You do not understand how long it took me to think this story out. To tell you the truth, I've been planning this story for the past three years but have just been to afraid to actually write it out. I tried my best to keep 17 in character, him being my favorite character I thought he deserved to best. Things get less cannon as the story goes on so don't be surprised when things go differently.

Anyway, Android 17 and everyone in the story is owned by Akira Toriyama and Funimation Entertainment.

If one was going to ask me how it feels to die, I'm not sure what I would tell them. I don't even know if you can call what happened to me dying since I was absorbed. All that I truly knew for sure was that I was alive, and very much back. Surrounding me were miles of wasteland and desert with various rock columns around. I remember there being a strong, almost oppressive wind blowing my hair around and picking up dust. In the spot I was standing was a destroyed stadium floor with four severalty damaged columns.

"Interesting..." was all I could say at that given moment. I looked down at a hand and flexed it. If anything was true at that moment it was that I was alive. I gave a smile and cracked my knuckles, boy was it good to be back.

After a minute or two after getting over the shock I started to think and the first thought to hit me was where I brother and sister were. I made the decision to go find Android 18 first, her being my twin and the one I felt like I could rely on the most. She was my equal in every way, so getting her back on my side was going to be outstanding. With her we could track down 16 and then...then...

...we would be unstoppable.

However, before I could do any of this I would need to find out were I was. My artificial parts were fluctuating and not reliable, so I had to use my actual brain. I know this may seem odd to you, but I haven't needed to actually 'think' about anything in my entire life before that point. Every single bit of information that had ever been given to me was prosseced by the 'robot' part of me, leaving my human brain to roam free. But with this new development of my computer not working I actually had to use a few human brain cells. To tell you the truth I found it absolutely annoying.

I spent about two or three minutes struggling to even get an idea of were I was, but it was totally useless. I had managed to come back to life, but had no idea where I was.

"Goddammit..." I was enjoying being alive again and all but not having my seemingly infinite source of information at my disposal was bothersome to say the least. I ran my fingers through my jet black hair as the wind still was picking up dust and blowing it in my face. Not such a great way to start my second life.

"Okay..." I said out loud to myself "Seems I'll have to get my barrings." I lifted myself off the ground and levetated to about 50 feet in the air to get a good feild of view. Just what I thought, a whole crapload of nothing. Fortunately I did see a city far off, very far off but still there. It did give me a little mental boost however, and a bit of a sense of direction. Since it was the only thing that was visible for miles and flew for it. At that point all I thought I had to do was go the that city, find 16 and 18, and it would be smooth sailing from there.

As I approached the city I wondered if the people of the world still remembered me. 16, 18 and I had caused a good bit of damage together and it wouldn't be to much a a surprise if the people still remembered me. I wouldn't be an issue though, 18 and I were the strongest in the world. Or at least that's what I thought at the moment.

Then when I was closing in on the large city a single thought crossed my mind. This one thought was so intense I had to stop flying from pure shock. It was only one word, one very small word. But that one word was the only thing that I was ever truly afraid of. The only thing that I was sure could beat me.

Cell. I hated Cell with all my being. He being the one that cause my 'death' I already held a sort of grudge against the ugly monster. But it wasn't just that though. I couldn't tell you why but I had a deep hatred for Cell. Perhaps it was because his mission was basically to kill me and my sister, or maybe it was because I just didn't like how he looked. It was at that moment that Goku fell a rung on my hit-list. Cell isn't that strong when he doesn't have my power supplementing him, so with 18, 16 and I going against him he would be no issue. I flashed a smile and continued on the the city. Cell was going to pay and I was going to make sure of it.

I was now in the outer area of this large city and made the decision to land. Not because I was afraid or anything, but I wanted to keep a low last thing I needed at that moment was one of Goku's pals coming after me. I settled down in an alley-way and looked around.

I shook my head in disgust " Idiotic humans... they can't even keep a city clean." The city was polluted to say the least. Not only was it totally crowded with people going about their ignorant , useless lives but it had such an industrial stench I found it basically impossible to breath. Cars honked and people yelled at each other constantly along with the occasional car crash. Such a horrible place, but it was the only lead I had at the moment and was willing to do anything to get some information on where my sister was.

"Mister!" yelled a young voice as I felt something tug on my pants leg. My base instinct ( if you can call it that) was to blast away this disturbance without breaking a sweat. But something inside me stopped me from doing this and forced me to react like a human would. I peered down to see a preteen girl with a tomboy hair cut. She wore a angry face and pouted "You wanna do me a favor?"

I was slightly taken aback, never would I have expected to be spoken to like that by anyone. Especially not a human child. As I said before, if this was any other day this girl wouldn't of even had a chance to see my face she would have been dead so quick. However I did respect her spunk, even though she most likely had no idea who I was. I humored her with a response "Who are you?

She stood up proudly and said with a victorious tone "I am Videl, daughter of the mighty warrior Hurcule Satan!"

I gave a smirk "Good to know, what do you want."

The girl calmed down and handed me a flyer "I'm handing out flyers for my dad's new training program. He's choosing one lucky fighter to work under him as an understudy!"

I gave a deep smile, this could be fun. Having been recently revived I was itching to show off some power. "Interesting, I'll check it out."

Videl put a large grin on her face "Really? Okay see you there Mr..." she paused "I'm sorry, you didn't tell me your name."

I folded the paper and put it in my pants. I ran my fingers through my hair and said "Call me 17, nice to meet you."