Love or Like?

Summary: One day after school Ichigo Kurosaki wants to know what is the big deal about love? How could something so mushy be so important to people? Two girls are going to help him answer these questions, in a not so mushy manner.

Rating: T

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach, the one and only Tite Kubo does.

(A/N): Hello everyone! I've decided t write a story, I don't know I've been finally able blessed with the bite of the writing bug. I'm not really in the mood for finishing Part Time- some of you may remember that fiction, if you like it/read it. I don't know I'm not into it anymore, I started it nearly two years ago when I was sixteen. Times have changed, I'm older and something about that whole overdramatic forbidden love thing seems so juvenile. Now that may be ironic considering this fiction may come off as more immature, but see I've got this more insight thing going on, have I lost all faith in that story? No, it would be nice to finish it...just I need to find the will power. I just hope everyone likes this story. I know I did this poll like a year ago asking people what they wanted me to write, but I completely disregarded it. This is taken from one of the ideas but I've changed it a bit. See in my original conception Ichigo was way too out of character and Rukia a bit as well. I just want to stay true to the characters, and this way I think it makes them more conceivable, more real because in all honesty I like relatable characters. I hope everyone enjoys this, please review and tell me what you think.


"W-What?" his voice imitated his internal appall, no he did not hear unmistakably rather he did not understand, perhaps the correct inquiry should have been 'Why?' But would it be right to ask her 'Why?' It did not seem to be a fair question, is there ever truly a good answer, it wasn't her fault or his for that matter. Things like this just occur, not as if there is a true rhyme nor reason. It is something he would rather not frolic in, this emotional sentiment that drove peoples to the brink of insanity…this feeling that is supposed to mean everything to a person; it did not exist for him. Perhaps it was fathomable to him, would it be so widely utilized if it were complete fiction? However, he himself had yet to experience it, was he cursed or was he better off not knowing? One thing for sure, no matter how elated this feeling is so often depicted to be, more than its bliss it seemed to felicitate more of a somber type of evocation for most at least at some point in time. At this point when he looked at the person in front of him, he indeed realized that possibly at one point this emotion that she possessed for him may have once been something that made her feel uplifting, something told him it would soon dissipate and be replace with a melancholy that would affect her more greatly than the initial happiness she thought she knew. So he did not need to know why she felt this way towards him, what he really wanted to know is why do people feel this way towards anyone, is there a point? It seemed futile, filled of superfluous desolation.

It was after school, the two stood by the lockers, and it was vacant. The club activities had ceased. An unusual silence occupied the air, the sensitivity, it was somewhat…sacred. The aura was not good, this was not going to end well, before she answered, before he said anymore, both knew this was not going to be fine. The entrance of the school was open; there was a breeze, the leaves and branches of the trees swishing back and forth in a dance. The sun was setting, the sky an orange mist, and shadows were cast within the hallway. The two were a few feet distanced; their hair meshed with the bright sky, the girl looked away, discouraged perhaps, "I said…I like you… I have for a while now."

Her voice was now shaken, she said it before, softly but not shaken, he cleared his throat. He felt more awkward than anything, what are you supposed to say? How to convey the fact you do not feel the same without sounding like a jerk but still making sure she understands that there is not a glimmer of hope for the two of them? He was not used to it, girls at the school, they typically steer clear away from him. He figured most were afraid of his bad reputation from middle school, his oddly bright hair and the way he always scowled. She was not; she harbored these romantic sentiments which were beyond him. Maybe because she befriended his childhood friend in middle school, she knew the rumors were mostly false, but still to go as far as to crush on him? He just could not comprehend it, he was not anything special, and he was just one guy. He was just an ordinary sixteen year old, not someone to be admired or adored at, not someone to love. He was baffled by her, they were acquaintances, they shared a common friend, that was as far as he ever conceived their relationship, when did she possibly hope for something more? And she was someone everyone adored, she was well-perceived by everyone, apparently a lot of guys were interested in her…so why pick the one guy who wasn't?

"I don't know what to say…Orihime," he scratched the back of his head, he was nervous, he felt out of place, "I've never thought of us as more than friends. It's not like there's anything wrong with you…you're fine just the way you are…I'm just really not that into girls."

After his words the girl was able to face him, in fact she was doing more than just glancing his direction…she was scrutinizing his face in astonishment, "You're gay?"

"W-What?" this 'what' evoked a much different emotional appeal than the previous one. He took a second to recall his words; perhaps the wording was wrong, he took a breath to compose himself, "No…I'm not Orihime. What I am just trying to say is that I've never really liked a person before, a crush or two maybe, to truly like someone in the way you are suggesting…I don't know how it feels."

The clear up may have been something that settled well in his stomach, however the girl looked more discouraged than ever, her auburn bangs fell over her large gray eyes, her hands were clasped nervously behind her back, she was taking the rejection in a way that he presumed she would…it cannot be easy, so at least she was not running or sobbing uncontrollably. "I get it," she spoke softly.

"Orihime, I'm really sorry," was that the right thing to say, he wasn't sorry, he could not apologize for his honest feelings and thoughts. No he was not apologetic, he just had sympathy for her; he merely felt bad that she felt bad.

She looked up at him with cloudy eyes, but she smiled and shook her head, "Mm, it's fine; I'll see you tomorrow, right? I've got to get going."

She walked quickly, he did not dare question her, and the last person she needed to be around was him. He sighed, "I'm not a bad guy right?" Who he was directing that question to, he certainly did not know. He began strolling home, his school bag in hand as the sun began to set. His house was a good twenty-five minute long walk, it was okay today. Although it was getting late he wanted some time to ponder before the insanity that was his household. Love, that was the word people always used to describe it. How does it feel to be in love? Is it worth it? He thought about it, love was used as 'like' a lot so people thought this common use demeaned the word. However he thought that many people use the word 'like' to replace 'love' because they were afraid of revealing how much they truly cared. Orihime for example, did she really 'like' him. Both knew the word 'like' she was using held a stronger meaning than saying one 'likes' ice cream, so in a way 'like' was being utilized to hold more meaning than its actual worth, but no one ever seems to want to mention that. Or perhaps 'like' holds a greater value than people first initiate, and 'love' even greater , so what's a word that is diminutive of 'like'? He grabbed his head as if he were undergoing a migraine and grunted, "Why am I even thinking about this, am I trying to confuse myself?"

He shook his head as he entered through the front gate of his house, he was sixteen years old he did not need to ponder on the definition, the connotation, or the modern day usages of such abstract verbs. No he should be thinking about television, athletics, perchance schoolwork.

"You're late," it was a stoic voice of a girl that spoke as she heard the front door open. She did not turn her back to face the individual she just sat with a cup in her hand sipping whatever liquid she possessed.

"Uh, sorry…I got caught up," He spoke, he wasn't lying, he really did not feel like taking the time to meet up with a classmate only to reject her confession, "Where's dad? He's not here to assault me."

"He's out, he said he'd be back late tonight Ichigo," it was a softer voice of his other sister, they were fraternal twins, and their appearances were not the only difference between the pair, stark contrasting personalities never let anyone confuse the headstrong dark haired tomboy Karin for her chestnut haired soft-spoken girly twin Yuzu, "Have some dinner, it's a spicy chicken stir fry."

"Uh, maybe later," He told his younger sibling, "Definitely later, I just want to get some homework done real quickly though."

Yuzu watched as her elder brother headed up the stairs and turned the corner, presumably headed towards his room. "Hmm, I wonder what might be up with him."

Karin looked at her younger twin, her mouth stuffed with food currently. She took a swallow, "I don't know, you know how weird that kid has gotten since he's entered high school. You know, you think you know a guy. Then he enters the land of hormones and –BAM- he's a freak."

The brunette shook her head, "No, I meant there seems to be something on his mind, something troubling him perhaps."

"Then we should leave him to deal," Karin shrugged, "Ichigo's always been that way, he doesn't talk to anyone about much, if something's bothering him he'll find a way around it right. I mean it can't be that bad, it's not like he came home with a gushing wound or something, he'll be fine."

"But Karin, sometimes I think," She bit her lip, "Ichigo like bottles things up inside, even if its not something big it's not something to keep inside all the time. And if it's not something big then why can't he talk to us about it…I don't understand, I thought we were his sisters."

"Maybe it's a guy thing," Karin concluded apathetically.

"Then why not discuss it with Dad?" Yuzu brightened up as if she had the perfect solution.

"Because Yuzu, Dad he isn't a guy," Karin rolled her eyes, "He's like this strange animal thing from another planet but no one really wants cause his hairy and ugly and is rather obnoxious."

Upstairs Ichigo sat in his room glowering at his ceiling listlessly. Why is this bothering him so much? This feeling he had yet to feel and it was occupying his mind. 'What is love? Does it exist? Do I care?'

(A/N): Speak your mind and tell me what you think (AKA REVIEW). I know its short, its just an introduction, I don't know if its something people would be interested in. See I'm going through this whole motion in life in which I'm rather disgusted by love and romance, and I just some of want to know why its every- literature, television, social life etc. I mean I get the whole you can't help who you like thing, trust me, I've gotten hurt over the past few months over this...word of advice do not fall for one of your best friends especially when everyone thinks he's gay. Lol I know I'm crazy. Please review though, I'll love ya ^_-
