Concrete and wolf

Wolf's lover awakes

The jet that everyone was riding on flew through the sky like a bird, Holo felt very sick from the constant movement of the plain and the fact she knew she was thousands of miles in the sky. "I was never expecting people to fly like a bird." Her face started to turn a bit green and she looked a bit sick. "I was never meant to fly like a bird." One of the Alchemist gave her a bag, she grabbed it and barfed in it. "When will we be back on the ground?" The Alchemist said nothing as Holo felt more and more sick. The ride lasted a few hours, as they found themselves in Ruffles, the area was covered in pollution, the city was like a jungle full of buildings. The Alchemists tied Holo up and walked her off the plane, they put Tyrone's body in a coffin and pushed him off as well. As they walked down the streets, Holo noticed all the people staring at her, she was naked after all, and her ears and tail were visible. No one seemed scared at her, but they did seem interested. She kept walking and ended up at the front door. "Take a good look wolf, this will be your new home after today." Diana said as she opened the doors. "Take her to the holding cell until the Duke wants to see her." The Alchemists walked her to a cell without so much as a peep.

"Why do you all fallow such a heartless person? I mean she took away your sanity, and for what?" Holo tried to talk to them but they just pushed her to shut her up, when they got to a cage the threw her in and closed the door.

"We fallow our master for power, and to learn the effects of doing so." One said as they started to walk away. Holo pulled her knees to her chest as she hugged them, she started to cry a bit more realizing that Tyrone may never wake up again. Diana walked with Dragon to the Dukes chambers, the alchemist pushing Tyrone's coffin was starring at Diana as they walked down the hall.

"Is there a reason your staring at me?" When she said that the Alchemist was shocked, she wasn't expecting her to say that. She kept quiet and looked at the coffin.

"This is the result of the Wolf DNA experiment? Why is he in this coffin? He is clearly still breathing." She thought to herself, she began to reach her hand in, and started to poke Tyrone's face. His skin felt cold like a dead person, yet she could see him breathing, he wasn't breathing like a person asleep though as his breaths were too spread out. "Mistress if you don't mind me asking, why is he in this coffin?" Diana almost ignored the question, as it seemed like a stupid thing to ask, but when she analyzed her words it made her wonder a bit.

"Why would you ask such a question? Isn't it obvious? He is dead." She glanced back and looked at Tyrone's body, she didn't see him breathing, which made her wonder even more. "I know your not used to seeing a dead corps little one, but he is dead trust me." She turned her attention to the door as the two guards opened it.

"S-sorry to ask such a question mistress, my eyes must be playing tricks on me." As they moved into the Dukes chambers, and walked up to his desk, Diana took a knee and bowed to him. "High Duke sir, I have brought you the fruits of my labor." The man sitting in the chair had white hair pulled back to look like a wave, a black suit, with a white shirt, and black tie, he had a scar on his face, and he looked emotionless.

"I see, you brought me what I asked, good, I may not kill you after all." Diana smirked at his comment but kept her head down so her hair would cover her smile. "So I take it the boy in the coffin is that wolf brat?"

"Yes your holiness, the man in the mask on my left, Hyma, is my latest experiment, he is the one with the Dragon's DNA." The man got up and walked to Hyma, he looked him in the eye analyzing him. He then quickly grabbed Hyma by the neck and broke it. "Hyma!" The Duke threw his lifeless corps to the side, before he grabbed Diana by the neck.

"You call that abomination a final product? Don't tell me, you used the DNA from a komono dragon." Diana gasped for air, as she tried to break free. "If your little pet managed to kill that wolf, then he must have been pretty weak to start with, but then you wouldn't have asked for money to make such an abomination."

"Please your holiness, forgive me." She said as water came from her eyes and her mouth. The Duke looked at Hyma as he started to get up, he brushed his robe as he looked at the Duke with murder in his eyes. "Hmm, it seems your pet may be the genuine article." He dropped Diana and turned to Hyma with his hands behind his back. "But I will see if he is worth my time." The Duke took his jacket off, and threw it over Diana's head, as she recovered from almost being choked to death. She looked to the Duke with murder in her eyes as well.

"Hyma, kill the Duke!" She shouted, the Duke looked at her with his emotionless eye, as Hyma punched the Duke in the stomach, causing him to stagger for a second. The Duke smirked as he gripped his stomach and stood back up, only to get Hyma's knee in his face. Hyma started to move quickly as he attacked the Duke, with bone shattering blows. The Duke hit the wall, and Hyma started to attack ferociously, blow after blow, causing the wall to brake. As he winded up for one last attack, the Duke caught his fist and looked at him.

"Yes, I can see much spunk in this one." He pulled him into his free arm, as he broke out of the wall, and grabbed Hyma's face. "His attacks are decent, his speed is decent, now let's test out his endurance." The Duke smashed his face into the ground and started to do so repeatedly. Holo could hear the racked from her cell, she covered her ears and tried to ignore it.

"I Don't understand why they are doing this." She looked up to the ceiling and could only think of Tyrone dying just so he could see her. "Idiot." She started to cry again, as she did, she heard someone at her door. "Who's there." She said staying away from the door, she growled like a wolf, before her bag of wheat fell through the door. "That bag..." She walked over to it, and as she picked it up she realized it was a bag of wheat she had long lost. "He had this bag before..." She gripped her head as she tried to remember what happen before Tyrone found her. "This bag was given to me by my last traveling companion. What was his name again? He was always out for money, he tried to get rich at every moment he could, at the same time he would help as many as he could." She quickly realized who gave her the bag and looked out the bars of the door. She couldn't see anyone, nor did she hear anyone leave, she wiped her tears away and opened the bag. "Tyrone tried to save me, but ended up getting hurt badly, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me when I saw him breath, even after dying." She gripped the bag and quickly found her resolve as she ate some of the wheat. "I have to make sure, if he truly isn't dead, I would be a bad partner if I were to just leave him." She quickly changed to her true wolf form and broke out of her prison. The Alchemists that tried to stop her were quickly taken out by her massive claws. Though her body was bigger than the halls, she managed to brake free and she broke through the Dukes chambers. She howled loudly as she entered. "Give me Tyrone, and I promise not to kill you all." The Duke laid his eyes on Holo's True form, before stopping his little grudge match with Hyma.

"So this wolf would be the wheat goddess you mentioned in your report." Diana nodded as the female Alchemist ran to protect her.

"Last time she acted like this, Hyma was the only one to stop her." The Duke figured that and walked over to Tyrone.

"You want this one correct? Fine, you can have his dead corps, it seems I found a more suitable host anyways." He turned his back to Holo and kicked the coffin to her, she picked Tyrone up in her mouth and walked away. She glanced back to the Duke and felt an evil presences within him. "Is there something more you want Wolf goddess?" Holo turned away from him and left the mansion.

"Sir why did you let her leave with my test subject? Do you have any idea how hard it was to..." The Duke glanced at her to get her to shut up.

"That is not important, anyways you're so confident that he is dead, why not let her take his dead body, with Hyma she poses no threat." Diana knew that was true, but she still had an uneasy feeling about Tyrone.

"He may still be alive." She said under her breath, the Duke heard this and smiled a bit. Holo rushed out of the castle with Tyrone in her mouth, she was trying her hardest not to swallow him. She ran pass the speeding cars on the road, she ran through the maze of the city, and finally reached a small patch of woods. She looked around and placed Tyrone next to a tree, she stayed in her wolf form and laid around Tyrone protecting him like a wolf would there cub. As the next day came Holo was in her human form again, shaking from the cold air that was hitting her naked body. A blanket soon covered her body, as she started to look relaxed now.

"Idiot." She said as she had a smile on her sleeping face. The Sun finally rose high, as Holo shot awake, she looked at the cover that was over her and looked around, she couldn't find Tyrone's body anywhere near her. "Tyrone?" She said as she jumped up, she could hear running water close by and went to investigate. When she came to a lake she could see a man standing in the water. She rubbed her eyes as she couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Tyrone? Is it really you?" The man slowly turned to her, and looked her in the eyes. His were that of a true wolf's his scars were fully healed, and he put a smile on his face.

"It is me Holo, thanks for taking care of my body while I was out of it." Holo started to cry tears of joy as she ran to Tyrone, he held his arms out thinking he would get a hug until the stinging of a punch to the stomach from Holo brought him to reality. "Hay I am still hurt you could be a bit more gentl-" Holo shut him up when she kissed him.

"You Idiot, don't scare me like that, I really thought you were dead, then I would have been left alone again." Holo said as she looked sad but barried her face into Tyrone's chest. He petted her head and smiled.

"Yeah I am a true idiot."

Hello everyone, its been awhile sense I last posted any updates, not easy when you lose your creativity for a minute, but now I am back for a bit. Anyways I never thought that people would actually like my version of spice and wolf, but out of all the stories I made it seems to be doing better then I thought. So I am proud to present to you all the next chapter in Concrete and wolf. Guess I wont be killing off Tyrone just yet, next episode I will explain how he woke up, wasn't easy for him, I will also explain how the Duke is so strong, then again some of you may already be able to guess that, if he is the lead of the Alchemists tests. I also gave a shout out to Holo's last partner, as he was a good guy even if he was a money grabber most of the time. Anyways review, and comment so I can post faster, last comment actually asked me to post this one already. Well time to make more artwork, so if you need me just ask I always keep an eye on my comments.