So yeah my friend Mack. He's… lets go with special XP. Anyways he just recently started watching the Death Note Series. Upon seeing L's death, he came up with the absolute best thing that could possibly happen in that situation. I've taken what he said and turned it into this.

L's eyes close and his last breath leaves him. Light smiles leaning close to the body.

"I've Won! L is dead." as he pulls himself off the floor he notices something strange about L's body. It seems to be moving.

Suddenly L's entire body explodes. However rather than gore plastering the walls, something much stranger has taken form.

A sea of miniature L's scuttle across the floor. Each of them glancing up at the baffled faces of the task force members. Light stares blankly at the cascade of mini detectives. Panic floods through him as they all stop running and turn towards him.

Each and every little L on the floor suddenly points up at Light and scream in a small high pitched voice "KIRA!"

Light starts stepping on the ones closest to him. More scurry past his feet, yelling "Kira!" in the chipmunk like voice as the pass him.

"NO!" Light screams, "I had won, I killed you," he attempts to squish a few more of the little Ls as Aizawa approaches him a places handcuffs on him.

Thus was the end of Kira.