I missed writing for y'all! I'm going to try a publish some of my other writings but not forget this story.



Sasori relaxed as the water poured down his back. He shouldn't have had Deidara…done that, no matter how much he liked it. He always knew that he wanted to be close to Deidara but never knew how far their relationship would actually go. Did he understand how Sasori really felt? Sighing, Sasori massaged shampoo into his scalp. This could be settled when the timing was better. Sasori hummed as he washed his hair free of the bubbles. Sasori had to call his work again; after taking an extended leave, he had to explain how long it would be before he would return to work. Even he didn't know when it would be ok to just leave Deidara alone, if he could. But that could be sorted out in the morning.

"Maybe I'll get fired, and then I would have to crawl back to my bitch of a grandmother for money. Damn the old hag." Sasori turned his water off as he finished his shower. The room was lit brightly and steamy from the shower. Sasori grimaced at the cold tile floor and quickly clothed himself into a pair of loose blue shorts and a black wife beater. He entered his bedroom to Deidara still in his bed, sleeping peacefully.

"Sasori…un." Deidara rolled over but still appeared to be in a deep slumber. Sasori smiled and joined his Dei in the bed.

"Right here Deidara." Sasori took him into his arms, encircling his waist. Deidara snuggled his face into the curve of Sasori's neck. Sasori glanced at the clock, flashing the time. Eleven forty, no wonder he was just as tired as Deidara. Sasori was welcomed into the world of sleep as his body drifted.


"Dr. Kakuzu, someone would like to see you. It's the usually patient, but he looks a little rougher than he has lately." Naomi, Kakuzu's oh so lovely assistant, buzzed him over the phone. The man groaned and rubbed his forehead. All the crazy people had entered the hospital in matter of minutes, draining what little energy Kakuzu even had.

"Send him in." Kakuzu pushed some papers aside, waiting for his…patient to make his appearance.

"Kuzu, I'm doing worse and that fucking medicine is bull fucking crap. Jashin wouldn't approve of it." Jashin, Kakuzu thought, the dumb god of Hidan, but he was already used to that strange part of him. Kakuzu sighed and turned off his desk lamp, letting the moon push through its ray through the dirty window.

"I didn't know you seriously thought you would get better. You're a fuck up. Nothing is gonna change you out of your ways now." Kakuzu leaned against the front of his desk, a few feet away from the frustrated Hidan. The boy was dressed in a pair of ripped black pants and a tight red shirt with his Jashin design; probably a product of his own creation. His shoes, grey and black vans, were torn in numerous places, fitting his "rugged" look. Kakuzu slipped his white coat of and threw it on his chair, leaving him in black dress pants and a white button up shirt.

"For fuck sakes Kakuzu, do you give to fucks about me? Am I still that fucking fuck buddy of yours? Jashin damn it, I knew I should have just stayed home tonight." Hidan glared his magenta eyes at the man.

"With that religion of yours, I thought you already knew there is no hope for you. But I have come to find myself still attracted to the fuck up. We have had this interesting…affiliation ever since that night-"

"Affiliation? Oh that's fucking great. You don't even want to call it a relationship? We aren't even that fucking close? WE'VE HAD FUCKING SEX! MULTIPLE TIMES YOU FUCKTARD! HOW FUCKING JASHIN DAMN IT YOU TREAT ME LIKE THIS!" Hidan grabbed Kakuzu by his collar, but he knew he had to control the water that dared to pour over. Kakuzu flipped Hidan onto his desk, pinning him down by his hands.

"I have my reasons Hidan. Now calm down." Hidan struggled and struggled but he just wanted to hide his face. He knew he was close to breaking and he didn't know why; he knew this, however, Kakuzu couldn't see his emotions. Though Kakuzu brought out them, he didn't want to be so exposed.

"Don't fucking tell me…what to fucking…do." Kakuzu stiffened at the sight of Hidan's tears. He released his hands but stayed hovering over Hidan.

"What the…why the fuck are you crying?" Hidan's hands tried to wipe them away but they just kept being replaced with more.



Deidara eyes fluttered open but he felt groggy. He noticed that it was just turning four in the morning and that he was resting rather closely to Sasori, not that he was complaining. But today felt weird to him, the feeling he had when a memory was trying to break through.

"Danna…Danna, un. I have this feeling, un." Sasori moaned and ruffled his face into Deidara's soft golden locks.

"Well it's a little fucking early, Deidara. But fine," Sasori sat up and glanced at his clock, reading the time and date. "Well, I know that today is very special to you."

"Why, un?"

"Well, today, according to my source, (aka his school records) that today is your birthday. Happy eighteenth birthday, Deidara and welcome to the life of an adult. But don't worry, when your memory comes completely back, you'll understand this much better." Sasori kissed the top of Deidara's head, smoothing the stray hairs on his head.

"Oh, I think I remember that I get cake, un. With…flames…"

"Candles and yes, I'll find you a cake but in a couple of damn hours; back to bed Deidara." Sasori rolled over and slipped back under the covers.

"Ok un. But how old is Danna, un?"

"…Twenty three." Deidara nodded, understand the age difference but nothing more. He pressed his face into Sasori's back and joined him in sleeping the early morning hours away.


Kakuzu paced through his bedroom in his apartment. He had just walked in but all he could think about at the early hour of six a.m. was what Hidan had said. He couldn't respond to him but even if he could, Hidan ran out the door after the words fell out.

"He loves me huh…maybe he needs to reconsider his feelings. Love is powerful and I don't deserve love like that, so pure and resilient." He stared out the window as the sun started to peak out. "We'll meet soon, Hidan and then you'll understand how our relationship really is."


Well that was interesting for me. It came to my attention that I should add another layer by showing a bit of Hidan and Kakuzu through the story or other possible couples if/or as they appear. Leave a review about it and tell me what you think!

R&R as always!