Megamind woke up early in an uncomfortable and painful place on the floor. The others were still asleep. He sat up and yawned with a stretch. Gazing around the dull room for a few minutes a wonderfully evil idea came to mind.

Moving through the room Megamind slowly acquired all the needed materials to accomplish this evil task. He then slowly tiptoed over to the stretched out snoring hero.

Roxanne opened her eyes and yawned. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and froze at the sight of the contents of her purse strewn across the floor. Instantly angry the reporter sat up in bed and scanned the room glaring, looking for the little blue villain she suspected had something to do with her purse. Growling after finding the alien knelling in front of the couch she began, "Meg…."

"SHHHHHHHH!" The villain responded with a finger to his lips and an angry glare on his face.

Roxanne's eyes widened and she quickly covered her mouth attempting to hold back her laughter. Metroman was sprawled over the couch snoring. Megamind had drawn a rather detailed clown face on him using her foundation, lipstick and eyeliner. He had also covered the top of his head in a crown of shaving cream that looked like a big white fluffy wig. Metroman had a matching shaving cream clown suit with a bowtie made of toilet paper and dental floss. Megamind had tied the hero's shoe laces together and filled the sleeping man's hand with more shaving cream.

All Roxanne could do was sit quietly and watch the evil villain finish his magic. Carefully using the nail clippers from Roxanne's purse Megamind slit the pillow open. He took the feathers out and sprinkled them over the sleeping hero, saving one. After setting up about a hundred dixie cups from the bathroom filled with water in front of the couch Megamind took his feather and began tickling the hero making him spread the shaving cream all over his face.

Roxanne couldn't hold in the laughter any more. She began shrieking and snorting uncontrollably this startled the hero awake who attempted to jump up to see what was wrong only to be tripped by the tied shoelaces causing him to face plant on the floor covered in Dixie cups. Megamind cackled while Roxanne struggled to breathe tears streaming down her face.

Metroman sat in the back seat with his arms crossed in front of his chest sulking while Roxanne and Megamind hummed and sang along to some AC/DC songs on the radio still in a good mood from the events from that morning.

They passed a sign that read The World's largest ball of Yarn! Next right

"What's a y-a-w-n ball?" Megamind asked raising an eyebrow.

"It's Y-A-R-N!" Metroman said glaring from the backseat.

Rolling his eyes Megamind made the right towards the giant ball. "I want to see how big the largest yawn ball is!"

Roxanne and Metroman said in unison, "yarn!"

Megamind jumped out of the car and ran towards the giant ball surrounded by a simple chain link fence with a booth stationed at the entrance.

"Welcome to the giant ball of…" the man said sitting behind the booth before…ZAP…Megamind dehydrated him with an evil cackle. Megamind ran through the gate with Metroman and Roxanne right behind him.

Metroman stopped to pick up the poor blue cube while Roxanne continued after Megamind screaming, "Megamind stop! Hey wait….No don't!...ZAP…STOP!... ZAP…no!... ZAP...STOP! Stop dehydrating people! You are supposed to be on break from being a villain! No Megamind don't pull that!..."

Metroman looked up and paled as he saw the giant ball of yarn begin to roll towards him gaining speed. He had just managed to jump out of the way before the ball broke through the chain link fence and continued to roll, heading straight for the invisible car.

Metroman began running after the ball as fast as he could but it was useless without his super speed. The yarn started to increase its distant from the panting hero then…CRUCH! Metroman stopped and his jaw dropped as the ball rolled right over the car as if it wasn't even there and continued into the 'wilderness.'

Groaning and stomping his feet Metroman went back towards the fenced area. Now what were they going to do the car was totaled? More than totaled it was flatter than a pancake!

Roxanne had just finished yelling a rather colorful lecture from the looks of things. Megamind was staring at his feet that were drawing little doodles in the sand.

Glaring at the blue villain Metroman spoke up, "You have DESTROED the invisible car! It is flatter than a piece of paper! What kind of genius are you?...destroying your only mode of transportation in less than a minute! No wonder you can't do ANYTHING right, you can't even get people to spend more than two seconds in your company unless it is out of necessity or you force them in your evil schemes!"

Megamind instantly straightened up, "I am the best villain in the world and I knew what I was doing! I can fix the car you brainless oaf!" With checks flushed in anger and attempting to hide the hurt from Metroman's words the blue alien stormed off towards the car as tears weld in his eyes mumbling something about knocking some sense into the brainless hero and drawing him a map to his intelligence if he could even read a map.

Roxanne was shaking her head, "Wayne chill. He just got a little too excited…I think and..."

"Since when have you been on his side, Roxanne!" Metroman asked.

"I am not on anyone's side! Let's just find all the blue cubes and rehydrate these people because I don't foresee it raining here anytime soon. I don't think he will do this little stunt again, at least I hope not after that scolding. Take that stick you have up your ass out will you? He is just having fun. When was the last time you actually saw Megamind having a good time? It's not like he ever had any friends and in case you forgot YOU were mostly to blame for that in school! Some hero you are, it's ok to be a hero for some but not others?" Glaring at Metroman, Roxanne turned away from the taken aback hero and began picking up the blue cubes.

Metroman was completely stunned. He turned back and looked in the direction of the broken car. He watched the blue alien for a few minutes sorting through the ruble and begin to piece the car slowly back together. When he saw Megamind lift up an arm to wipe tears from his face the magnitude of what Roxanne said hit him like a ton of bricks. Megamind never really hurt anyone; he made sure of that when planning his schemes and Metroman always knew he never really had to worry about the welfare and safety of anyone evolved and in proximity to the evil plans. Roxanne was right. Why had he always been mean to Megamind? He even remembered the first few times he saw the blue alien in school. He had laughed and called him names even led the class in taunting the poor kid and what had Megamind done before snapping and being rotten? Megamind had tried to win the affections of the class and even befriend Metroman.

Sighing and feeling massive amounts of guilt from everything over the years Metroman went back to the car where the alien worked away. Megamind had already put most of the frame together which surprised the hero, the evil genius was better then he thought.

Metroman cleared his throat making the blue villain tense and that made Metroman feel even worse, "Megamind, I…listen I was thinking this isn't easy…" seeing the alien about the get up Wayne got to the point, "Listen Megamind I am sorry." Megamind froze and slowly turned to face the hero. Metroman could see his eyes were red from crying.

"Megamind I am sorry. I am sorry for everything I said but not just for that. I am sorry for everything wrong I have ever done to you… for making your life miserable, for keeping you from making friends and anything else I might have done. I wasn't being a very good hero."

Megamind's eyes widened slightly and cautiously asked, "You're sorry. Are you really sorry?"

"Yes I am. "

Smiling Megamind gave Metroman an extremely brief hug, so brief Metroman wasn't even sure it had happened, "Thank you Metroman…This doesn't mean we are going to stop fighting does it?..."

Laughing Metroman smiled back, "No, not unless you really don't want to come up with grandiose schemes and land in jail anymore."

"Wow, look at you using a big word like grandiose!" Metroman rolled his eyes, Megamind couldn't go one minute without taking a jab at the hero's intelligence, "Besides, Metroman, life is way too much fun, with our witty banters and charades."

"I agree, Megamind, say how would you feel about hanging out and spending our vacations once a year together? As friends?"

"I'd like that…but if you tell anyone I will deny it and kill you." Megamind said adding an evil glare.

With a heroic pose Metroman retorted, "Not if I throw you in jail first."

The two laughed and Metroman started helping Megamind by handing him pieces of the car and any tools tossed about. Roxanne had just found what she assumed was the last cube and smiled as she watched the two working on the car for the rest of the day.

When the car was completed Metroman returned the cube he had picked up earlier to Roxanne who poured a bottle of water on the pile of cubes returning everyone to their normal hydrated selves. The three quickly made their way to the car and drove off before the bewildered group realized what had happened.

There you guys go another chapter! Please review! Sorry it took so long for me to get this up I had a block as to what would happen after the mission but my block is gone so a new chapter will come tomorrow!