Imperfect in a Perfect World

A/N: Twilight/ Harry potter crossover with what I'm gonna guess is an original plot. Lol, yeah. So review.

Summary: Tyler Isabella Potter, Harry Potter's infamous twin. Not a 'chosen one'. A Slytherin. And maybe a future death eater? Who knows? But why does she hate the new family of vampires so much? Read and find out... xD

Disclaimer: I own the plot.

Rated: T, for now. For language, sexuality, and violence.

Links on me profile!

Chapter 01: My life so far.

Tyler/Bella POV

"Bella, we're leaving." said Edward softly. My heart tugged. I didn't love Edward, at all. I loved the idea of him. A family.

"O-okay. Just let me make up an excuse for Charlie." I stammered.

"No." said Edward harshly.

"What?" I asked. It was all coming to an end.

"Carlisle can barely pass for 30, but is playing for 33. It's time."

"I can skip the last part of my senior year." I said.

"No, Bella. It's just us. Me and my family. Not you." said Edward.

"You don't want me?" I said, my voice breaking.

"No." He kissed my forehead before disappearing. He left me. Just like everyone else always does.

Confused? Let me explain.

When I was one, my parents were murdered. My twin, Harry, and I were all that remained. But my brother is the chosen one. He was there the night Voldemort was murdered. I was with my Uncle Sirius, so Voldemort didn't hurt me. Anyway, so I was sent to live with Sirius. (A/N: No Sirius in Azkaban. Pettigrew still betrayed them an escaped tho.) Harry couldn't ever live with us or even visit. So when I was 11 a man, with a long white beard, brought us together. It was time, he had said. Harry and I were cautious at first. We were so much alike, yet so different.

My childhood was good. His was awful. I was cunning. He was brave. I was loud. He was quiet. I was mischeivious. He was reserved. The list goes on and on. Anyway, we boarded the Hogwart's Express together. He wanted to be in Gryffindor. I didn't mind where, as long as it wasn't Hufflepuff. But then came the sorting. The day we changed forever.

Flashback. September 1st, 2001. (bumped up 10 years)

"Harry, I'm so nervous." I said. He nodded.

"I know the feeling Ty." I smiled and held his hand. He grinned at me.

"I don't want to be in Slytherin. It's where the bad ones go." said Ron Weasley, from Harry's left. Harry agreed and I stayed silent.

"Potter, Harry." Harry smiled at me before going over to the stool. After a few moment it said:

"Gryffindor!" The house of red and gold cheered. I sucked in a breath. I was next.

"Potter, Tyler." I tucked a loose stray of blonde hair and made my way to the stool. Harry gave me a thumbs up and I smiled at him.

"Cunning." hissed a voice in my ear.

'So I've been told.' I though back.

"You are brave, no doubt about it."

'Again, I've been told.'

"You want to fit in. But where?"

'Your job to figure that out.'

"Hmm, you wish for power. You are smart and fiesty. Loyal, but Hufflepuff doesn't suit you. "


"I know where you belong."

"Slytherin." shouted the hat. My world started spinning. I walked over to the sea of kids in sliver and green. I sat next to a boy with slicked back blonde hair.

"Draco. Draco Malfoy." he introduced. I smiled shakily.

"Tyler Potter."

"Tyler? Isn't that a boy's name?" asked a dumb looking amphibian like boy.

"No." I said simply.


"Ignore Goyle." said Draco. I liked him, and could tell we were going to be friends.

September 2nd 2001.

Today was when we got our timetables. I looked at mine.



Charms- Ravenclaw


History of Magic- Gryffindor


Defense against the Dark Arts- Ravenclaw

Flying- Gryffindor

Transfiguration- Hufflepuff

I looked up from the parchment, and across the hall. I saw a familiar head and raced over to him.

"Hiya Harry!" I said happily. He turned around and Ron turned his nose up.

"What?" asked Harry irritably. I stared at him.

"Uh, I just wanted to say hi..." I mumbled.

"Oh well. Hi." said Harry shortly.

"What's wrong?" I snapped.

"You're a Slytherin." retorted Ron.


"No one good ever comes from there." said Harry.

"Are you kidding me? I'm not evil!"

"What about that fish?" accused Harry.

"That was an accident." I blew up a fish, when I got mad once.

"GO away Tyler." snarled Ron. Tears welled up into my aqua eyes. First my my brother.

Fast Forward. June 18th, 2006

"Harry!" I shouted angrily.

"What do you want?" he spat, spinning around. He thinks I'm evil still.

"Sirius is like my fucking father. I am coming with you." I said sharply.

"How do we know you you ain't a trap?" shrieked Ron.

"Ronald he is the last ounce of family I have." I said, my voice breaking. Harry stared at me. I stared back. Harry left me, that day in first year. Never to come back.

"Fine. Hermione, watch her." said Harry. I glared at him. We eventually got to the Ministry. It turned out it was a trap. Not set by me, however.

"Sirius!" I shouted when the man who was like a father to me appeared.

"Oh Tyler!" He rushed over to me and hugged me. I smiled.

"I thought you were dead." I whispered into his ear.

"Nope, not yet." He smiled and I grinned at him.

"Aw isn't that sweet." cooed a baby like voice. I spun around.

"Avada Kedavra." said Bellatrix Lestrange, pointing her wand at me.

"No!" said Sirius. He ran at me, pushing me to the side. The curse his him, and he fell through the veil.

"NO!" "NO!" Harry and I screamed.

"Goddammit!" I cried. Lupin held me.

"Let me fucking go!" I snarled, racing after Bellatrix. Harry followed me.

"Crucio!" he shouted.

"You have to mean it Potter." she snapped. I meant it.

"Crucio!" I snarled. She fell to the floor, and began to writhe. I increased the pain. She was no screamer.

Harry stared at me. I had just tortured someone, and I felt good afterwards.

I had also just lost my only family.

June 21st, 2006.

"I'm sorry for your loss." said Dumbledore somberly. I stared at him.

"No you're not." I said raspily.

"Oh my dear I am. But you have a mission."

"I know." I said quietly. He looked at me.

"Are you willing?"

"Yes." I needed to get out of here.

"Good. The 23rd, right before the Hogwart's Express leaves, I want you here. A portkey will be waiting." I nodded and stood. I slumped into my dorm. Everyone was gone. Or so I thought. Tears welled up in my eyes and I sobbed. My life was in ruins. I was shaking and sobbing while I looked for a knife. Words floated inside my head.








All of which were called to me by my brother and his friends. I found the blade and cried as it dragged it against my skin. Blood bubbled to the surface and began to ooze out. My mind was reeling.

"Tyler?" came a small voice from the doorway. I barely registered it. "Tyler!" Frantic now.

Strong arms wrapped around me as blood poured from the wound on my arm. The wound that read:


I cried into Draco's arms...all night long until I passed out. He cried with me. He loved me. I loved him. But I was leaving. I was leaving soon. Because everyone left me.

End flashbacks.

So here I was today. The scar that read alone stared at me. I finally thought I found a family. They left me. Alone. Now it was time to return to the place I hated the most. Hogwarts.

A/N:Kinda a prologue type thing. Basically she was tortured by her brother & all gryffindor's cuz she hung with the Slytherin gang. Harry is jealous of her, more will be revealed later. Yeah she etched Alone in her arm. Draco/Tyler later. Harry and her won't hate eachother forever. Set in New Moon/ Mid 6th book.
