A/N I don't own Glee.

Spin the Bottle (Reprise)

Chapter 1

The other Warblers knew something had gone amiss between the countertenor and their dapper lead. The rehearsal room was just not the same place that it had been a week earlier.

Wes was taken aback by the lukewarm response he got from Kurt when he shared the good news of his first solo. Kurt and Blaine were invited to prepare The Neon Tree's Animal as a duet for Regionals. Wes thought Kurt would be over the moon, but instead he responded with a simple yet sincere thank you and promised he would not let them down.

And when it came time to practice the number, suffice it to say the chemistry was not there despite Blaine's best efforts, silken voice, and most charming dance moves. Kurt was well prepared of course, and sang beautifully. Despite the technical excellence of their performance; everyone knew something very important was missing.

Of course that was just what the Warblers saw.

What they did not see what the extreme distress that Blaine was in when he realized that his relationship with Kurt had subtly but significantly altered, and not for the better. Yes, that was apparent in rehearsals, and when the Warblers got together for meetings or on social occasions, but it was sadly true in every interaction Blaine had with Kurt.

Blaine reflected on the events that led up to the shift in their relationship and knew that it probably had something to do with the whole Rachel thing. Or maybe that is just where Kurt drew the line. Blaine felt in his gut that going out with Rachel was a mistake. Just for starters, Kurt and Rachel had a lot of history and it was stupid of him not to think about that when he accepted Rachel's invitation. Over the phone in front of Kurt no less.

If he had been honest with himself he would have realized that Kurt could be upset because Blaine, as oblivious as he could be, knew that Kurt liked him.

The argument with Kurt about Blaine's sexual orientation confusion made things even worse, because Blaine lost his temper. He felt like Kurt was trying to control him and ended up on a date with Rachel in part because he wanted to prove to Kurt he could do whatever he damn well pleased. That defiance would reach around and bite Blaine in the ass.

He did not even have a good time when they went out although for Rachel's sake (ever the gentleman) he was going to let her down gently. When she kissed him in the coffee shop she presented the perfect opportunity to settle things. She had gay dads for Christ's sake; she would deal. And telling Rachel in plain sight of Kurt was Blaine's chicken shit way of telling Kurt that Kurt had been right all the time.

Blaine was so repulsed by his own behavior that he had to excuse himself and go to the restroom to chill out.

Kurt and he had stayed friends of course. It was a stupid argument after all and besides that Blaine really was gay, so they agreed to let it go. And afterwards there was naturally some awkwardness between them.

Within a couple of days, though, it was achingly clear to Blaine that there was more than a temporary change in atmosphere and Kurt, although kind and helpful to a fault, was just somehow different. But what was it? Blaine had not really put his finger on it.

Over the weeks that Kurt had been at Dalton Blaine had gotten used to Kurt's unfaltering attention. He just did not realize the extent to which he had grown attached to the younger boy. He had benefitted from the boy's feelings toward him in ways that he did not understand at the time. Now he was beginning to figure out all that he had taken for granted.

Blaine began to understand that the whole deal with Rachel was really more about his relationship with Kurt; Blaine admitted to himself that he had been hiding from his feelings for Kurt for a while.

And now things were totally screwed because Kurt had obviously decided to move on.

Where there had been energy, there was no longer a spark; where there had been tension, there was quiet. The space between them seemed somehow emptier and Blaine felt a sensation of hollowness inside of himself as a result.

Shit. Blaine missed Kurt desperately.

Strangely enough, Kurt actually seemed happier. He had peacefulness about him that Blaine had not noticed before. His laughter was fuller, his tone was calm, and his approach to all things seemed more measured.

Blaine missed all of those endearing things that assured him of Kurt's feelings for him: the almost constant blushing, the goofy happiness with which Kurt greeted Blaine, and the way Kurt stared at him when he thought he wouldn't notice.

Ultimately what hit Blaine the hardest was that he no longer saw himself reflected in Kurt's eyes in the same magical way. And he knew that he wanted that back.

He wanted Kurt back. His Kurt.

Blaine was startled by his own thoughts:

He wanted Kurt. Really?

He wanted Kurt in his life again. Desperately!

He wanted to sing his heart out to Kurt. Silly love songs.

He wanted to hold Kurt in his arms. What? Oh, my God!

He wanted Kurt. Absolutely. What on earth had he been thinking?

But did Kurt want him?

Well, Blaine could not think about that now. The next time he saw Kurt he would…he would….gosh, he wasn't sure what he would do.

It was Friday and the Warblers met for afternoon rehearsal.

"Hey Kurt, coffee after?" Blaine inquired casually. He glanced up into Kurt's eyes and was immediately taken in by the clarity of the blue-green colors.

"Would love to but I have plans. Catch you later?"

Blaine swallowed his disappointment. "Sure," he agreed. "I was hoping we could get together sometime this weekend. That is if you are not completely booked." His invitation was met by Kurt's pleasant smile.

"Okay, sounds good. Text me?" Kurt didn't wait for Blaine's response; he just turned on his heel to leave.

Yep, thought Blaine, I'm going to have to work for this. But somehow he really didn't mind.

On Saturday afternoon Blaine was nervously waiting for Kurt to come over to his room. He had everything set.

The firm knock at the door startled him. Blaine self-consciously checked in the mirror, uncharacteristically panicky about his appearance.

Blaine opened to door.

"Hi! Come on in."


"You look great," said Blaine, taking in Kurt's carefully groomed appearance and letting his eyes linger appreciatively. Blaine's mouth was dry. He found himself rubbing his damp palms on his jeans.

Kurt gave him a quizzical look and just stood there.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Please come in." Blaine backed up to let Kurt enter.

Suddenly this scheme seemed like the most ridiculous idea he had ever had. Blaine closed the door and turned around to Kurt.

Kurt had stopped in his tracks, and was staring at the floor.

"What the hell is this Blaine?" Kurt demanded. His back was to Blaine. He did not look up.

A million words ran through the older boy's mind. None seemed like the words he should use. All he knew was that he wanted Kurt to understand how much he cared, how much he wanted Kurt, how sorry he was that he had fucked things up for both of them.

Then he completely forgot what he was thinking and let his heart take over.

Blaine stepped behind Kurt and wrapped his arms around his waist. He moved his body against Kurt, fully embracing him. Then he buried the side of his face against Kurt's neck and shoulder. He hungrily breathed in Kurt's scent. Kurt's body reacted with surprise from the sudden contact.

"I'm …so… so sorry" was all he got out before his body was wracked with the sobs he had withheld even from himself until now.

Kurt gently turned in Blaine's embrace and put his arms around Blaine's shaking shoulders. Blaine clung to him, relaxing into his surprisingly strong arms, gasping for breath, tears streaming down his cheeks onto Kurt's sweater.

On the floor were a checker board and an empty wine cooler bottle.

"Okay, so how does this work?" Kurt was sitting cross-legged on one side of the checker board while Blaine was sprawled out on the other side of the board.

"You spin the bottle and tell me who you want to kiss. If I guess who you are, we get to kiss. Use historical figures, actors, literary characters, you know. Famous couples."

"And if you don't get it right?"

"I take off an article of clothing of your choosing."

"Blaine Anderson, you are a scandal."

"Kurt Hummel, I will not rest until I am your scandal."

Kurt just smiled. He grabbed the bottle and spun it.

When it stopped Kurt announced, "I want to kiss…. Harry." His darling face was resting on his hands and his elbows rested on his knees.

Blaine groaned. "Literary, media or historical?"

"Are you allowed to ask that?"

"Just tell me, please."


Silence. Then, "You're Ginny!" Blaine cried.


Blaine quickly sat up and leaned across the checker board toward Kurt. For the first time that evening a blush rose in the younger boy's cheeks.

"This is what should have happened at Rachel's house," Blaine said quietly, looking fully into the blue green eyes that were locked on his.

He took Kurt's face in his hands. His lips gently brushed Kurt's soft full lips. Kurt closed his eyes as Blaine turned his mouth and sweetly deepened the kiss. All too soon Blaine pulled away and sat down across from Kurt once again.

It was their first kiss. They both knew they would talk about it later.

"My turn!" Blaine said brightly and rubbed his hands together. Kurt couldn't help but giggle.

Blaine set the bottle spinning on the board. A few seconds later the bottle slowed down, then stopped.

"I want to kiss… Justin!"

Kurt knit his brow. "Hmmm. Actors?"

Blaine nodded.

" You…are…Brian? From Queer as Folk?"


Kurt sighed with relief. His wardrobe was still intact. This time he leaned forward to kiss Blaine. Blaine's golden brown eyes were shining and as bent forward to offer his lips to Kurt.

They met over the checker board again; one kiss grew into another and then became a third. Kurt was breathless and Blaine's eyes were unfocussed when they pulled apart.

"Kurt, you are an amazing kisser. Permission to repeat?"

"It is my turn to play, Mr. Anderson. You will have another opportunity soon enough."

Blaine pouted prettily, then winked at Kurt. "Indeed, I shall."

Kurt put the bottle on its side and gave it a snap of his wrist. The reflection from the desk lamp glinted on each rotation. Until the bottle stopped.

"I want to kiss…Marc Anthony"

"Easy! You're Elizabeth the First."

"Elizabeth the First?" Kurt asked incredulously. Are you kidding me? Blaine, I am Cleopatra!"

"What? Really?" Blaine did look shocked that he was wrong.

"Blaine, did you mess that up on purpose?"


Kurt clapped his hands. This game of spin the bottle was the bomb.

"Blaine Anderson, take off your v-neck sweater!"

Blaine could not suppress a smile. He very slowly and seductively removed his sweater and tossed it over a chair. He now sat bare-chested across from Kurt.

Kurt unconsciously licked his lips, then saw Blaine watching him and realized what he had done. He blushed and looked away.

It was Blaine's turn to spin the bottle.

When the bottle came to rest the curly headed boy announced, "I want to kiss…oh, hell I want to kiss Kurt!"

Beautiful peals of laughter came out of the younger boy. "Let's see, that would be Kurt from the Sound of Music, right? Well you must be a pervert because he is only like 11!"

"Kurt!" Blaine protested but he could not help laughing, too.

"I want to kiss a Kurt who is not 11 years old!"

Kurt's eyes were still smiling, and his face was radiant. He slowly and clearly said, "You're Blaine."

Kurt no more had the words out than Blaine lunged across the checker board and pushed Kurt over on his back. They kissed greedily. Blaine licked across Kurt's lips until they parted then plunged his tongue into Kurt's mouth. Kurt responded by sucking on Blaine's tongue until Blaine moaned into his mouth and broke away. Blaine trailed wet kisses along Kurt's jaw line to his ear and tasted his salty skin as Kurt gasped and arched his neck.

"Wait, wait…" protested Kurt as he grabbed a handful of dark curls and struggle to extricate himself somewhat from Blaine's embrace. He was dizzy from all of the sensations he was experiencing.

Blaine stopped trying to kiss Kurt and moved to his side. They held each other until their hearts stopped pounding and their breathing slowed. In a few moments, Kurt got up on one elbow, hair and clothing disheveled and looked down at Blaine.

"Hey, it's my turn you know."

Blaine groaned loudly and laughed. "Okay."

Once again the boys sat across from each other. Kurt found the bottle and gave it a spin on the checkerboard.

"I want to kiss…Harry."

Blaine frowned. "Ginny, you already kissed Harry once tonight…not that Harry would mind another kiss you understand."

"No, I want to kiss another Harry."

"Oh." Blaine looked perplexed. He looked across at an expectant Kurt. Then the light began to dawn. "Oh."

"You're Sally."

"Yes, Harry, I'm Sally. And we all know what happened When Harry Met Sally."

"Yes, we do, Kurt Hummel. Now come over here and kiss me until I beg you to stop."

Kurt and Blaine both knew that was not likely to happen any time soon.

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