A/N: Hello, fanficers! I'm Trina; you may have read one of my other Sanctuary fanfics: Romeo and Juliet and/or The Fear Inside Us and/or Trapped to Save a Lover. They are both Nikola/Helen, which is my signature pairing for this show. I hope you enjoy the story! It's a good mix of humor and danger. ENJOY! :D

Trouble on Four Paws

Chapter 1

At first Helen wasn't sure what had woken her up, but then she heard it- scratching on the front door. Perplexed, Helen decided to check it out. Rousing Will, she and Will walked quietly to the front door, she in a purple, silk robe, and he in grey pajamas.

"I didn't hear anything, you know." Will announced, rubbing his eyes.

Helen layed a hand on his shoulder. "Trust me. I heard something. Now, let's check it out like responsible adults." Will rolled his eyes but didn't say anything further. They finally reached the large, Brazilian wood doors. Pulling open the door quickly, Helen peered through the thick mask of rain that had been falling all week. There was no one there- or so was her first thought.

Will pointed to the ground and whispered, "Look." Following Will's gaze, she saw what had previously made the irritating scratching noises. A small, black-furred, soaken-wet kitten sat sadly in the rain.

Looking Helen up and down, the kitten seemed to smirk. "Meow."

A/N: Sorry it was short, but this was sort of an intro anyway. Tell me what you think? Whatever ex-vamp you may be associating this adorable little kitten with, I assure you it is probably just your wild imagination. ;) Please review!