Dear Readers, Followers, Stumble-Uponers, and all other FanFiction Fanatics,

This story is currently on hold due to the following reasoning:


I have written five more chapters. FIVE! At the very least, six times. [That's a big number of pages… I write everything by hand you see…] Don't get too excited because I deleted them all! Please, do not get out the beating sticks, pitchforks, guns, lightsabres, blades of all sorts, and no wands… yet. I have yet to be happy with anything I have produced because the various plot ideas I have may or may not be negated by the upcoming third book: Clockwork Princess.


Based upon the fact that I can not decide upon a few key plot points until I know a few key facts from Clockwork Princess I've decided to place this piece on hold.


If you are convinced of nothing from above, please, understand I am doing this for my sanity and I believe I am starting to develop arthritis.

Lastly, I will leave you with a few teasers (See, I'm nice; you should refrain from yelling and wounding):


Magnus doesn't want Alec to know about the book.

Isabel knows much, much more than everyone thinks she does.


Yes, Tessa will be in this work, and she has her angel.

I thank you for your continued support, for your belief in my abilities, and your unwavering dedication to my pen and paper.


Your Poor, Broke, Hard-Working, Mentally Drained, Tired, Creative, Loving, Compassionate FanFiction Writer –

Regina de Morte

Otherwise known as:


P.S. – I am working on a few other pieces; seeing as I did not sign up for death this semester in college, you may see them soon.

I hope you like Harry Potter and . ;)