" I'm really glad that you two are finally together." I say directing to Sam and Freddie. Freddie has his arms around Sam's waist and his chin rests on her shoulder. Sam's hands overlap his hands. It's too cute.
" I'm glad too." Sam says. I watch Freddie kiss her on the cheek. It's a different change of scenery for me, but I think I'll get used to it. After all, I'm usually the one to complain. The school bell rings. Freddie turns Sam to him.
" See ya in gym class." Freddie says to Sam.
" See ya." Sam says. Freddie gives her a peck on the lips that quickly turns into a make out session. Seriously?
" Okay honeymooners." I say, taking Sam's wrist and pulling her away.
" Bye." I hear Sam say.
" Bye." Freddie repeats. Their going to see each other in five minutes! I finally hear Freddie's footsteps walk away but I still keep my grip on Sam's wrist. Sam suddenly stops walking. I turn to her. Questioning her motives.
" What?" I ask her.
" Carly…" She says.
" What?" I ask back smiling. She put her serious face on.
" Are you cool with me and Freddie dating?"
" Don't you mean Freddie and I." I say correcting her. Sam cocks her eyebrow at me. " There is a reason why you are failing english class Sam."
" Don't avoid the subject!"
" Okay, you want my point of view?" I ask her. Giving her fair warning. Sam pulls her arm from my grasp. Sam doesn't say a word but her face read 'Tell me the truth'.
" I'm happy that you and Freddie are dating. I always sort of knew that you had a thing for Freddie. I'm just glad you finally realized that your in love with him because he is such a wonderful guy." I say.
" Not to mention he's a great kisser." Sam adds staring off at her daydream.
" I'm not going to comment on that for the soul purpose that you'll hit me."
" Understandable." Sam says, hitting back down to earth. Sam starts to walk away.
" Wait." I say grabbing her hand.
" What?" She asks in an annoyed voice, looking straight at me.
" Ground rules." I say.
" Your like my mother, when she actually cares." Sam comments.
" One, less of the kissing in front of me."
" Well, I can't really help if…"
" No kissing!"
" Fine!"
" Two, no making out on my couch. Actually… going further than first base on my couch." Sam rolls her eyes. " Or else you'll be cleaning it." Sam continues to roll her eyes. " I'm not going to burn the couch so get it through your head."
" Fine." Sam says.
" Third, third….." My voice trailed off as my head drifted to the side a bit. There. On the stairs walking down. Him. I swear my eyes did a triple cover from head to toe of his perfectly shaped body. Muscles in all the right places. Slightly tanned skin, like fresh from the beach tanned. Deep blue eyes like the deep blue ocean. His light brown hair gelled to a fohawke. His blue shirt complimented his eyes. Oh yeah, his eyes.
" I've seemed to loose my self in your school. Where is the boy's locker room, so I won't be late for gym class. Again" He states. Oh my gosh! He's british! Died and gone to heaven. A giggle escapes my mouth and I start to twirl the ends of strands of hair.
He's so hot.
Carly's 'fell-in-love-I'm-really-happy-very-grateful-for-this-moment' face plasters on her face. How? Then she does her 'he's-really-cute-stupid-flirty' giggle. What the? I turn my head to the stairs. Oh, there is a boy. Wait a minute, Oh no,
" This is not good." I say out loud to my self. Not intended for him to hear.
" I'm Jay Kensington, the foreign exchange student." I roll my eyes. Oh no. "Where is the boy's chaining room?" He asks again. I point past the lockers and tell him to take a right at the fork in the hallway. He walks away and Carly stays in the same position, doing her stupid giggle.
" Come on lovestruck." I say taking her hand.
" Jay." She says dreamingly as I drag her away in her Doc Martins.
" Yeah, yeah he's super cute." I say sarcastically.
" Super, super dooper cute." Love has filled the air again. But this time… wasn't with a bad boy and a good girl. It was with a girl who became slightly bad because of an old ex and a good boy who is a jock. In baseball.