A/N: Hello guys!
As you can see, I'm starting another story, moving out of the Marauder ages. I like Draco, and I thought that he deserve this kind of story.
This is just the intro, so it's a little short, but the next chapter will be better I promise!
C1- See what I mean?
"So tell me again why you hate Draco Malfoy," requested Maddie impatiently.
I suppressed an eye roll and sighed, looking up from my Transfiguration paper. We've been over this too many times to count, and no matter how often that ferret gets out of my head (I don't have time to brood over something as useless as him), my friend would always bring the subject of him back up.
"Because," I drawled tiredly. "He's a slimy, stuck-up git who is a pathetic excuse of a Slytherin."
"You only don't like him because he bothers you," she chipped in, tapping her foot.
"And isn't that enough?" I asked her, keeping a passive and unreadable face.
I extremely hated Draco Malfoy conversations. They were my second worst nightmare, the first being the man himself. I hate him as much as I hate those filthy Mudbloods that dirty this school.
I am proud to be a Slytherin. All the other houses are bogus and dirtied with those worthless Mudblood who call themselves 'wizards' and 'witches'. I refused, point blank, to be put in Gryffindor when the stupid sorting hat asked and ended up here. To think that it actually had the nerve to suggest that to me!
So here I am, being a backstage Slytherin, finishing up our pointless fourth year Transfiguration examination, which I know for sure that I'm going to pass. It was so clear on the paper that I actually considered a Potter and entering the Triwizard Tournament just to skive of exams. It was completely not worth my time.
Not to mention that Mudblood Granger's pathetic jabbering and panicked expression. "Oh no, I think I'm going to fail…." PUH-LEASE! Even that playboy Malfoy could see through your stammering and idiocy! How she gets top in the year every time is beyond me.
That is why I am proud to be a backstage Slytherin: cool, calm, collected, completely left in peace, strong, confident, absolutely clean, all the good qualities other people can't see. I mean, they think they're the best, and insult us snakes to know end. What bloody hypocrites.
But being a Slytherin comes with a price, and that price is Draco Malfoy.
Draco, Draco, Draco… I hate that measly little ferret from his slimy blonde hair to his gigantic, disgusting toes. He's a man that puts the whole house of Slytherin to shame, first not being cunning or sly, not one bit. Second of all letting people like Professor Moody rule his life, of all the bloody people. Then again, I have to thank that professor for giving me such a wonderful nickname: ferret.
Ah, couldn't suit him better.
But still, that stupid Malfoy doesn't deserve to have blood like his. He should just go out with Granger and they can snog under the sunset and have a honeymoon in Hawaii. Whatever. I don't care. Just get him out of my life.
I don't even understand how he came to my life. The both of us are more opposite as sun and moon, and we hate each other more than the Dark Lord hates Potty. The first day of school –during first year, mind you- was enough of an example.
"I'm Cassiopeia Lamel," I told the eleven year old boy in front of me, sticking out my hand. "I believe that our parents are friends?"
His lip curled downwards, his two bodyguards, Crabbe and Goyle, mirroring his expression, and he was eyeing me with distaste. "Shove off, Lamel," he snapped. "I don't have time for this."
Yeah. Not exactly something you'd want to face on your first day.
Since then, the both of us have been throwing insults at each other, otherwise avoiding each other at all cost. It was very, very clear that we hated each other. There was no explanation to it. He was like those kinds of people that you know you're really going to hate from the start.
And furthermore, his actions are just plain disdainful. He acts like he rules the bloody school, insulting everyone he sees. He picks on worthless first years, with the exception of the Slytherins, and treats girls like candy. Merlin knows that that boy has more girlfriends than the u=number of times you can say 'Quidditch' in a year.
….Well, not to say most of us Slytherins don't do the same thing, but he's a prick to me. I think that's reason enough.
Basically, I have nothing against him picking on first years, as I do that myself. I don't exactly insult everyone I pass, seeing as they aren't worth it, but I'll just let him add up to his ego. And the girls, well….who am I to find other ways to satisfy his guy needs?
Yet I don't understand how he gets a million girls flinging themselves at him every day. Potter, as much as I hate to admit it, probably could get girls due to his 'Boy-Who-Lived' status –which, by the way, I think is just bull- but Malfoy? He's even more bull than Potter! I mean, come off it! He looks like a bloody-girl!
"But Cassy," whined Maddie. "I'm sure that if you just gave him a chance, he can be really sweet." Her eyes were hopeful, trying, once again, to make me change my mind about oh-so-sweet Malfoy.
Hah, never happened then, and not going to happen now.
I snorted. "Believe me, Malfoy is anything but 'sweet'," I said, keeping my voice monotone.
Another fact about me: I don't like feelings. I prefer to squash them before they come, keeping myself empty and unhurt. It's always safer this way. And, as the loyal Slytherin I am, I remain cunning and sly, able to obtain whatever I want with just a simple trustworthy word.
"But I still don't understand why-" Maddie tried again, but she was thankfully interrupted by someone wailing at the portrait hole.
"But why, Drakie, why?" the girl sobbed. She had short, bouncy blonde hair and a small nose. I had to roll my eyes at her antics. It's the end of the week, girl. You should have seen this coming.
But wait- didn't Draco ask her out on Thursday? Or was it Wednesday? Meh, don't really care.
Oh come off it, woman! Stop crying already! You're wasting your tears over a ferret!
And you're interrupting my reading!
Mostly it's the latter. I really wouldn't care how much you liked the slimy git.
But you're bloody interrupting my reading!
Snap out of it, Draco- obsessed fan girl! Go snog Potter or something!
Okay, that was low, I admit. But she's disturbing me! That's crime beyond Azkaban!
"Because, Audrey," drawled Malfoy in his usual boring tone. "You're getting boring, and I need a new girl for the week. So just shut up and leave me alone if you want another chance in the future."
And with that, he shut the door in her face, but not before we could hear her say, "I'll be waiting for you, Drakie! I still believe that we were meant to be!"
I give her a four out of five rating. That girl really can be persistent.
The ferret sighed exhaustedly, and then, being the git that he is, he turned to me.
"What?" I asked tiredly, already knowing what he was going to say.
His lips curled up into a smirk, just like they always do. A smirk so worthy of a Slytherin that it didn't belong on his face. Bloody git. "Looking over your Transfiguration paper eh, Lamel? Scared that you wouldn't be as good as me?"
"Please," I drawled. "I have better things to do than trying to be a slimy git."
"Aren't you already one?" he asked, chuckling at his own lame joke. His two fat lugs behind him sniggered.
"You're the one to talk," I retorted, my voice in deadpan mode, not even bothering to look up from my paper. Some people behind me started snickering. Maddie gave me a look, but I ignored her.
The confident smirk vanished from his face and he scowled. Which didn't make him look anymore attractive, I'm sure. "Watch your mouth, Lamel," he hissed. Then he stalked up to the boys dormitory, muttering weird things like, "can't keep letting her win..." and "got to have better comebacks..."
Hah, that's going to be impossible, Malfoy. I am the queen of comebacks. Both witty and lame.
I turned to Maddie and sighed. "See what I mean?" I asked her exasperatedly, but she wasn't paying me any attention, a dreamy look on her face.
"Isn't he just handsome?" she asked, her voice misty and her eyes staring far away into Ferret-Land.
I could have hit my head on the wall right there and then.
A/N: Short. I know. The chapters will get longer by the number, so please just be patient with me. This is just the introduction.
So in case you haven't got down the information already, the OC's name is Cassiopeia Lamel. She hates Draco Malfoy, and vice versa. She doesn't like to show feelings, she doesn't HAVE feelings, but that will change in due time, trust me.
This is the first time I'll be writing from a Slytherin's perspective. And while I know that a lot of stories write about good Slytherins and how they become friends with Gryffindors and don't care about blood purity or whatever, I'm going for a different angle. Cass here will be mean as any other Slytherin, though not as pronounced, because she 'doesn't think that they're worth it'. She's not friends with any Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw, very full of herself, very confident, and very, very mean. Though not really mean to the Draco Malfoy extent.
She will be a hard character to write, because I am not used to writing through a Slytherin's POV. So please, if I waver at any spot, please tell me!
Oh, and try not to hate her too much when she gets really insulting. It's sort of her job.
So I probably will send the next update latest by this week, seeing as I am busy for the whole of next week. In the meantime, be free to check out my other story: James's Prayer, which is LilyxJames. Hope you enjoy it!
And do review! Oh yes, please do review! If you want me to continue, please review!
Review! And do review my other story as well, eh?