this doesn't even deserve to be a chapter it's so frigging short.

The books had been circulating the barracks for a wile now. Who had originally found them was a mystery. In addition to where said person had scraped up the money to buy them, and why said person, after buying them would just leave them for some other man to find.

It was a mystery that had been the topic of more than one late night within the barracks. But wherever the books had come from they where there. and just about every man in the barracks had read them at one point or another.

And so, of course, the debates had sprung up.

Rex, hadn't originally seen the point in it. But his men had been adamant about the importance of said debates. Rex hadn't yet come into contact with the books, but he had received a detailed, slightly rambling description of their content from one of his men (Hardcase) and had also been informed by said man (Hardcase) that the argument was pretty much pointless because they'd all read the series and the book itself had settled the conflict. (This statement had made it obvious which side of the debate he was on.)

The captain still didn't fully understand the significance of the series, but he did know it was rather important to his men (their debates had been reduced to little more than random bouts of screaming in which both sides shouted the name of their respective supported male character with 'team' tagged on before it.)

So Rex called Captains rights and took the books the next time they became available.

Team Jacob. FTW.

i will go die for my lack of substantial updates to anything now.