
What If ?

Sais: Hey Karl will you do the disclaimer please!~

Karl: -sigh- You're so cruel bringing me into a fic where Solomon and Saya are on the same side and I'm dead sortof?

Sais: Karl I brought you back from the dead and don't worry you'll get Saya soon enough I'm writing your's as we speak! :D

Karl: -Smirks- Saissister doesn't own any of the blood+ characters all rights go to their respected owners~

Chapter 1: No more!

Saya's Pov

-So Far-

Solomon has asked Saya to come with him to Diva's side. Haji appeared and told Saya "Don't go." Haji and Solomon started to fight

Saya can only think of her answer.


Saya looked at the two chevaliers torn between her first chevalier Haji and Diva, her sister's chevalier.

I looked up at the two chevaliers who still were fighting.

"I...don't want to fight anymore," I screamed. Both chevaliers stopped to surprised by the sudden outburst.

Solomon walked over to Saya smiling and she slowly stood up. Solomon extended his hand to me and slowly I placed my hand in his.

"Saya," Haji whispered eyes showing the sadness his face could not. I couldn't fight anymore and I wanted him to live his life.

"Haji live the life I took from you," I whispered and turned away from Haji for what was to be the last time.

Solomon's wings came out and he carried me bridal style.

He flew to the tower Diva had been locked in and I couldn't help but remember the blue rose or the night my sister killed Joel it had probobly been the wise choice.

Solomon set me down in the room Diva had been locked in and I looked arround still noting that the roses blumed here.

I walked through the door into the slowly decaying room.

A flash of blue and I was on the ground. "Saya Nee~Sama!" Diva yelled and I smiled for once. "Diva," I replied smiling.

"Saya Nee~Sama, I'm so happy you're on my side, now we don't have to fight!~"

"Diva we should be going, Red Shield is here and Brother Anshel will be displeased if you're hurt whe we return," Solomon said.

I was walking out with Diva and Solomon away from the "Zoo" when I heard footsteps and two hearts beating they yelled in unison, "Saya."

I turned on my heel to face Kai and Riku.

My eyes slowly turning crimson as I walked faster, then eventually broke into a run. Solomon was carrying Diva and following me.

I slowed my pace and after a while we were all outside the gates of the zoo.

"This is the end of my old life today I am a different," I whispered.

Chapter 1 END

All I need is 1 review and I'll start writing the second chapter love it hate it? Review it means alot...