The Mark

A/N: hey people I know I'm not that good but please don't review too badly on it, and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters trust me if I did right about now I'd be rolling around in money! And Draco would be with Hermione! And RON WOULD BE DEAD! Sorry I just do not like Ron.

Chapter 1: the mark

"What no father please I don't want to do this you do, you want me to do this but I don't, father please!" Draco Malfoy cried to his father Lucius. "You are a disgrace, and you will get it whether you want it or not." his father said then stormed from the drawing room in Malfoy manor.

Draco cried himself to sleep that night, which lately had been happening quite often, he never wanted it, but he was being forced to. Whether he wanted to or not he would soon be branded with the dark mark and would soon be a death eater.


When he awoke the next morning Draco felt someone slapping him across the face.

"What, what, I'm up you can stop now!" Draco yelled but soon apologized when he realized it was his father.

"Come now Draco let's go downstairs its time." he ushered Draco out of the door, once he had gotten dressed.

When Draco walked into the main room he saw too many death eaters to count, even if he tried to get away he knew it wouldn't happen all of them would be sending hexes his way if he so much as motioned towards his wand that was sitting in the pocket of his robes.

"Hello young Malfoy." He heard someone say from across the room and looked up to see none other than Voldemort himself.

He walked up towers the fireplace where Voldemort was standing and bowed.

Lucius went and stood beside the dark lord and took a brand from the fireplace while Draco reluctantly held out his arm.

Lucius took the brand and pressed it onto Draco's arm he tried not to let the pain bother him but it felt excruciating it felt worse than 10 cruciatus curses put together. He tried to stay awake but soon black spots clouded his vision and he fell to the floor.

When he woke 2 minutes later he saw his father standing above him. "Well done Draco," he said then looked up "shall we carry on with the meeting then?" He asked Voldemort. "Yes we shall, Lucius show your boy to his seat." the dark lord motioned to a seat beside Narcissa, Draco's mother, close to the middle of the very long table.

Draco walked over to his seat with his father and sat down, then listened to what Voldemort had to say.


Once the meeting ended, Draco returned to the drawing room with his mother.

"I'm sorry mum I didn't want to black out like that when I was getting the mark it was just the pain it was, it was too much." Draco tried to explain.

"Don't worry Draco dear, that's part of the ceremony, if you don't pass out then you don't become a true death eater, although the longer you stay awake the more powerful you are, that is why you're father said well done, that's one of the longest times anyone has stayed conscious." Narcissa explained to her son.

"Oh well that's good I thought I may have let father down or something I know how hard it is for him in front of the dark lord." Draco said.

"I have got to go see what your father is up to, I will see you later Draco." She said and then left Draco in silence.

Draco looked down at his left wrist he could see his skin, bright red forming the shape of a skull with a snake coming out of it. His mark hurt like bloody hell, but now he had it and it would never go away.

He looked out the window and saw a bird but not just any bird it looked as though it was Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes. When Draco opened the window to get a better view he could have sworn Fawkes had winked at him.

"Whoa I must be going crazy." Draco said to himself, or so he thought, "You took it well young Malfoy I can see you are strong and powerful." Draco recognized the voice immediately, it was Voldemort.

"Thank you my lord." Draco said turning to look at him. "Draco I have a mission for you if you choose to accept I want you to go and start straight away." Voldemort said. "Of course my lord, anything." he
looked at him, he did look strangely like a snake, Draco chuckled internally, although he would never laugh aloud for he knew if he did Voldemort would personally kill him.

"Well then young Malfoy, I would like you to get rid of someone for me, but not just anyone, I want you to get rid of Albus Dumbledore, and I want it done by the end of the year, do I make myself clear."
Draco's heart plummeted, his throat went dry, he would have to kill the very man that had helped him for 5 years, he would have to kill one of the wisest, smartest wizards ever to live, but worst of all he
would have to kill Dumbledore because Voldemort wanted power, he wanted to conquer all and that was what he would do. "Yes, of course my lord." Was all he could muster without his voice cracking too much. "Well then you my dear boy, you should start thinking of a plan. Voldemort turned and left the room, this was going to be a long hard year for Draco, and he knew it.

A/N: Please let me know how I did and if you liked it. Chapter 2 will be posted soon! R&R!