
Though I don't remember it,

I've been told the story many a-time,

Of when you, Grandpa, and Granny visited after I was born

And I was small enough for you to hold me with just your hands

I do remember when you gave me an enchanted train set

And a station master's hat

I was four years old and played with it for hours

I remember your smile when you watched me

I remember when I was seven

And you renewed your wedding vows with Granny

Fidgeting in my itchy suit

And when you cried, it was the only time I ever saw you do it

I remember when I was eight

And you took me guising around the neighbours' houses

I was a headless pumpkin monster and you were a vampire

We scared them all and they screamed

I remember when I was ten

And I got into fights because someone was mean about Mum and Dad

You sat me on the chair and told me not to fight

And you told me why they'd insulted my family

I remember when I went to Hogwarts

And you stood with Granny and waved goodbye

I gave me extra money for sweets on the train

And you pointed out Harry Potter and told me to write

I remember when I broke my leg in a Quidditch accident

You rushed down to the school and bought me chocolate

You told me stories to distract me from the Skele-Gro

I was thirteen back then and you came when I needed you

I remember when I was fourteen

And I got tongue-tied around a beautiful girl

You told me how to court her

And we're still together today

When I was fifteen and Mum and Dad found out

You took my side and you argued with them

You said that I should be happy with her

I'll never forget that, Grandpa

When I was seventeen and she got pregnant

You were the first one to know and the only one to support me

You gave me money for an abortion, but I used it for an engagement ring

You blessed our union and gave me your old suit to wear

You were playing with my son when I found out

You were dying of cancer from over-exposure to Unforgivables

I blamed myself, my wife, my father and Voldemort for it

I didn't want to lose you, you were too important

I remember when we all gathered around your bed

And Uncle Blaise read out your will

We all cried, even Dad

I gave you my love to take on with you

I was with you when you died

It was early in the morning, everyone else was asleep where they sat

You told me you loved me and asked me to tell Granny

You took your last breath as I held your hand

I miss you, Grandpa

You were many things to me

You were a listening ear, a helping hand, purveyor of sound advice

You were a surrogate father, you were a caution, a lesson taught, a role model

You were Lucius Malfoy, a great man

Granny misses you too

I see her cry almost every night

Because many men are Grandfathers, but none of them are as special as you

Grandfather, I miss you

I love you and I always will

You meant a lot to me

There's a hole in my heart now you're gone

Grandfather, you were a good man

You swore allegiance to Voldemort

But you thought it would mean a better life for you and your family

It was years before you realised how wrong you were

You were a good man, Grandfather

You raised a good son who is a good husband and father

You leave behind a family devastated to lose you

Grandfather, we love you, and we will love you until we join you beyond the veil