Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowling. The ones I
make up and the story line and plot, are mine.
/Thought/ ; "Words"
Soul Mates
Chapter One: The Surprise
"But Hermione! Now you can't touch a unicorn!" exclaimed Ginny Weasly.
Chuckling, Hermione replied, "Trust me, this was worth it. You'll feel that way too someday when you find a guy you're totally bonkers for!"
Blushing, Ginny shook her head. /I cannot believe this! Hermione and- and Harry finally went all the way. I am so glad I got over him, or else I'd be feeling much worse./ "I don't think so Hermione. I don't think I'm ever going to snag a guy. I mean, I don't really like any of the guys in Gryffindor. And since this is my 5th year, most of them are younger than me."
"What about that guy in Ravenclaw you used to like?" she asked.
"Who? Oh, that one? No, turns out he was kind of a snob. I want someone who will like being with me for who I am. Sometimes I hate being a girl. It makes things so complicated." Ginny replied, shaking her head sadly.
Hermione looked at her sympathetically. /I remember last year. I didn't think Harry knew I was alive, past our friendship./ Chuckling she thought, /Boy was I wrong./
Ginny looked up at her friend. /She looks so in love. Why can't I have that?/ Grabbing her backpack, she got up from where she was seated on her bed. "I'm sorry to cut this here, but I need to get a few things from the library. I'll meet you later though."
Walking towards the library, Ginny got lost in thought. /When will I meet the one who's right for me? My soul mate? I wish I knew. But not even a fortune teller could let me in on that. Life changes in so man-/ "Oof!" Ginny was knocked down to the ground, her bag sliding a few feet away.
"So, the little Weasel daydreaming again? You better watch where you're going!" spat the boy so hated by Gryffindor's. With hair as silver as the moon and eyes the color of flint, Draco Malfoy smirked down at the small red-haired siren at his feet. /Siren? Where the heck did THAT come from?/ Thought a confused Draco.
"Least you could do is help me up. I would have figured with all that money, you would have gone to Charm School." spat Ginny back, as she struggled to get up from the uncomfortable position on the floor.
Sighing, Draco bent down and put his hand under her arm, assisting her up. He was having trouble concentrating on anything, with the smell of cinnimon and oranges intoxicating his senses. His breath caught as she looked up at him with her chocolate brown eyes.
Smiling a polite smile, Ginny looked up. The smell of his cologne was having a startling effect on her. /This is Malfoy, keep that in mind/ she told herself. "Thank you," she said curtly, "now if you'll kindly move out of the way, I have somewhere to be right now."
Snapping out of his stuper, Draco put back on his trademark smirk, "Watch it next time Weasel, or you might find yourself in a bit more trouble than you want."
With a snort Ginny replied, "Oh, Draco, I am just so terrified. I'm just shaking in my robes, can't you tell? Now, if you will stop being a brainless git for one minute, please move. Then you won't have to worry about running into me again. Unless, of course, you plan on doing this again on purpose?"
Flushing, Draco backed away and growling, "Just... stay away," he walked away.
Resuming her trip towards the library, Ginny started to daydream again. This time, Draco floated into her brain. Shocked, she shook her head and stopped walking abrubtly. /No.... I cannot be developing a crush for that PRAT?!/ But as much as she wanted to protest the fact, the smell of his cologne and a scent that was just Draco was lingering around her nose...... and making her stomach flip over itself.
"Ginny, blimey, what ARE you thinking about?" shouted Hermione, who was had left the room about 10 minutes after Ginny. "I would have thought you would have made it to the library by now!"
Slowing down and waiting for Hermione to catch up, Ginny replied, "Sorry, ran into....... a, um, someone." Flushing, she turned away. /This cannot be happening!/ her mind wailed.
Hermione smiled, recognizing the signs of a newfound crush. "So, who is this someone?" she asked coyly. As she saw Ginny's face turn a new shade of red, she chuckled.
"N-no one. Don't worry yourself about it. Can you help me with this paper for DADA? I have to write it on some animal thing I can't even pronounce. Here," Ginny replied, changing the subject to what she thought would keep Hermione off of her back for awhile, and handed her the assignment.
"Sure, no problem," replied Hermione, acutely aware that her friend was changing the subject. /Either this is a seventh year, or a Slytherin./ she thought, feeling a bit troubled as a certain silver-haired person we all know and love to hate flitted through her brain. /No, couldn't be..... could it?/
Ginny sighed, and wondered if anything might come of this new interest..... and if it did, would it be good.... or bad?
Plz R&R!! I live on those! Let me know what you think, what could change, stuff like that.
/Thought/ ; "Words"
Soul Mates
Chapter One: The Surprise
"But Hermione! Now you can't touch a unicorn!" exclaimed Ginny Weasly.
Chuckling, Hermione replied, "Trust me, this was worth it. You'll feel that way too someday when you find a guy you're totally bonkers for!"
Blushing, Ginny shook her head. /I cannot believe this! Hermione and- and Harry finally went all the way. I am so glad I got over him, or else I'd be feeling much worse./ "I don't think so Hermione. I don't think I'm ever going to snag a guy. I mean, I don't really like any of the guys in Gryffindor. And since this is my 5th year, most of them are younger than me."
"What about that guy in Ravenclaw you used to like?" she asked.
"Who? Oh, that one? No, turns out he was kind of a snob. I want someone who will like being with me for who I am. Sometimes I hate being a girl. It makes things so complicated." Ginny replied, shaking her head sadly.
Hermione looked at her sympathetically. /I remember last year. I didn't think Harry knew I was alive, past our friendship./ Chuckling she thought, /Boy was I wrong./
Ginny looked up at her friend. /She looks so in love. Why can't I have that?/ Grabbing her backpack, she got up from where she was seated on her bed. "I'm sorry to cut this here, but I need to get a few things from the library. I'll meet you later though."
Walking towards the library, Ginny got lost in thought. /When will I meet the one who's right for me? My soul mate? I wish I knew. But not even a fortune teller could let me in on that. Life changes in so man-/ "Oof!" Ginny was knocked down to the ground, her bag sliding a few feet away.
"So, the little Weasel daydreaming again? You better watch where you're going!" spat the boy so hated by Gryffindor's. With hair as silver as the moon and eyes the color of flint, Draco Malfoy smirked down at the small red-haired siren at his feet. /Siren? Where the heck did THAT come from?/ Thought a confused Draco.
"Least you could do is help me up. I would have figured with all that money, you would have gone to Charm School." spat Ginny back, as she struggled to get up from the uncomfortable position on the floor.
Sighing, Draco bent down and put his hand under her arm, assisting her up. He was having trouble concentrating on anything, with the smell of cinnimon and oranges intoxicating his senses. His breath caught as she looked up at him with her chocolate brown eyes.
Smiling a polite smile, Ginny looked up. The smell of his cologne was having a startling effect on her. /This is Malfoy, keep that in mind/ she told herself. "Thank you," she said curtly, "now if you'll kindly move out of the way, I have somewhere to be right now."
Snapping out of his stuper, Draco put back on his trademark smirk, "Watch it next time Weasel, or you might find yourself in a bit more trouble than you want."
With a snort Ginny replied, "Oh, Draco, I am just so terrified. I'm just shaking in my robes, can't you tell? Now, if you will stop being a brainless git for one minute, please move. Then you won't have to worry about running into me again. Unless, of course, you plan on doing this again on purpose?"
Flushing, Draco backed away and growling, "Just... stay away," he walked away.
Resuming her trip towards the library, Ginny started to daydream again. This time, Draco floated into her brain. Shocked, she shook her head and stopped walking abrubtly. /No.... I cannot be developing a crush for that PRAT?!/ But as much as she wanted to protest the fact, the smell of his cologne and a scent that was just Draco was lingering around her nose...... and making her stomach flip over itself.
"Ginny, blimey, what ARE you thinking about?" shouted Hermione, who was had left the room about 10 minutes after Ginny. "I would have thought you would have made it to the library by now!"
Slowing down and waiting for Hermione to catch up, Ginny replied, "Sorry, ran into....... a, um, someone." Flushing, she turned away. /This cannot be happening!/ her mind wailed.
Hermione smiled, recognizing the signs of a newfound crush. "So, who is this someone?" she asked coyly. As she saw Ginny's face turn a new shade of red, she chuckled.
"N-no one. Don't worry yourself about it. Can you help me with this paper for DADA? I have to write it on some animal thing I can't even pronounce. Here," Ginny replied, changing the subject to what she thought would keep Hermione off of her back for awhile, and handed her the assignment.
"Sure, no problem," replied Hermione, acutely aware that her friend was changing the subject. /Either this is a seventh year, or a Slytherin./ she thought, feeling a bit troubled as a certain silver-haired person we all know and love to hate flitted through her brain. /No, couldn't be..... could it?/
Ginny sighed, and wondered if anything might come of this new interest..... and if it did, would it be good.... or bad?
Plz R&R!! I live on those! Let me know what you think, what could change, stuff like that.