A/N: This is only following some things in the book. Others will be changed throughout the story. Please don't let this stop you from reading.

Stevie Raes POV

Rephiam came at me before I even realized what was happening. I felt the pain as the blade pierced through my right side. Landing on the ground, I could feel the puddle of blood forming underneath me. All that was passing through my head was that this is the final straw. That I wasn't going to make it this time. The pain was excruiating, engulfing me in the deepest depths of darkness. I could hear screaming and crying, but I couldn't distinguish any voices. I was losing my grip on the thin strip of life that I was holding on to when I heard a voice that I actually understood. Aphrodites voice.

"Just cut my damn arm already!" She yelled.

The next thing I knew, I was drinking her blood. It was a warm, familiar sensation as it ran its course through my body. Then something changed. I felt different. In a good way though.

That was my last thought before I blacked out.

Aphrodites POV

Darius and I were running to Stevie Rae with the nerd herd following behind us. We turned the corner and the big oak tree finally came into view. We saw Stevie Rae on the ground and Rephiam stalking towards her, but Zoey threw spirit at him, flinging him away. As we approached to where Stevie Rae was lying. One thing was obvious. She was hurt. Badly.

"She needs blood and fast." Darius stated looking over her wound.

"I'll give it to her." Zoey whispered.

"Thanks Zoey but she needs human blood." Was Darius's reply.

"She can have mine." I said staring at her limp body.

"NO!" Darius shouted. "You'll imprint with her again Aphrodite."

I could tell everyone's eyes were on me, but that didn't matter. I had to do this.

"I don't care." Came my reply filled with certainty.

As I walk toward her the twins were whispering something about what the hell I was thinking and I honestly didn't even know.

Darius had the knife going to cut my arm, but was being very hestitant.

"Just cut my damn arm already!" I yelled.

That triggered him and he cut a thin line down my arm. I got on the ground next to Stevie Rae and held her head with one of my arms and put the other to her mouth. As she drank from me something felt strange. It wasn't like the last time she drank from me. This time it was more...emotional. Unexpectadly, her head fell and her blonde curls just dangled around my arm. It was in this moment that I realized something... The only thing that mattered was protecting Stevie Rae Johnson.