A/N: So this is the second and final part, set a couple of days later in the coffee shop just after the episode left off. I wanted to do something like this separately, but when IfOnlyLoveWasLikeTheMovies87 suggested the idea for another chapter, I combined the two, and here we go!
Oh, and who's excited for Sexy? I know I am! Damn me being in the UK and having to wait until a little later to see it!
Enjoy, and please tell me what you thought of it by dropping a review!
Kurt stepped into Blaine's place in the queue, since Rachel had so rudely flounced away. He wondered why Blaine had rushed off to the bathroom so quickly. He also wondered whether Blaine had seen him or not - he'd kind of looked at him when talking to Rachel. Obviously Kurt wasn't very good at blending in - he'd learnt that when he'd tried spying at Dalton - busted within the first hour. Kurt wondered what would've happened if he'd asked someone else on the stairs what was going on. He might never have confronted Karofsky. He might never have come to Dalton for good. He might never have met Blaine. The thought made Kurt's chest hurt. He couldn't fathom what it would've been like without him.
"What can I get you, today?" He was at the counter, the cashier's voice breaking his reverie.
"Oh. Um, medium drip, please." He handed over a five dollar bill, telling the friendly looking woman to keep the change. He went round the side to wait for his order, slipping once more into his thoughts. He thought about the argument he'd had with Blaine a couple of days previously. He'd said some things he regretted - really regretted - and he needed to tell Blaine he was sorry, that he'd support him whatever he was, whatever he did and whatever he chose to be. He thought about when Blaine had slept in his bed. He'd thought about that an awful lot recently, far too much for it to be deemed healthy, but Kurt couldn't resist re-living how he'd felt so safe and comfortable cuddling into Blaine, how all he could feel and smell was him, how his lips had felt on his skin…Kurt was still trying to decide if he'd imagined that or not.
"Medium drip." A coffee cup was pushed towards him and Kurt took it with a polite smile, turning to find Blaine stood next to him. He let out a small squeak, not expecting anyone, never mind Blaine, to be at the side of him. He must have been extremely deep in thought not to notice him.
"You didn't have to buy me my coffee, Kurt." It was hard to tell what Blaine was feeling towards the other boy. He looked a mixture of guilty, anxious and something else. Maybe it was happiness, maybe it was anger. Kurt couldn't work it out. He extended his arm carefully.
"I kind of owe you something to make up for me behaving like an ass. Coffee seems like a good start." Blaine took the cup, his fingers brushing Kurt's only very lightly but with just enough pressure to make his spine tingle.
"Can we sit down and sort this out?" Kurt nodded, glad Blaine wanted to at least try to still be friends.
They sat back down at the table Kurt had been at. Kurt decided he needed to get his apology out before Blaine started speaking.
"Look, Blaine, I'm sorry for what I said. I was wrong to get mad at you like that and I really regret what I said to you. You had every right to be confused and you should be free to be who you are without me letting my, I'll admit it, flawed judgement get the better of me and hurting you. I just want you to know that, if you want me to, I'll be here for you, whoever you are, if you're gay, bisexual, omnisexual, whatever, it doesn't matter, you'll still be you, and I don't think anything can change that." Kurt had looked Blaine straight in the eyes as he spoke, trying to convey his sincerity through both his eyes and his words.
Thankfully, Blaine smiled at him. It was a simple, reassuring smile that warmed Kurt to the centre of his bones, both because it was beautiful and because of the relief it brought.
"I think I have an apology to make too, Kurt. I compared you to Karofsky, and I really shouldn't have done that. You have nothing, nothing on common with that lowlife." He practically spat out the word, taking a second to breathe before continuing.
"I completely understand now why you would be angry with me. And I know now that I'm definitely gay, no doubt about it. The truth is, we both said and did a few things we regret that day. What do you say we put them behind us and carry on like we never fell out, hm?" Kurt let out breath that he barely realised he'd been holding.
"I'd like that very, very much." They smiled at each other and Blaine, content, took a careful sip of his coffee.
"Needs sugar," he commented, grimacing slightly and retrieving some from the pot across the room. He added it to the lightly steaming cup, stirred and licked the stirrer when he was done. Kurt watched him, mesmerised by the way his lips moved across the plastic.
"Blaine, do you remember anything else from the party?" Kurt found himself asking, adding, slightly nervously, "Or, uh, after the party?" Blaine looked thoughtful then smirked.
"I remember Mercedes trying to smother Puck in spin the bottle…and singing karaoke for a bit…oh, and I definitely remember falling over afterwards." He winced at the memory.
"And then later on, someone woke me up."
"Yeah, that was me." Kurt smiled a little guiltily.
Blaine's brow furrowed in concentration as he tried to remember the events of the night in order.
"Then you helped me into your car and said something about being quiet."
"So we didn't wake my dad up," Kurt filled in, "which was kind of pointless, because he got angry enough when he found out you'd stayed anyway…" He sighed quietly. "Is that all you remember?" Blaine didn't answer. Of course that was all he could remember, he was drunk. Really quite drunk. Kurt hadn't expected him to remember what'd happened between them in his room, but there was part of him that had wished Blaine would, however unlikely that was. Kurt felt his stomach twist with the bitter mix of disappointment and anger; angry at himself for letting that one part of his heart make him believe that Blaine would remember such a thing. It would probably have been insignificant to Blaine anyway, even if he had remembered. Kurt dropped his head, feeling tears prickle at his eyes, trying desperately to compose The hard, controlled mask that usually held its place on his face.
All at once, Blaine was so much closer, his hand reaching out to Kurt, his fingertips lightly grazing his chin, tipping it gently upwards so Kurt had to meet his eyes.
"Kurt, of course that isn't all I remember. If I can remember what it felt like to kiss Rachel, then I sure as hell can remember what it felt like being so close to you. I can remember most of that quite clearly." Blaine looked a little sheepish, his voice quiet, "Probably because I've been thinking about it far more than I should be, really. But I remember how good it felt touching you like that, with my arms around you, just being able to…to nestle into you and finally feel completely happy, comfortable enough to lie there until I absolutely needed to get up." He took a breath.
"Now if you think that's totally absurd and weird and you want me to get my freakish self away from you, then I guess I can deal with that, because I don't quite understand these amazing feelings I have for you myself, so I don't in any way expect you to feel anything but repulsed." Kurt was shocked to say the very least, his head felt a little light. Blaine had just admitted some form of deep, possibly even romantic feelings for him, in his usual clouded and forever slightly cryptic way, but there was most definitely something there. Blaine went to move his hand from Kurt's face, but he shifted a hand of his own to cover it, keeping it there, closing his eyes briefly, relishing in the warmth it spread, not only to his face, but throughout his entire upper body.
"That's not weird at all, Blaine, because, between you and me, I felt exactly the same. You know how long it took me to get up that morning? Half an hour. I spent it there in bed looking at you, taking it all in. I just wanted that moment for a little bit longer." He felt his face heating a little, not used to laying everything out quite so clearly, especially when it came to romance. Blaine beamed, the worry that had plagued his mind for the past few days lifted and completely resolved.
"You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that. I was scared I'd terrify you or something. I'm not very good at telling people how I feel." He twisted his hand round to hold Kurt's, a comfortable silence falling between the two boys until something else occurred to Blaine.
"I seem to remember trying to take my clothes off and you bolting to the bathroom as soon as you possibly could," he mused, "that bad, was it?" Kurt's face turned an outrageous shade of pink.
"That uniform really doesn't do you justice, you know," he mumbled, feeling again the embarrassment of becoming so flustered by Blaine's rather appealing torso. Blaine merely grinned wider at the compliment, his face turning a little pink also.
Another content silence, during which they drank their cooled coffee. A thought struck Kurt, and it took a second for him to pluck up the courage to enquire about it.
"Blaine?" His friend looked up from his coffee cup.
"Yes?" Kurt took in a steadying gulp of air and slowly breathed it out again.
"Do you remember…before we went to sleep…um…sort of, well, kissing me? My neck? Or did I just make it up in my head?" Blaine reddened properly, something that didn't occur very often. He cleared his throat awkwardly.
"Uh, yeah, I do remember that." He screwed up his face. "Oh god, I shouldn't have, should I?" Kurt rubbed Blaine's hands with his fingers soothingly.
"No, no, no, stop that. Stop that right now. Quit worrying so much, Blaine. It was nice. It felt really, really nice." Kurt smiled to reinforce his point, happy to find that Blaine smiled right back.
"Oh. Oh, good. I was so paranoid I'd end up doing something I regretted that night." Blaine brought their hands down, carefully moved his head forward so Kurt wasn't taken by surprise and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. Kurt sighed and rested his cheek against Blaine's.
"And there is nothing I did that I regret, Kurt. Not when it came to you. Except maybe the fact that I didn't do anything about it a little sooner." Kurt knew, in that moment, that Blaine was telling the absolute truth.