Damon's on the couch staring into the fire drinking as usual. I know he can sense my presence, but he doesn't say anything.
"Are you ok" I know he's not and I know he is going to lie, but I feel the need to ask anyway.
"I'm always ok" of course he is
"I know Katherine was here, I can smell her, what happened, what did she say to you" what ever she said or did I can tell messed him up, he doesn't have that certain confidence about him right now.
"Nothing important and nothing that is any of your business, now if you don't mind I would like to get back to my silence"
"Damon I'm your brother, I just want to help, you can talk to me. Please talk to me" And in that moment he's off the couch and right in my face.
"You want me to tell you what happened, fine" I didn't know he would give into so easily but he is always doing the unexpected.
"Katherine came her and she told me something" he has this look on his face like he wants to kill me.
"She told me she never loved me that it was always you, I spent my entire vampire existence to be with her, to get her back to me, just to find out I was the one she turned out of boredom." I stair wide eyes at him in shock. I never thought I could have more hatred or anger towards Katherine but knowing she played with his heart like that made me what to find her and end her eternal existence at this very moment.
"Wow, you actually look shocked and angry, I'm surprised. I thought you would be happy. You always wanted her to choose you, and now you know she has." I can't believe he would think that, and I was about to tell him that, but them he started again.
"I told you I hated you because she turned you to, but that was only part of the reason." Now I was confused.
"So then what is the other part?" I can see that he is trying to hold back his anger and sadness, to not show his feeling so much, but it's not working.
"You are always everyone's favorite, the one everyone prefers. It's like you can do no wrong. Everyone I love always only loves you. Father, Katherine …. even Elena" I am not shocked to hear him say her name, I have known for awhile that he loves her, but I still don't like hearing it come from him.
"You have everything I could possibly want, and still you go around all the time brooding. You should be the happiest nonperson around. And that makes me what to just throttle you." I feel so bad for him now, I wish there was something I could do, but what.
"I am so sorry Damon" He goes and pours himself another drink and sits back where he was before.
"I don't want you pity" he takes a drink, "I want your absence" I know I can say nothing to make him feel better, so I leave feeling more for my brother than I have in a long time.