A Few Well Spoken Words

Chapter 1

Just a note, the reason I'm not updating my other fics today is because my PC is refusing to open my Microsoft word documents. Unfortunately this includes my newest chapters of both The Yellow Flash of Kiri, and The True Legacy. I just so happened to have this stored on my laptop. This story is inspired by all those cliche 'Naruto brings Sasuke back beaten and is expelled from Konoha' stories. I feel I can bring an original level to this kind of story. Warning Dark/Naruto in later chapters. On a side note this may not be updated for a while, as my other stories are taking priority.


"Curse that senile old fool!" A man growled as he thrashed animalistically around one of his own personal showers. Red blood seeped from his arms as it slithered helplessly to the drain in a desperate attempt to evade the man's screams of anguish. His long black locks were matted to his head and soaked with sweat and his pale visage was covered in dirt. Golden irises with a slit pupil peered menacingly out of the door. "Kabuto! Tell me my vessel is almost here?"

A younger man who looked to be in his late teens or earlier twenties stepped hesitantly into the bathroom. He was clothed in a dark purple shirt and matching pants. Under the shirt he wore a white undershirt. The man adjusted his glasses before looking into the eyes of his master. "Orochimaru-sama, are you sure it's wise to wait for Sasuke-kun?"

The snake sanin's face morphed into a mixture of horror and fury. "What are you saying Kabuto!" He snarled as he attempted to cool his raging temper. "The Sharingan will be mine."

"Of course Orochimaru-sama," Kabuto agreed as he took a second to sort through his thoughts, "but there is always the off chance that he won't be arriving today. Perhaps the Sound Four have failed you?"

"Kabuto..." Orochimaru hissed, voice laced with venom.

"I'm merely suggesting that you should switch bodies now, then perhaps have time to escort Sasuke-kun here yourself. That way you can be sure of his arrival and you'll be able to ripen his Sharingan before you possess his body."

The former leaf-nin's golden eyes blinked in understanding. "Perhaps that would work..." His eyes narrowed in thought as the sanin's tongue clicked in annoyance. "Bring me the most suitable host. I will be departing soon."

Neither sound-nin had any idea just how much of an impact this simple decision would have in the near future.


"Chidori..." A demonic voice muttered as an aura of black lightning sprung to life around him. The boy - if you could even call him that anymore - was currently on a power high courtesy of one of Orochimaru's infamous curse seals. His waist length blue hair was clinging to his body due to the large pulse of electricity. A shallow smirk graced the pale boy's features as his altered Sharingan eyes spun wildly. The two monstrous appendages extending from his shoulder blades began to flap as he sprung upwards, using the cliff side as a springboard.

"Rasengan." An equally demonic voice croaked out as a swirling ball of chakra shimmered to life in between the clawed fingers of the boy. A bubbling red aura shrouded the blond in a cloak that resembled the body of a fox. The most striking feature, however, were the two blood red eyes that seemed to scream for death.

'Kill this fool, show him your power...' An all too familiar, but at the same time foreign, voice echoed through the blonde's head. The boy merely brushed it off as his lips twisted into an insane grin. His elongated canines hung menacingly over his lower lip. He disappeared in an explosion of power, blowing up a portion of the cliff he was formerly residing on.

The two possessed adolescents rapidly closed in on each other, both brandishing their most powerful attacks. The two jutsu crashed into one another in an instant, both trying restlessly to overpower the other. Naruto's face curled into a sneer as he pumped more demonic chakra into his attack.

'This can't be happening...I can't lose here!' Sasuke thought as he frantically squeezed the last bit of chakra he had left into his attack. Alas it was not to be as the two attacks died down simultaneously, sending the combatants free falling towards the ground. The two bodies landed with concurrent thuds.

"Hehe," Naruto panted as he pushed his protesting body onto a single knee. He looked sympathetically towards his unresponsive teammate. Suddenly Naruto's eyes narrowed as he caught a glimpse of blood at the base of Sasuke's neck. His disbelieving eyes turned to look at his clawed fingers in shock. Blood slowly dripped to the ground from Naruto's three fore fingers. A silent gasp escaped his parted lips as he immediately rushed over to his teammate. "Sasuke! Don't you dare be dead!" He shouted as he quickly turned the Uchiha's body over. Naruto's eyes hardened at the sight of three long, narrow cuts lining his best friend's throat. He looked at his fingers in disbelief. Had he really ended the life of his teammate, his best friend? The evidence was sound, and as much as Naruto hated to admit it, the outcome was obvious.

"Kukuku Naruto-kun, fancy meeting you here."

X.X.X.X A few minutes earlier X.X.X.X

Orochimaru looked on the two stationary fighters with barely constrained glee. How he loved to see the fruition of his hard work compare to that of a real cursed warrior. Although a part of the snake screamed for him to stop the battle, or risk losing any hope of obtaining the sharingan, a louder, more battle thirsty part of him quickly silenced these thoughts. Orochimaru grinned at the showing of pure unrefined power that seemed to radiate from the blond. 'And to think this is only the first tail! With proper control over these powers this boy could become something this world has only ever imagined!' The Sanin's sharp and calculating mind desperately tried to form some kind of plan to get the boy to fight for him. As hard as he tried he could not see any possible scenario where the Konoha-loyal Jinchuriki would ever willingly betray his village.



The corrupt man's pale lips slowly sprouted a gobsmacked smile at the sight of the two powerful jutsu. While undoubtedly the Rasengan was the superior of the two, despite its status as an incomplete technique, Orochimaru doubted the killing intention behind the blonde's attack. He watched in awe as the two infamous techniques collided with each other. While Orochimaru was momentarily surprised that the Chidori was able to hold its own so easily, that level of surprise paled in comparison to the next action. His battle tested eyes were able to easily catch to quick swipe of one of Naruto's clawed hands, effortlessly piercing the Uchiha's jugular vein and his carotid artery. Orochimaru watched on in sick fascination at the level of brutality displayed by the seemingly kind hearted blond. He nodded his head in recognition as he noticed the shocked look present on the blonde's face.

'So he didn't mean to kill Sasuke? Hmm...I think I could use this to my advantage.' With this final thought the Sanin disappeared from his perch on top of the mountain.

X.X.X.X Present X.X.X.X

Naruto's eyes widened in shock as he stumbled to the ground. "O-orochimaru!"

"It's been a while, hasn't it Naruto-kun?"

"What the hell do you want?" Naruto growled as he put on a fearless persona. Obviously the blond was scared out of his mind, but he'd be damned if he let the snake Sanin know that.

"Isn't that obvious? I came here for Sasuke-kun." The Sanin explained off handedly as he walked over to the deceased form of said Uchiha. "It seems as if I was a little late, wouldn't you say?"

Naruto gulped as he accessed the situation. On one hand he had just killed his best, and first, friend. Top that off with the fact that Konoha's most dangerous criminal was standing right in front of his face, and you'd understand Naruto's seemingly hopeless situation. "I-I didn't try to kill him..." Naruto sobbed out as he clutched his head in pain.

"I know, I witnessed the whole thing." Orochimaru agreed.

"So, so you believe me?" Naruto wiped his eyes and looked hopefully at the snake like man.

"Of course not! I'm not naive enough to believe that a boy like you would willingly slit his best friend's throat." For some reason Orochimaru's explanation left a lot to be desired. "However, I doubt the people of your village will share my views..."

Naruto's face morphed into one of terror. "Sakura-chan..."

"I doubt they will look kindly on the death of their, so called, precious Uchiha." Orochimaru continued in a bored manner. "It wouldn't surprise me if they executed you for this kind of act."

"No! They wouldn't do that! They would never..." Naruto shouted confidently. However his eyes contradicted his words as his blinked away tears.

"Fine, believe what you want. I was merely trying to help."

Naruto looked angry at these words. "Help? Why would you want to help me? Why should I believe anything you say? You are a traitor, a monster, a murderer!"

"These names," Orochimaru began as his lips formed into a shallow frown, "Who told you these things?"

"Well," Naruto mocked sarcastically, "only just about everyone in Konoha!"

'Hook, line, and sinker.' Orochimaru grinned as he looked at the yelling blond. "Well, well. Would not these very same words be used by these very same people, had they been asked to describe you?"

Naruto's eyes widened as his features paled dramatically. The words of the villagers burned brightly in his mind. Demon, murderer, traitor, monster. These were all words commonly directed at the young genin throughout his childhood. "B-but..."

"But nothing, Naruto-kun. The people of Konoha fear what they don't understand. The boundary between fear and hatred is a fine line indeed."

"No," Naruto broke from his daze and looked at the snake confidently. "The old man said you experimented on innocent people, that you didn't care about the deaths of others, as long as your goals were fulfilled."

Orochimaru frowned. "The old man told you this?" At the nod of the Jinchuriki he continued. "That fool never really understood. The only people I experimented on were volunteers, they were all more than willing to die to achieve their goals." A little white lie every now and again never hurt anyone right? "And the Hokage dare call me out for sacrificing my pawns to fulfil my goals? What do you think is written in the very description of being Hokage? I assure you that Sarutobi-sensei has sent countless more people to their deaths than I. In fact, you yourself were nothing but a pawn to him."

"That's not true! He was always nice to me, he cared!" Naruto shouted in defiance as he remembered all the good things the late Hokage had done for him.

"Really? Silly boy these were all nothing more than a sham to get your trust. What better way to ensure that the container of the strongest Biju would remain loyal?" Orochimaru took a second to let these words sink in. "Tell me Naruto, has my dear old sensei answered even a single one of your questions regarding your heritage or burden?"

Naruto's head sunk into a shallow turn as he thought about the question.

X. Flashback X.X.X.X

"Jiji?" A five year old Naruto looked expectantly at the form of the aging Fire Shadow.

"Yes Naruto-kun?"

"Do you know who my parents are?" Naruto could clearly see the moments hesitation in the old man's eyes before they shifted into the kind orbs he had come to know.

"I'm sorry Naruto, but I don't."

For a split second Naruto's face curled into a sneer before immediately being replaced with his usual grin. "Okay, thanks anyways."

X.X.X. Flashback end X.X.X

"Your silence is the only answer I require." Orochimaru inwardly cheered at the progress he was making. "Why can't you see that nobody in that village cares about you Naruto-kun?"

Naruto shook his head stubbornly. "No, you're wrong! Sakura-chan, Kakashi-sensei, the other genin, Ayame, Teuchi...They all care about me!"

Orochimaru shook his head is annoyance. "Yes but how many of them actually know of your power? How many of them know what you contain?"

"That still leaves Kakashi-sensei and the Ichiruka's!" Naruto protested.

"Honestly what has the cyclops ever taught you? All he's ever done is brush you to the side and train his precious student. Hell, he even taught the Uchiha the very jutsu he used to pierce your lung. Imagine what he'll think when he finds out you killed his favorite student..."

"Ayame-neechan, Teuchi-Ojiji..."

"Sure they can stand you now, but what happens down the road when they lose business because of you? Will they always care for you when they can't afford to buy food to feed themselves anymore, all because you ate at the stand enough to scare away the customers?" The snake sanin spoke with a voice void of all emotion.

"That still leaves Ero-sennin and Baa-chan!" Naruto shouted with renewed vigor. Despite his strong exterior, inside Naruto was doing everything he could to stay standing.

"My foolish teammates?" Orochimaru chuckled as he shook his head disappointingly. "I assume you don't even know that Jiarya was your godfather? Or that he was supposed to watch you since birth?"

"No..." Naruto breathed out as he started to hyperventilate. Orochimaru slowly approached the blond and squeezed his shoulder sympathetically.

"Come with me Naruto. Come to Otogakure where you will never be looked down upon. I can train you to become the strongest ninja this world has ever seen." The snake explained. "But only if you'll let me."

This was the scene that one Hatake Kakashi arrived upon. His lone visible eye widened in shock as he witnessed Konoha's greatest enemy apparently comforting his student. "Naruto! Are you okay, where's Sasuke?"

Naruto looked at his sensei in disbelief. 'All he cares about is that damn Uchiha!' Kakashi was able to follow his surviving student's gaze. His single eye widened to an even wider degree as he noted the three horizontal slashes upon Sasuke's throat.

"You see what I mean Naruto-kun?" Orochimaru flashed a malicious smirk at the copy-nin.

"Orochimaru! What the hell are you doing here? What did you do to Sasuke?" Kakashi growled as he slipped into a fighting stance.

At these words the sanin couldn't help but chuckle. "Me? Absolutely nothing. The state of your former student is all thanks to young Naruto here."

Kakashi looked disbelieving at the blond. "Naruto...You didn't?"

Tears welled up in the corners of Naruto's eyes as he finally exploded. "Yes I did! You don't get it, he was going to kill me! He already stabbed me twice with that stupid lightning jutsu and I couldn't control myself!"

Kakashi's eyes softened as he froze in place. 'I'm sorry Obito, once again I guess I wasn't fast enough...'

"Now if you'll be so kind as to leave Hatake. I do believe your welcome has expired." Orochimaru spoke in an emotionless voice.

"I won't abandon my comrades!" Kakashi spoke with conviction as he lifted his headband, revealing his spinning copy wheel eye. "Naruto, I will save you."

He was caught off guard as Naruto spoke in an emotionally dead voice that mirrored the one Orochimaru had just spoke in. "No. I don't want saving from you Kakashi. Just go back to that village and continue to hate me." As soon as these words escaped his lips Naruto began to slowly unfasten his forehead protector. Kakashi looked on with wide eyes as the blond took one of his enhanced finger nails and traced a long scratch through the konoha symbol. He then shamelessly tossed it aside like it was a broken toy.

The copy-nin narrowed his eyes at Orochimaru as he tried to form coherent sentences. "What are you talking about Naruto, I never hated you!"

Orochimaru chuckled again at this. Fate could be so cruel. "That may be so, but you have been lying to him your whole life. Isn't that right esteemed student of the Yondaime Hokage?"

Kakashi visibly flinched at the jab. "How do you..."

He was cut off as Orochimaru continued to speak. "How do I what? How do I know that Naruto is not only the heir to Whirlpool's most prestigious clan, the Uzumaki, but he is also the son of Konoha's very own Yondaime Hokage? In all rights he should have been worshipped, not treated like he was less than dirt."

"Kakashi-sensei...You knew?" Naruto asked while on the verge of mental breakdown. He had a lot of information to try and process. Not only was he the supposed heir to some great clan, but he was also the son of his greatest hero. The very thought seemed to taunt him as he thought about the village's general opinion on him.

Kakashi had the decency to look ashamed. "I'm sorry Naruto, I didn't think you were ready."

"You didn't think I was ready?" Naruto mocked as he pushed himself to his feet. Kakashi gasped at the pure hatred that radiated from Naruto's eyes. "You thought I was some babbling idiot who would go shout this from the rooftops and get himself killed, right?" The slight lowering of Kakashi's head was all the proof Naruto deemed necessary.

"Naruto," Kakashi whispered as he looked into the eyes of his sensei's son. "You don't have to do this. Please, come back to Konoha."

"I know. I don't have to do this." Naruto agreed as he smiled at his former sensei. "I want to."

"Kukuku, a wise choice indeed." Orochimaru chuckled as he looked at the sharingan wielder. "Very well then, be gone Hatake."

Kakashi growled as he blurred through three hand seals. He outstretched his palm as cackling electricity exploded to life. The sound of birds chirping echoed through the valley as Kakashi disappeared from his spot. An instant later he reappeared before the nuke-nin, brandishing his blade of lightning behind his back. Orochimaru sighed as he twisted his body at an unnatural angle, allowing the Jounin to pass by him harmlessly. Without wasting a second Orochimaru twisted himself into a roundhouse kick that sent Kakashi flying into the rocky walls of the valley.

"Come Naruto-kun, let us be off." As soon as these words passed through Orochimaru's lips the blonde's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he succumbed to the will of unconsciousness. The sanin sighed as he hefted the boy over his shoulder, before making his way to the corpse of Uchiha Sasuke. "I suppose these eyes will still be of some use. Good day to you Kakashi." With these final words Orochimaru of the Sanin disappeared from sight, leaving a bewildered and depressed Kakashi.

'Sensei, Obito...You'd be ashamed of me.'


Orochimaru casually strolled through the hallways of his underground base, an unexpected passenger upon his shoulder. He approached his study as carefully sat the boy in a comfortable recliner. Kabuto walked into the room and looked at the two suspiciously.

"Where is Sasuke-kun?" The spy inquired. Orochimaru merely tossed him a scroll. "What is this?"

"It is the body of Uchiha Sasuke. I want you to experiment with it and see what you can do. I have more pressing matters to attend to." Orochimaru explained as he dismissed his second in command. As soon as he felt he was alone the sanin blurred through a long set of seals. When he finished the hand seals he gently grasped the head of the unconscious blond.

X.X.X.X Inside Naruto's Mind scape X.X.X.X

Orochimaru couldn't suppress a grin as he wandered through the sewer that was Naruto's subconscious. He wandered for a what seemed like hours before suddenly appearing before an enormous cage. The cage extended nearly 100 meters and seemed to be held together with nothing more than a flimsy piece of paper, marked with the kanji for 'seal'. Orochimaru didn't even" bat an eye as a large blood-red eye snapped open.

"You are not my container."

"That is correct. Naruto-kun is under my supervision as of now. I am also going to be training him in the ninja arts." The snake sanin explained to the rather disinterested Kyubi.

"This is supposed to interest me?" The Kyubi growled in a strangely irritated way.

Orochimaru frowned. "I would have supposed you'd have cared about your container's progress."

The Kyubi openly laughed at this. "Me, care about an insignificant wench like him? Don't make me laugh. If it wasn't for this accursed seal I would devour you."

The S-ranked nin nodded his head slowly. "So it doesn't bother you that you have a weak container?"

The Kyubi snorted at this. "Every single one of my containers have been nothing more than pathetic weaklings! Bah! Mito did nothing but watch as that pesky wood user saved her ass over and over! Kushina was no different with that damned yellow flash! I have grown used to the fact that I will never have a powerful container."

"What if I told you I could change that?" Orochimaru spoke in an amused voice. He could tell he'd gained the fox's attention. "I would like to introduce myself. I am Orochimaru of the Sanin, perhaps you've heard of me?"

"In passing. What is it you intend to do with my container?"

"I intend to train him to become my apprentice. I will teach him everything I know and in return he will serve me. I would appreciate it if you would be kind enough to willingly lend your chakra to Naruto whenever he should need it. Also, if it's possible, I would like you to increase the density and flexibility of his joints, as the style I intend on teaching him is one that requires extreme flexibility and quickness."

"This task you ask for is no easy feat. I would expect something in return." The ancient fox spoke with a hint of interest.

"Of course, I would like it no other way. In exchange for these favors, I will modify the seal to allow you to experience Naruto's senses. You will be able to see what he sees, taste what he tastes, and smell what he smells. I can also assure you one thing." Orochimaru explained as he took a breath. "Naruto will be doing a lot of killing."

The Kyubi's fanged teeth curled into a malicious smirk. "I see. This would be satisfactory. The task will take time, however. Expect my container to be ready to learn in the time of one week."

Orochimaru nodded. Things were going exactly how he had hoped. Now he could only hope the boy would develop the same kind of loyalty that Kimimaro had shown him.

"Now be gone human. I have much work to do." With that Orochimaru was forcibly expelled from Naruto's mind scape. "Foolish human, you don't think I would sell my container's loyalty that easily? No...you will be a mere tool to assist me in my escape."


Tsunade sat impatiently at her desk. To say she was worried would be an understatement. 'I'm so stupid! To send a group of genin on such a high ranking mission? What was I thinking?' Tsunade sighed as she tapped her foot on the ground impatiently. She was expecting Kakashi's return anytime now. Her ears perked up as she heard the hushed footsteps of a frantic ninja. She immediately straightened her posture just in time to see Hatake Kakashi burst through her office.

"Kakashi! What is the status report of your mission?"

"Mission failed, Hokage-sama." Kakashi replied in a low tone. Seeing her questioning gaze he decided to elaborate. "When I arrived at the scene I found Uchiha Sasuke dead. I have reason to believe he was killed by Naruto."

"What?" Tsunade's eyes narrowed in disbelief. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"I'm afraid not Hokage-sama. When I confronted Naruto about it he retorted with a story where Sasuke had tried to kill him first, multiple times. I am tempted to believe him Hokage-sama."

Tsunade blinked her eyes before a look of rage appeared on her face. "Then he got what he deserved." Kakashi silently agreed before Tsunade spoke again. "I'm going to have to speak with him about this myself."

"I'm afraid that's impossible Hokage-sama." Kakashi stated in a downcast voice.

The Senju's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Uzumaki Naruto has defected from Konoha." Kakashi replied as he set a beaten and abused Konoha headband on the desk. A single tear rolled down Tsunade's smooth skin as she traced the deep scratch through the leaf symbol.