
Jace stood in the Library of the Old Morgenstern Mansion. He looked at the many books that lined the walls and how he used to sit and read them again and again. The piano stood in the corner and remembered how he used to play. How he loved the play.

Jace had a book in his hand however. The White Book. The book that would help Clary's mother wake up from the magic induced coma she was in and be able to live again, the only reason she was in it was thanks to Valentine. He had ruined so many lives not including his and Clary's.

Clary... By the Angel he was going to see Clary again. He could see her bright fiery hair and her beautiful green eyes. The way she always seemed to be able to correct him and how she seemed to love him, for reasons unknown. But Jace hoped that she could still stand the sight of him.

He remembered her face when he stepped through the mirror to Idris, leaving her behind and his family. She looked like so many things; angry, sad, upset, betrayed. He thought she was his sister, he thought he had nothing left in the world. The Lightwoods may have been important to him but he couldn't shake the feeling that he didn't belong there. He had been introduced to the father that he thought had been murdered, and he was telling him all sorts of things. And Jace believed them so he did what he thought was right, for himself, his family and for Clary. He betrayed them and went back home with his father. But he wasn't Jace's father. A man named Stephen Herondale was his father and he had been killed before Jace was born. His mother, Celine, had killed herself in grief whilst pregnant with him. Valentine had saved him, cutting him out and looking after him. But it wasn't enough for Jace to forgive him.

He found it out from the Angel that Valentine had trapped in his cellar, along with the Downworlders he had captured for his sick experiments. Jace had found Ithuriel the night before Valentine had tried to raise Raziel.

Jace had been imprisoned in his own home, not being let out by his father, not being talked to, or looked at. It was a depressing life and he regretted his decision every day of his life. Valentine had tricked him into coming here with his use of family ties. In the most sense Valentine was his father; he had raised him and looked after him, taught him how to fight and how to act like a real warrior. But he had lied about his biology, lied to him to for his own advantages. But Jace hadn't known that yet. He had stumbled across the cellar by luck and when he had found what was going on he was shocked. Ithuriel had told him the truth, setting him free of himself and giving him the one thing he wanted most. He wasn't Clary's brother. The relief was instant and terrific, it was like a whole house had been lifted from his shoulders, and the feelings he felt were wrong.

He had thrown himself into battler mode, fighting his way out the house wards and runes set up to keep him in and set off into the forest, using a tracking rune on what he thought was Valentine's blood. Instead he had found the real Jonathan Christopher. Jace didn't know he was still alive never mind helping him. He could see both Valentine and Jocelyn in him and it sickened him, how had he not noticed how unalike he looked to his so called family? His anger and years of training from Valentine had fuelled him to beating Jonathan but he had been gravely injured and had only just been able to draw himself an iratze before passing out cold.

He didn't find Valentine until he was dead. All he found was a sacred spell written into the sand, with drops of blood next to it and his father lying dead by the river bank. Jace hadn't cried, he hadn't been sad; he was please that he could go back to his home, back to the place that had made him happy. Back to Clary. But what about the damage he had caused; would his family want him back? More importantly, would Clary want him back?

But he had to try because without them he was nothing, without them he couldn't carry on. He walked out of the mansion that he had lived in his whole childhood and two months of his adult life and headed for the Gard. He had already talked to them about what had happened and with a bit of luck he was allowed to walk free.

Once he got there and in the room they used the transportation and looked at the Portal he felt scared. For the first time in a long time Jace... Lightwood was scared. His family and friends were on the other side and how the hell was he supposed to explain himself? He took a deep breath and stepped forwards, back to his old life. Back to his home.

A/N: I hope you guys like this, it's a new story I'm going to write, it might not be long maybe three of four chapters or it might end up being a full story :)

*Please review, I have anonymous reviews enabled so if you don't have an account or you can't be bothered to log in you can still review (but please don't abuse this because I don't want to switch it off)

**Also to my readers of City of the Angel Children, I will be updating soon it's just I have a small case of Writers Block and I'm struggling with the next chapter, but shouldn't be long (that's also if my internet decides to work or not)
