slowly behind with Amy.

"Ooh, I know this! Is it Pandora's Box?" asked Amy, excitement taking over all her functions.

"Actually Amy, we've already done that," the Doctor said, raising his eyebrow.

"Oh yer,"

"Ok, I'll give you a clue. There's a round table." Amy was about to answer, but Rory cut her off.

"Is it King Arthur and the famous wizard Merlin?" Amy glared back at her husband.

"Spot on Rory!" and the Doctor rushed out of the Tardis doors.

"Keen," Amy whispered under her breath, but loud enough for Rory to hear. Her frown turned into a grin and they walked out of the Tardis hand in hand.


"So come on you two, tell me what you know about King Arthur and his round table," Shouted the Doctor. The friends were walking in a dark forest, only hopping that the Doctor knew where he was going.

"Well there's Lady Guinevere and Morgan le Fay," answered Amy.

"And the knights of Camelot like Lancelot," Rory added.

"And let's not forget the man who made it all happen!" complained the Doctor, "The mysterious Merlin."

"Hay and Magical!" said Amy, a little annoyed.

"Erm… I don't think so, ghost are not real, zombies are fake and Magic is just a Myth. Merlin's and Morgan le Fay's magic was just coincidence, mind tricks." Before Amy could fight back the saw the gates of Camelot and the nearby castle.

"Wow!" exclaimed Amy, "It's beautiful!" The trio walked through the gates and into the moonlit streets.

"Now if I've got my time correct, tomorrow maybe the birth of Arthur's and Guinevere's first child and that will mean a massive celebration! So I think that we should find somewhere to stay the night!"

"And where are we meant to stay?" asked Rory curiously, but the Doctor had already run off to find a place.

"Here!" He shouted, forgetting that people would actually be asleep. "The Rising Sun." he said looking at the sign, and then dashing in as the couple followed behind him.

I promise that the Merlin cast will be in it next time! We'll all I can say is please review.