A/N First thing I want to say is that this was not written entirely by just me. Water Wolf 100 helped me by helping me make decisions, being my beta, and giving great advice and ideas. So this story is dedicated to her. :) Thanks Wolfie!

It was spring break.

Trudy packed her bags. She was getting ready to leave for vacation, and needed one more look at her favorite kitchen.

"I'm sure gonna miss this place," she said sadly.

"Don't be that way," Amber said as she walked in. "You go have a fun time! Victor will have everything under control... I think." Trudy laughed.

"Well, I sure hope so. I don't want to come back and find out that Victor didn't clean a thing!" she laughed. "Oh, sweetie, I almost forgot. The laundry room door was acting funny this morning, it locked me in! But Alfie came in right after it locked, so apparently it could open from the outside. Would you mind telling the others?" Amber nodded.

The two walked out into the hall, where everyone else was waiting.

"Bye Trudy! Have a great vacation!" Nina said.

"You as well! And it's only a short time anyway," Trudy said as she wrapped her arms around Nina. Then, she went up to each of the students in the house and gave them all a good-bye hug. Just as Trudy went over to hug Victor, she stopped herself. Everyone snickered quietly as Victor glared at the emotional woman.

"Sorry Victor. I guess I was just caught in the moment. Bye sweeties!" She picked up her bags and everyone waved and said good-bye. Except Victor, of course.

"Everyone settle down!" Victor boomed. "I want you all to go get your things ready and packed by one o'clock. Do you understand?" They nodded. "Good. I shall expect you all to be gone by at least two. And I won't be saying good-bye." Victor turned and stormed back up the stairs as everyone ran to their rooms.


It was 12:30 and Amber and Nina were almost ready.

"Hey, Amber, I have some clothes that I want in the laundry room, is there anything you need?" Nina asked. Amber thought for a second.

"Yeah! Get my purple strapless dress, my denim mini skirt, and my yellow shirt," Amber answered.

"Which yellow shirt?"

"The one with the ruffles, duh." Amber said, like everyone was supposed to know that. Nina nodded and went downstairs. She ran into Fabian, who was also going to the laundry room. They went in and were flirting the whole time. They would stop talking and just stare at each other. Fabian kept blushing and Nina kept looking away from him. And at one point they had a short "laundry fight" and threw various random clothes at each other.

Once Fabian got his laundry he tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Uh, Nina," he said, "Why is the door locked?"

"That's odd..." Nina tried to open it. "It won't... budge!" she said frustrated.

"...Jerome? Alfie? Mick...?" Fabian said quietly.

"What?" Nina said.

"It was definitely one of the guys who locked us in here." Fabian said. Nina agreed."I guess we'll just wait for someone else to come get their laundry," Nina said


Jerome and Alfie were almost finished packing as well. Jerome got up to leave.

"I'm gonna go get my laundry." he said.

"Wait!" Alfie stopped him, "Don't. Earlier Trudy was locked in the laundry room. Turns out there's something wrong with the door," he snickered.

"So if we don't go in, and convince everyone else to go in..." Jerome's evil, plan scheming mind started to churn. He and Alfie high fived while they laughed.


Jerome waited in the hall. Mara Jaffray and Patricia Williamson came down the steps.

"Oh, hey guys," he said all sweet like.

"What do you want, creep?" Patricia asked.

"I was just wondering if you were ready to go?"

"Yes, we are actually," Mara said.

"Oh, well I saw some things in the laundry room I thought you guys would take," he said, "Why aren't you?"

"Oh, well I was gonna take that one shirt..." Mara said.

"Yeah, I did have some things I wanted too," Patricia said, "But I'm warning you Jerome, if you're pulling any kind of pranks, you're gonna get it."

"Me? Pull pranks?" Jerome asked sarcastically. Patricia pointed at her eyes and then at Jerome as if to say 'I'm watching you.' as she and Mara walked away.

Jerome smirked. "Suckers."


Nina and Fabian were sitting on the floor across from each other. They had gotten so bored that they started playing "I Spy"

"I spy... something dark brown," Nina said, in a bored tone.

"That shirt?" Fabian asked, also in a bored tone.

"No. Your hair." Nina smiled.

"What?" Fabian smiled back.

"Oh, I was just thinking about how much I like your hair..." she said shyly. Fabian was surprised. Is she flirting with me? he thought.

He did a funny hair flip that almost made Nina laugh, but she just smiled instead.

"I spy..." Fabian looked around the room, "Something pretty and green-ish brown." he said more shyly then she had.

"Your eyes?" Nina asked, acting stupid on purpose so that she could hear him say it.

"No... yours." he said, blushing. They sat there making flirty smiley faces for about three minutes. Fabian finally broke the silence.

"Um... Nina? There's something I need to tell you..." he moved over to sit next to her. That way I don't have to look her straight in that beautiful, distracting face, he thought. She sat there and waited.

Getting a little nervous, she thought, Oh no, he knows I like him and is gonna tell me he doesn't like me back! No... he has to like me, why else would he say my eyes are pretty TWICE? He had told her once before.

"Nina..." he started, "I-" the door opened and Mara and Patricia came in. Before Fabian and Nina could realize that they could now leave, the girls shut the door.

"No, no, no!" Fabian sprang up and tried to open the door. No luck.

"Jerome! Alfie! You guys better cut it out!" Fabian yelled through the door.

"What?" Patricia asked. Fabian explained that Jerome, Alfie, or maybe Mick was outside the door, keeping it locked.

"Great! Now what?" Patricia said angrily.

Jerome was outside the door snickering. Alfie showed up.

"Alfie, c'mere!" he whispered. The two stood by the door and listened to them complain.

"They think we locked it!" Jerome laughed-whispered. The two high fived again and walked away.


Amber was getting inpatient.

"Where is Nina?" she asked herself. She decided to go find out herself.

A/N Will Amber let them go? Or will she get locked in as well? Review please, and thanks for reading!

~Peace and Wolfie