Chapter 1

Eric sat on his throne watching the pathetic fang bangers groveling for attention. He had kicked away a few brave enough to come close enough to him. The smell was wretched. He could not think of anything worse in his existence and he had lived a 'very' long time. He saw two young women who could hardly be of age to be in the bar sitting at a table not far from him. They had been giving him very clear looks of desire and he knew with one flick of his hand he could have both in his office at the same time for both blood and pleasure.

However it did not seem to give him much pleasure anymore. Feeding was not the same as it use to be. Pam had been giving him hell for it too. He had tried to humor her and had tried to have a fang banger each night in his office for feeding. A few times he just glamoured them to think he fed and had sex with them and he would send them away. Pam would just get more and more angry. She knew his thoughts were stuck on a spunky telepathic barmaid.

Eric was lost in his thoughts of Sookie when he realized the bar had become dead silent. The music that was the only sound quickly was turned down and Eric looked up to see Pam walking towards him with some vampires he recognized from New Orleans in tow. As they approached the vampires moved apart and the Queen stood there. Eric quickly stood and bowed to her majesty. The other vampires in the room also quickly bowed to show their loyalty and respects. The humans in the room were not sure what was going on but they knew the young woman standing amidst the vampires must be someone of importance to have even the mighty Viking bowing to her.

"Eric, I see you are hard at work as usual entertaining the vermin!" the Queen deadpanned.

"Sophie-Ann, I did not expect you this evening. I assure you, had I known you would be making an appearance I would have arranged something special for you." Eric replied smoothly. He did not address her as Queen in front of so many humans as it was custom to keep the humans out of their political positions whenever possible.

"No matter, I come because I have an assignment for you. It is of great importance and secrecy. I require someone with great strength to protect a potential business partner's personal interest. He has reason to believe someone or ones is after what is his and he has asked me to protect what he considers most precious. He assures me if I can keep what is his safe for the next 3 days and nights then he and I can begin our negotiations. I don't think I have to explain to you how important it is to me that my negotiations go well?" The Queen leered.

"I understand. I will not fail. You can count on me." Eric replied.

"Good, now before I leave, can you tell me if there is anyone worth my time here for a bite?" The Queen smiled as she cast her eyes about and searched the humans who had silently stood at the sidelines watching them.

Eric quickly looked to the table with the two young women and motioned for them to join him. As the two ladies joined them, the Queen smiled and introduced herself as a wealthy vampire from New Orleans. The girls were immediately swept up in her charms and before they even knew what was happening, the Queen ushered them back to Eric's office for some privacy.

Eric remained out front and had the music returned to full volume and with the nod of his head, several vampire underlings began to mingle in the human crowd openly flirting for attention. Quickly the humans forgot about the interruption to their night and were once again enthralled by the vampires in their presence. Eric sat on his throne to wait for the Queens return. He only hoped she did not shed too much blood in his office. He had already replaced the carpet in his office once this month. The smell from their sex was going to be hard enough to get rid of.

An hour later Eric saw the Queen returning from his office. He quickly moved from his seat to meet her by the bar. "I hope you found your visit to my bar 'fulfilling'?" Eric asked.

"Oh yes, quite." The Queen remarked as she wiped a drop of blood from the corner of her mouth. "Now if you will follow me to my car, you can take possession of your charge." Without further word the Queen began to walk to the exit and her guards followed her.

'Charge' Eric thought. Great, he was put in charge of protecting someone not something. Just great, it was probably some sniffling little pet that needed to be put in her or his place. He could just imagine all the whining he would have to suffer through the next 72 hours.

Eric followed and was a bit surprised when the driver opened the trunk and began removing bag after bag. It did not appear to be the normal luggage one would take on a trip. He saw bags of bedding and the most oddest of supplies. Just when he was about to question these things he heard a rough vampire voice from behind say "Here."

Eric turned and a teacup human, surely not old enough to even stand was shoved into his hands. Still holding the infant out front of his body he was stunned into silence. He had a thousand questions but before he could get his wits about him everyone had loaded back into the Queens car and she had rolled her window down to look at him.

"Keep him safe for the next 72 hours Northman. Do not let me down. Drexler said if any harm came to his son he would seek vengeance. I don't think that will stop at just who is after this infant." The Queen warned.

"Your majesty? I can't take care of a child. There are some things that are even beyond me." Eric replied.

"Then I suggest you find some help. Some day help as the child will not sleep all day." She remarked. "Oh, before I forget, make sure the help is flame retardant, Little Drex gets a bit sparky when he is upset." And at that last comment the Queen closed the window and the car pulled out of the parking lot.

Eric stood there with the baby held out from his chest just dangling in the air. Just great, now what was he suppose to do.

As Eric stood there contemplating his options, Pam joins him in the parking lot. "Well, well, well, what have you got there?" Pam teases.

"Don't start Pam. You know there is no way to turn down the Queen's orders. I guess we are stuck with him for the next three days." Eric sighed.

"We? I don't think so. She did not task me with this assignment." Pam snapped.

"Well as your maker I can order you to do whatever I want so you best just try to make the best of this." Eric still held the silent baby as the boy just stared at the mighty Viking vampire. Eric turned and handed the baby to Pam.

"What? I can't hold it. Oh My God! It reeks. It is disgusting." Pam continued to make retched sounds and snarl her nose in disgust. As the baby began to cry, Eric quickly scooped up the bags of stuff in the parking lot and rush to put them in the trunk of his car. Everything did not fit so he found himself trying to shove some sort of tall chair into his backseat. He had just got everything in the car when he heard Pam's screams.

Eric rushed at vampire speed to the front parking lot to find the screaming baby in her hand shooting fireballs from his hands on either side of Pam. The infant did not have good aim yet so Pam was able to move and miss the child's attempts to burn her. Eric moved up behind the baby as quickly as he could and took the child from behind. Pam immediately rushed to get behind Eric out of harms way. Eric pulled the baby to his chest prepared to grasp his arms and prevent further damage when the baby gurgled and cooed and looked up in Eric's eyes. He stopped crying and throwing balls of fire.

"Well, I guess I am off baby duty then. Have fun. I have a bar to run for the next three days." With that, Pam walked into the bar and left Eric and Drex alone in the empty parking lot.