Author's Notes: Here is the story I'm doing after the finale of In a Matter of Seconds. I hadn't done these for a long time so I decided to now. Now this will be a chapter but not as long as Matter of seconds (Thankfully for me). So read, review and enjoy!
Chick and Lightning were at the start of the season race yet again. Chick had change but not better...worse. Ever since his 'win' after wrecking the King he's done nothing but boast about it to Lightning. Now Lightning wasn't happy with it but although learned to bite his tongue on some remarks.
Chick and Lightning were driving around the track warming up their engines before the flag dropped. And Chick was boasting again.
"I won a trophy Mcqueen..Me,ChickHicks winner of the NASCAR sport. I'm pretty sure i'll win this year too. Unlike you of course. With you and your pathetic group you call a team I actually have a good team."
Lightning couldn't help but roll his eyes. Chick has gotten worse and worse. And he was starting to get annoyed.
He looked at Chick giving a weak chuckle "Chick it's nothing special it's just an empty cup. What is special is your team who will stick by you no matter what. Win or loss.."
Doc smirked overhearing this. The rookie had come a long way from what he started. He admired Lightning's persistence and spunk he had. It was similar to his own when he raced. He overheard Chick talking about another better sponsor much to the Hudson Hornet's displeasure.
"I can see this now...I beat you in the race. Get two pretty female cars by my side and on every magazine you can imagine. And on the big screen baby..The Chick Era has started Mcqueen"
Lightning watched the flagman anxiously swaying. com''n drop the flag so I can get away from Chick...
The flag did at last drop and Lightning bolted off faster than Chick had ever seen. Chick growled and shot after Lightning.
Lightning had also not only improved by sportmanship and attitude but also by racing skills much to Chick's displeasure. He knew Lightning raced good but now he was above his bar!
They fought for fifty laps then the final lap came. On the last turn they were fender and fender with the crowd cheering wildly and the announcer blaring excitedly but anxious.
Lightning narrowed his eyes and shot past Chick in a final burst of speed with Chick behind him. The crowd cheered wildly and the announcers soon spoke.
"I can't believe it! Lightning Mcqueen has won the qualifier for the third year in a row!"
"I don't know what medicine Lightning's crew chief is giving him but it's a sure charm!"
Chick overheard these words of what the announcer had said "So that's Mcqueen's secret! He's got some kind of speed formula so he can beat me! I gotta find that formula so I can leave Mcqueen in the dust!"
He raced off to the tents in hopes of finding it.
Lightning however was in victory lane with his friends and papparazi. He didn't mind them but he didn't love them either.