A/N: I'm still here for the dedication of Avril Lavigne's newest album coming out "Goodbye Lullaby" (Which I will be purchasing in a few minutes!) I've decided to write ANOTHER SONGFIC BUT WITH CHAPTERS! But with Avril's song, and Taylor is still 1! "Sk8er Boi" is the song I'm using and it's a old-ish song but still amazing. I love this song as it tells a story and that just pretty much made writing this fic really easy for me! I recommend everybody to hear it as the song style is way more different than Taylor's soft, country style.

Zelda and "Sk8er Boi" belongs respectively to Nintendo and Avril Lavigne.

Happy Reading!

~ LoveandZeLink

Chapter 1

He was a boy, She was a girl,
Can I make it any more obvious?
He was a punk, She did ballet,
What more can I say?

"Crap crap crap!" I groaned repetitively, plopping next to the seat of my adorably oblivious boyfriend slash fellow band member. It had turned out my butt collided with a so-very-useful, How-To book with 153 pages of pure bull.

Link looked up from his book, not one of my stupid How-To books—thank Gods—to stare at me with curious, azure eyes. His eyes first started at my face, my absolutely fabulous cerulean eyes, before lowering to his sweatshirt with the chocolate stain on the hood. Finally they landed on my black Converses. Ignoring his very stalker-ish stare, I yanked the book from underneath my butt and angrily threw it at the trash bin. And it collided off the rim in a whirl of FAIL. Of course it does.

He continued to keep his eyes on me for a couple of slow moments of mine as I bitterly struggled to find more of those idiotic books within a five-feet radius of putting-up-with-literary-uselessness. Unexpectedly, Link actually plucked one on the coffee table in front of us and read the title out loud in an all-too-cheery voice.

"Self-Help Guarantee: Help Yourself to be Inspired." He dramatically stressed the 'inspired' with a wave of his jazz hands. I rolled my eyes like I actually was fed up, but couldn't help cracking a small smile.

"What's with the attitude?" Link asked, concern sparkling in his azure eyes. I opened my mouth before he cut me off to interrupt, "Wait a second. It has something to with being inspired, am I correct?"

I opened my mouth again, but idiotically enough, Link clamped a hand over my mouth that was going to answer. "I also think it has to do with a new song with is needed for our newest album to be out which is really needed for the rent which—OWCH!" My hungry teeth nestled into the skin of his palm. Link wrenched his stupid hand off my face and clutched it to his chest like it was some kind of dying puppy. Gently, he peeked at the bite marks.

"I think it's drawing blood."

"Well, I think you need to get off your butt and help me." I can't help sneaking a glance at my work. Huh, liar.

Link only looked at me to roar into laughter from the agitated look on my face, before eagerly pulling me close. I rolled my eyes as my head locked into the curve of his neck directly beneath his jawline. I could never getting used to the fact that this helluva guy is mine.

Mine, mine, mine.

Besides incredibly loving Link, I also loved these moments when he and I just curled in together and thought in silence. Complete and utter silence. Unlike the raucous activities of going into any kind of mall or building whatsoever, and bother every single person with our skateboarding. Indoors, people, skating indoors?

"Hey," Link cut through my thoughts and stood up, unfortunately breaking our little snuggle group, "I've got a little something for inspiration."

He then stood up and left the room, leaving me behind with his cold spot. Scrunching my face, I impatiently twirled a random lock of my hair until my scalp was close to being ripped off. Still, another moment passed, and he doesn't come back. So out of boredom and a little habit, I happily buried my head into Link's sweatshirt. His yummy scent fit Link's woodsy self and smelled perfectly like the being out in those fairytale meadows with all the sunshine and the wildflowers and the singing woodland animals.

Seriously, I could bathe in this stuff.

Link then chose that moment to come in when my head was stuffed in his sweatshirt. He paused his enter to engulf into another fit of laughter. Immediately, I wrenched my head out of his clothe and crossly crossed my arms across my chest.

"It's okay, Zel. I do that sometimes with your stuff too," he admitted wryly as he sat next to me again. I lightly blushed, thinking of which particular clothing had Link been into.

'Freak,' I labeled him with my slightly embarrassed expression. He easily raised an eyebrow at his sweatshirt still curled in my arms. Changing the subject, I glimpsed at the bulky book he had brought with him.

"Okay, okay, get on with it!" I forcibly scooted into his lap in a similar fashion of a little girl in her father's lap.

Link placed the book—no, a photo album—into my lap. The cover was a café brown with dusky-blue lettering that spelled out "Twilight Princess." There was little marks and creases from the times, I'm guessing, when Link went back to flip probably ancient memories.

"Twilight Princess, huh?" I patted the felt cover with light fingers, remembering the nickname we penned on one of our most beloved friend.

The Twilight Princess was also known as Midna. She ruled the country called the Twilight Realms, but the Twilight suited fine. Anyways, Midna got kicked off the country, because of some power-hungry freak that came to the castle with his crappy aspirations of world domination. She was exiled to my and Link's country of Hyrule where we helped her get her kingdom back and made some mad memories. Well, actually, Link and she did all the work while the freak imprisoned me in my own castle. If it wasn't for him, I'd eagerly tag along for their crazy adventures.

All in all, Midna was pretty cool.

Except for the fact that she was a total ten with flawless skin, flawless hair, and flawless everything. And the fact that she had no idea how to handle a board the minute she was on one. (She told me and Link that, well, she could.)

"Yep," Link nodded fervently, beaming along, "she made this for us as a goodbye present..." He pulled the corners of his lips down, along with the ecstatic sparkle in his eyes diminishing out to a slim glimmer.

"Well then," I cut the tense air that was thin enough to slit with a knife, "let's start then, shall we?" I flipped the album open before Link could possibly reply back with some whiny complaint. Which was along the lines of, "But Zel— "

"Aha." I smiled, the first photo of me, Link and Midna. The bright photograph filled the entire page and Midna had scribbled devil horns, swirly mustaches, and a Sharpie-marked "Hahaa!" over my and Link's smiling faces. As for herself, she left a neon halo over her fiery head.

"I don't blame you for missing her," I mumbled, turning the page filled with mostly Link and Midna. Every one of those visually taken memories had a smiling Link and Midna. Either with their smiles reached their blue or red eyes, with a smirk lined their lips, or with a large toothy grin that beamed so brightly I thought I was gonna go blind—they looked absolutely happy. I spotted a few of a single me giving the picture the finger as my laughing eyes focused on the sides.

My timid fingers laid out before smiling Midna, a face I thought I've forgotten all these times. I've once thought that I would never forget her, since Link and I changed the ever proper and preppy Midna to one of me and Link, some rebellious rockers.

"Hey, what happened to Epona?" I asked Link, flipping a few page and getting tired as hell of my stupid giving-the-finger poses. I must have been on something during those pictures...

"I still ride her, you know?" Link smirked. Epona, or the "most gods awful, waste-of-trees, accidental prone thing" Midna liked to refer to, was Link's most precious skateboard. He even had it when I met him at the skate park. And that's a while back.

"Yeah." I giggled at a shushing Midna facing the camera and, at the same time, pushing Link off a cliff. The cliff off of Lake Hylia, I presume.

"And you know what else you should know?" Link nervously laughed. "Um, Zel, I was in love with someone else..."

"Me too," I replied dryly, finding a picture of me giving the almost finger. Midna seemed to catch my whole laughing face before my offensive hand could replace such a non-existent face. I am almost satisfied with this.

"No, but listen to me Zel," Link stopped to grab my face by pressing his fingers to my cheeks and then forcibly turning my enforced face to look at him, "what you might know in a few seconds might upset you. On the other hand, it might bring the inspiration you need. Emphasize on might. But, I just want you to be happy. "

I shook my head wildly. Link's hand off my face in an instant.

"Spill," I said, tucking my messed-up hair behind my ears while my eyes were still trained on the photo album.

"Zel, this is big. I really need you to focus here. Please." At the please, I shifted my eyes forward, facing Link with both of my attentive, cerulean eyes. He actually looked like he was serious so I slipped my hands into his comforting large ones.

"'Kay. Go for it," I told him, my eyes only on him. Except I can't help sneaking glances of the photos of a long-gone, almost forgotten, friend.

Link sighed, a deep exhale exerted from the biggest frustrations of all frustrations. He gazed back at me with soft, azure eyes.

"Zelda, before we connected, I was in love with Midna."

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