My first go at a PJO fic-I had to get in on the action. I'll keep it short and sweet( I hate long AN)-please read, (and I'm a big girl, I can handle flames) and review! I'll respond to every review with a preview. Warning, some bad language. Chapters will vary with Travis POV and Katie's.

This is set after the second Titan war with Kronos.

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or any of Rick Riordan's characters.

Please Review!

Katie Gardener frowned, pushing her sandy blonde hair out of her face. She sighed impatiently, shielding her eyes from the glare of the sun as she searched for a certain Hermes troublemaker.

I knew he wouldn't show up, she thought, growling.

This being the first week of camp, she hadn't had a chance to see Travis yet. But he certainly had a part in the numerous pranks played on the Demeter cabin. Hades, it was still the first week of camp, and he already managed to steal their bunk beds (she had NO idea how he did that) ruin their strawberry plants, dig up her garden and replace all her plants with stink bombs, and the worst, tie her favorite lace bra on top of the Demeter flag.

Their stupid-ass director, Chiron, decided this would be a perfect time to have "camp bonding" time. Or, in other words, the tension between the Demeter and Hermes cabin had finally reached a breaking point, and to avoid future incidents, Chiron had paired a Hermes camper with a Demeter cabin member and ordered them to shadow each other, in hopes of creating unity between the two cabins.

As if.

And, of course, she got him.

Travis Stoll.

Just as she was about to go search for him, so she could kick his ass for making her wait for an hour, she saw a familiar face approaching the strawberry fields.

Holy mother of Hera. Was that him?

He was certainly nothing like she remembered. Last year, Katie remembered him being a short-ish 16-year-old with a slightly pudgy face and a less-than hot physique.

However, over the summer, it was as if he had become a hotter version of himself, like Travis Stoll 2.0. Even from a distance, his muscles were clearly etched through his white t-shirt, and his tan skin went perfectly with his soft, perfectly tousled brown hair. And now he was seventeen...

Why the hell did he have to be so fucking hot?

The closer Travis came toward her, the more stunned she became. When he slowed to a stop in front of her, she was speechless. One thing that remained was his dazzling smile-but when did his eyes become Travis's blue-green eyes flickered with mischievousness, but they still managed to make her knees feel like jelly.

Katie quickly covered up her lapse in conversation by remembering why she was angry. She took a deep breath.

"TRAVIS! You made me wait for an hour!" she shouted, stomping her foot. Several acorns fell out of the tree onto her head. This did nothing to improve her temper.

Instead of looking remorseful, or even somewhat ashamed, his face brightened. "I won the bet!' he crowed, looking triumphant. Katie halted. "What bet, Travis?" she said, her voice becoming dangerously soft.

Travis grinned, unrepentant. "The bet I made with Connor last week. He bet I couldn't make you scream my name." He paused, waiting for her to speak. When she didn't, he continued, looking thoughtful. "I think he meant it in a sexual way, but he never specified..." He trailed off.

She still didn't speak.

"Travis, you arrogant, selfish, self-centered, perverted, bastard!" Katie huffed, then stormed away. Away from him. Far, far, away.

"Aw, c'mon, Kates!" he pleaded. She softened a tiny bit. Katie would never admit it, not to anyone and barely even to herself, but she like it when Travis called her Kates. It was their special nickname.

But Katie kept on walking, ignoring Travis. Travis caught up with her easily, taking her hand.

Electric sparks shot up her arm. She yanked her hand out of his, praying that her blush wasn't as noticeable as it felt.

"Don't be mad, Katie," he said softly, taking her hand back in his, his fingers unconsciously brushing her palm.

Mad? Who was mad? Who was Katie?

All she knew was a really sexy guy was holding her hand right now.

Katie blinked, coming to her senses. She was holding his hand. Her face bypassed red and turned a unpleasant shade of cherry-maroon.

She turned to face him, her face cooling. "Well, you better come up with a better explanation as to why you made me wait for an hour," she huffed, meeting his eyes with a glare.

Travis frowned. "I had...stuff to do, Kates."

She looked at the ground. "Yeah? Like what? Destroying my garden? Tying my BRA to the flagpole?"

Travis sighed, placing a finger under her chin, forcing her to look up at him.

Oh. Not good. Her knees went weak and her head went fuzzy and she wanted to do something very, very inappropriate. A passionate make-out session in the strawberry fields seemed good...but was it good enough? Dazed, half-crazed thoughts chases around in her head. She let the fantasies pull her...

They stumbled into his conveniently empty cabin, the door slamming shut behind them. They tumbled toward the bed, Katie ripping off his shirt in the process. "Oops," she whispered. Travis's eyes glinted. "I think you're too covered up, Kates," he purred.

Katie giggled as Travis rolled her so he was on top of her. "You've been a bad girl, haven't you, Katie Gardener?" Travis said, his hazel-flecked eyes darkening with lust. He nipped at her earlobe, making her whimper. "Yes.." she breathed, her eyelids fluttering. Travis smiled seductively, leaning closer, then-

Then he spoke, pulling her out of her less-than-appropriate daydream. "Trust me, Kates," Travis said, flashing her a dazzling smile, dropping his hands.

"Sure," she squeaked. She could only imagine what else those hands could do...


If she was expected not to jump him there and then, she really needed to stop thinking about him.

He was still holding her hand.


Travis Stoll was in deep shit. Deep, deep, shit.

When he heard about Chiron and his pathetic attempt to relieve the tension between the two cabins, naturally, he switched his name with his half-sister's, Courtney's, and replaced it with his, so he would be paired up with Katie.

Katie Gardener. Fuck.

There was something about her- it could have been her sunny laugh, her piercing eyes that always saw the truth no matter how convincingly he lied, her strawberry-blonde hair, that amazing smile, that made him totally, irrevocably in love with her.

Or it could have been the fact she had a smokin' body and was hotter than Aphrodite. But mostly it was her personality.

Earlier that day, while he was passing through the fields on a pranking mission, he saw a lone figure kneeling in the strawberry fields. Curious as to who would pick gardening instead of the lake on a hot day like this, he approached the figure.

He saw Katie kneeling, unaware she was being watched, kneeling, singing as she plucked strawberries from the vines. Her soft, sweet melody washed over him like a cooling breeze.

Travis knew she would stop if she spotted him, so he dashed behind the nearest tree. He peered through a hole in the trunk, only to see Katie gazing suspiciously at the tree he was hiding behind.

He stood stock still, not making a sound. Hermes children had the ability to do such things, naturally, as their father was the patron of thieves.

Katie, apparently deciding it was an animal, resumed her singing.

Travis watched, entranced. Her smooth, creamy skin seemed to glow in the sun's rays, as well as bringing out the strawberry tint in her hair.

Katie's small, delicate hands wove intricately in out the vines, each time coming back with strawberries.

He was dazzled.

How many minutes he stood there, staring, he didn't know.

Finally, his cell phone buzzed. Yeah, he screwed the no-cell-phones-allowed rule ages ago. Whoever it was, he didn't pause to look, because he noticed the time first. He was supposed to meet Katie an hour ago for their shadowing. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he hissed. Great way to start, Stoll.

He stepped out from the tree. Katie glanced up at his approach, a strange look flitting across her face. She looked...shocked?

Then, she stood up. "TRAVIS! You made me wait for an hour!" she shouted. Travis couldn't help but notice (he was a boy-with hormones-after all, right?) how her soft cream shirt clung to her shape, or how her denim shorts barely reached her thighs...

Focus, Travis, dammit, focus.

Travis grinned. He won the bet.

"What bet?" Katie said, frowning.

Shit. He hadn't meant to say that out loud. As quickly as possible, he filled her in the ramifications of his and Connor's bet.

She huffed and stormed off. Travis bounded after her. He reached out and took her hand, marveling at its softness. "Aw, c'mon, Kates!" Katie shoulders relaxed from their tight stance, and she breathed out a soft sigh, but pulled away her hand as if she'd been shocked.

Travis grinned, glad his touch could still do that to her. After all, it was only fair. She had no idea what effect she had on him.

"Don't be mad," he coaxed, taking her hand back in his, rubbing his thumb over her palm.

"Well, you better come up with a better explanation as to why you made me wait for an hour," she snapped.

Travis frowned. He couldn't exactly say, "Oh, yeah, I was watching you from behind a tree 'cause I'm kinda in love with you."

Instead, he said, "I..had stuff to do, Kates."

Katie looked at the ground, refusing to meet his eyes. "Yeah? Like what? Destroying my garden? Tying my BRA to the flagpole?" she said suspiciously.

Travis sighed, pulling her chin up to his. If her intake of breath was anything to go by, she was pretty much having the same, vivid, inappropriate thoughts as he was.

"Trust me, Kates," Travis said, smiling half-heartedly. "Sure.." she breathed, her eyes widening and going blank. Her sigh washed over her face, making him shudder involuntarily.

Nevertheless, he grinned.

Score: Travis, 1, Katie, 0, he thought.

Ok, this is it! This is definitely going to be a multi-chapter fic. Reiew-tell me if it's rubbish or if it's good. Please, please, please review-i'll send an exerpt of the next chapter.
