Disclaimer: I don't own Glee (sadly) or Tide. Or a Tide Stick. I'm just not that cool.

Klaine. Ta-da! Enjoy. Review.

Kurt must of been sitting at least three feet away from him, and all he could smell was mint. It was almost like he was just radiating it. Kurt had seen him spit out this giant green glob into the trash can with his own two eyes before he ordered his coffee, and yet, he still smelled of it. You'd think the coffee would mask it, but nope. It wasn't rare for Blaine Anderson to smell strongly of his gum. Even days when he went without it, one could identify him by his scent. As determined as Kurt had been to find mint-scented body wash, he couldn't find it. It seemed as though the product didn't exist. Thus, the strange but strongly appealing scent of Blaine Anderson was still a mystery.

But it was oh-so attractive. It took a little too much willpower for Kurt not to just lean over the table and just stand their and sniff him.

Of course, this would probably result in the unnecessary attention from the rest of the coffee shop, and most likely a restraining order from Blaine.


Blaine had interrupted Kurt from his train of thought. There really should be laws against things like that. "Yes, Blaine."

"Why are you sitting there with you eyes closed, smelling you coffee?" Blaine asked, probably questioning his sanity.

For you information, I am actually smelling your ridiculously wonderful and attractive scent of wintergreen. And despite the fact my coffee is sitting two inches from my face, your still all I can smell, thank you very much. Kurt sighed. "I like the smell of cream."


This led to four minutes and twenty-three second of a awkward silence consisting of Kurt's epic plot to search "Mint Body Wash" on eBay and Blaine, well, thinking. And, at least in Blaine's wild opinion, nothing good can come of Blaine Anderson thinking, or especially, contemplating. Yet, Blaine Anderson, at that very moment, was contemplating something rather important.

Very important, in fact.

So important, that in fact, this one decision, which at the moment seemed a little selfish and certainly naive, would be the best or worse decision he'd ever made. Not that he knew that or anything.

This awkward silence was ruined by the awfully dapper (or at least that's what everyone thinks) Blaine, as he managed to spill coffee all over himself. As he yelled "Crap!" for the other fourteen people in the cafe, Kurt rushed to the napkins dispenser. Blaine stood up, arms out wide so he could get a good look at the damage.

A seven year old kid was pointing at Blaine, laughing hysterically, screaming, "Look! Mommy! He peed himself!"

The boy's mom was quick to throw her hand over his mouth so he wouldn't cause further embarrassment to Blaine. It was a little to late for that. He ran his hand through his greased-down hair and plopped back down in the chair, sighing. The people in the cafe stopped staring after a good thirty seconds, when Blaine was no longer too interesting, but they still turned around every few minutes to make sure he hadn't down something stupid again that they didn't want to miss.

Kurt handed Blaine a thick stack of napkins, which Blaine gladly accepted, and instantly started working on his pants. The poor boy had managed to stain a place where you really, really don't want to get stained, especially when it's your uniform you have to wear basically everyday for the rest of the year. He knew that Wes and David would get a kick of this, when he showed up to school like this.

Kurt was on his knees, scrubbing the coffee of the floor. He finished, managing to soak the entire stack of napkins.

Blaine, on the other hand, wasn't quite as lucky. Coffee just isn't very good at coming off cotton pants.

Kurt grabbed Blaine by the wrist, pulling him up from his depressed position, leaning back in the chair, and they headed to the back of the cafe, where the men's room was placed. "I have a Tide stick. Never leave home without it." Kurt explained, pulling it out of his back pocket. He handed the orange stick to Blaine, and as they stood outside of the bathroom, Kurt gesturing to door. Blaine took it, questioningly. He walked into the bathroom, slowly, and shut the door behind him.

After what couldn't of been longer then twenty minutes even if it seemed like years, finished with the vigorous scrubbing of those stubborn pants, Blaine came out of the bathroom to find Kurt sipping his second coffee at the same table. Blaine sat down at the table, fiddling with empty stick in his hand.

"Can't even tell it's there unless you look for it," Kurt reassured. Unless you look for it, echoed in Blaine's head. He certainty hoped no one was staring at his crotch long enough to notice.

"That was rather terrible." Blaine said, pushing over the Tide stick. "Sorry, I, uh, had to use the rest of it,"

"That's cool," Kurt said coolly, sipping at his coffee, "I have ten more at home." Blaine questioned him inside his head, not trying to ruin Kurt's moment.

Blaine took a long, deep breath. "Kurt, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure, what's up?"

"Well, as I was standing in the men's room in my underwear, cleaning coffee stains off my pants lying on a baby changing table, I just, well, I was thinking."

Kurt raised an eyebrow. It takes skill to word a sentence like that.

Blaine held his breath, and then smiled his goofy, toothy smile Kurt absolutely adored, "Your really awesome, Kurt."

"Why, thank you, I'm flatted." Kurt could only hope he had a clue what was going on.

"So, I was just, like, thinking, and, uh, so,"

"Spit it out, boy." Kurt said. That was a little out of character for him, but he couldn't help it. That boy kept leaving him with cliff hangers ever sense he met him.

"I know I've been... weird lately, and I don't know if screwed up teenage gay boy hormones are a good enough excuse, but, uh, do you want to go on a, uh, date with me?" Blaine asked, in the most nervous way he could say it. But that's just how Blaine Anderson rolled when no one was looking.

This was the worst part, those few seconds when you had too wait for an answer. Blaine bit his lip, wondering if he'd waited too long.

It took everything Kurt had not to spray that mouthful of coffee all Blaine's cute and innocent face. He swallowed in a quick, burning hot gulp of steaming coffee. "Did I hear you right? What did you say?"

Blaine gave him a terrible nervous laugh. "Do you want to go on a date with me?"

Kurt's mind had simply been reduced to nothing. He would of thrown his arms around his neck, but there was this stupid table in between them, and walking around it would ruin the moment. "Yes!" Kurt practically screamed, and for the second time today the entire cafe stared at them. Kurt put his head down, and Blaine put his hand over the side of his face, so only Kurt could see the huge, toothy smile plastered on his face.

PLEASE review and tell me if my destiny of continuing this story is a fantasy or not. Like, please, times twenty-four zillion and two.

I just added "Klaine" to my dictionary.