AN: I do not own Megamind or any other awesomeness related to the movie. I hope you all enjoy and REVIEW, REVIEW, REVIEW! MUHHAHAhaaaa!

Megamind leaned back in his leather chair and inspected the unorganized pile of papers maps and diagrams on the table in front of him. His brilliant green eyes shifted back and forth along the mass of papers while a crafty evil smirk spread across his face. It was going to work, it had to work and he only had one week to do it before he had to be back in Metro City for his epic battle with Metroman.

Minion just finished packing the suitcases and other belongings into the back of the invisible car. I really hope Megamind knows what he is doing. He usually always tells me his plans but he didn't tell me anything! Minion went to find his little blue villain to convince him to let the fish accompany the alien.

"Megamind, please tell me what you plan on doing during your week off? …and without me nonetheless!" the fish whined.

Spinning around in his chair with a sigh the blue alien replied to his nervous fish, "Minion I know we usually spend this one week a year together playing video games, watching movies, and having just plain fun…but there is something I need to do for myself. I promise I won't do anything too crazy I just need to get away for a bit and think. I will be back in time to kick some super hero butt." He said the last part with a goofy grin.

"Ok Ok I know you planned this secrete excursion last year but can you at least tell me where you are going?

"No because you will follow me and I need to know I can do things on my own if the situation ever arose."

"I know, I'll take good care of the brainbots while you're gone and I will have a hot plate of your favorite meal when you get back." Minion hugged his evil boss lifting him off the ground, "I never thought this day will come make sure you keep your cell phone with you in case you need me for anything."

Laughing Megamind hugged his fishy friend back, "Neither did I minion, neither did I."

Metroman had just finished packing the car. This was his favorite and least favorite week of the year. He was on his way to visit his parents and Roxanne was coming along because she had some sort of meeting for some research story on some mysterious government base in the middle of nowhere but he had agreed to give her a lift because it was on the way.

For some unexplained reason everyone thought he and Roxanne were dating. It's probably because Megamind kidnaps her all the time, you think the guy would mix it up a little. He and Roxanne were just friends, more like siblings actually and he would enjoy the company on the long drive. This one week of the year Megamind and Metroman had a truce of no fighting or anything during the anniversary of their birthdays, destruction of their planets and their arrival on earth which all dates fell across one week's span. Metroman, or Wayne, for some reason he could never figure out was from the anniversary of his birthday to exactly seven days later he had absolutely no powers. He was just like everyone else. Megamind knew this but never attacked on any of those day because in the formation of the truce he claimed it would be too boring and not a real challenge, a cheap amateur's move.

Roxanne came up to Wayne and handed him a map, "You navigate and I will drive."

"Hey why do you get to drive, I am the hero after all."

"Because mister hero in tights I know how to drive and you really don't and to think you were going to make this trip by yourself." Shaking her head she climbed into the driver's seat and started the car.

Wayne climbed into the passenger seat, "It's not my fault flying everywhere and super speed erases the need to learn how to drive, it is really much slower than my other options."

"Yeah but you and I both know there is one week a tear where it would come in handy." With that last comment she won and she pulled out of the driveway.

So the first chapter is complete! I hope you enjoy and there is so much to come, this just set things up and into motion. Review! I know it is short but I promise more! very very soon :)