A Note From the Author of this sad excuse for a story. Hello peoples! This is going to be my first fanfiction, ever! So if there is anything that you dont understand, send me a comment! Thanks guys! I'm REALLY excited for the reviews you guys are going to give me!
Disclamer: I'll just get right to the point, I dont own Darkest Powers, sooo...whatever, just read the story already!
"Chloe. Chloe,"
"What?" I growled.
"The bus comes in one minuet." My eyes popped open and I looked at my clock. I scrambled to get out of my bed and ended up plopped on the floor, tangled in my bed sheets.
"Why didn't you get me up earlier?" I hissed as I yanked some clothes out of my closet.
"To see your expression." Seph cheesed at me and peered out of my window. "Bus is here!" I threw on my clothes, grabbed my shoulder-bag and coat, and zoomed out my front door.
Seph, I could tell, was purposefully walking slowly toward the bus. I zipped past him and stopped outside the doors.
"You're welcome…" he muttered in my ear as I climbed onto the bus. "For what?" I whispered back. I walked down the aisle with my eyes down, not looking anyone in the eye. I picked an empty seat and sat down at the window. Seph sat down next to me.
"For waking you up in the first place, for procrastinating so that you got on the bus…"
"Doesn't sound like you're done." I said suspiciously. A smile played his lips, saying that he'll wait until we got to school.
Seph's my older brother. He's 17, and in 11th grade, while I'm 16 and in 10th. We just moved to New York from California, and we're starting school in January. Which really stinks.
My name in Chloe Saunders. Occupation: nothing, student type: straight A student, school type: nice person, big loser.
The bus stopped and I started hyperventilating.
I'm the new girl!
Just great.
Everyone got up including Seph. He was the outgoing kind of guy. I really envy him for that.
"So I kind of…" Seph took a dramatic pause that made me roll my eyes. "…turned off your alarm clock." He turned and walked off the bus. "See ya, sis!" he yelled over his shoulder before I could speak.
People stared at me as I slowly rose from my seat, and walked down the aisle.
Then my nightmare, (in this case you call it a daymare), began.
I tripped, falling into the guy in front of me. He had turned before I could make a face plant in his back and caught my arm. I quickly stammered an apology, and made the mistake of looking up at him.
He was probably 6 foot 3, and had a scowl on his face that made me cringe away.
He had light skin, and jet black hair that fell loosely in his black eyes. He quickly let go of my arm, still scowling at me, and turned back, leaving the bus. People snickered behind me.
"Hey chick! Get going will ya!" I hadn't realized that I had been clogging up the aisle. "S-sorry," I stuttered. I quickly left the bus, trying to ignore the snickers.
I was already being laughed at on my first day of school. Today was going to be a nightmare…
…or daymare.
I opened the door to the office and walked up to the secretary, furiously typing on her keyboard.
"Um, excuse me?" I asked. She didn't look up. "E-excuse me, Ms., um," I did a double take on her name plate. "Cranky?" I sniffled a giggle. She turned her head sharply to me.
"Uhh! Must I go through this every time?" she said in an exasperated tone. She picked up her frame with her name on it and ran her finger over it slowly.
"Ms. Crannky. Crannky. Say it with me, CRAN-KY." I said it correctly. She pronounced it like cran-key, with the A having a long sound.
"Thank you. Now," she said in a sugary tone. "What can I do for you dear?"
"I'm new, I came here to get my schedule."
"Oh, yes. What's your name?"
"C-Chloe Saunders," I stuttered. I have a big problem with stuttering. The more nervous, the worse it gets.
"Chloe, Chloe…ah! Here it is. Chloe Saunders. Your brother came in and got his already." She said. "Well Chloe, welcome to White Plains High School."
"Thanks…" I said, not exactly reassured.
"Here's you schedule," she said, handing me a piece of paper. "Your first class is homeroom, then you go to English. Got it?
"Y-yes…" No! "I-I think s-so," I stuttered.
"Good, well you better hurry up." And with that, she turned her attention back to her computer. I slowly walked out the door and to my first class.
I tried to pull it together as I walked into homeroom. I kept my head down and walked to the teacher's desk. The teacher looked up at me and smiled.
"Hello, I'm Mr. Miller. You must be Chloe," I nodded. I even smiled. "Well Chloe, go find yourself a seat." I turned to look for one, and my heart stopped because of two reasons. One, I noticed the only seat empty was by the guy that I had tripped into on the bus, and another guy from the bus, with golden blond hair, sitting on his desk, and second…
All twenty students were staring at me.
The room was so quite, that I heard a pencil drop onto the floor. I swallowed, and it echoed in the classroom.
The next thing that happened was kind of predictable. I tripped over someone's backpack, slamming into the guy with golden blond hair, almost tipping him off the desk.
"S-s-s-sorry," I stammered, cheeks flaming red, and sat down in the chair, trying to ignore the giggles, and hoots from the other students.
Mr. Miller got up from his desk trying to hide a smile, probably trying to keep it together for my sake, and stood in front of the classroom.
"Good morning class…"
"…Morning Mr. Miller," the class said in unison, as they all sat into their assigned seats. As he did the attendance, I kept my eyes down at my hands, knowing that both guys next to me and the whole class were sneaking glances at me. But I learned that the guy from the bus was named Derek, and the blond guy that I recently tripped into, was named Simon.
"Now class," Mr. Miller interrupted my thoughts, and I glanced up at him. "We have a new student with us." He nodded at me, smiling, making me want to slouch farther down in my chair.
"Her name is Chloe Saunders, and I hope you will all make her feel welcome,"
I wanted to hurl. I also couldn't trust myself to speak. Everyone looked at me, waiting for me to say something. I was saved the embarrassment of silence from my part. The bell rang and I was one of the first people out of the door.
I went to English finding out that Derek and Simon both were in almost in every one of my classes, except for History. But they were in my homeroom, English, Art, PE, Algebra 2, Biology, Study hall, lunch, and Wood shop. How wierd was that? I was the only girl in woodshop, to make things worse.
Mr. Williams was in the middle of a lecture about the different types of artists, when the bell rang, signifying the end of school. For homework, I had to bring a sketch book to class. I had plenty of those, but the problem was they were all full. I guess I was due for another one.
I walked to my locker, spinning the combination. I took out my homework and placed it in my shoulder bag. I was just strapping it across me, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jump and foot in the air, expecting to see Seph.
Simon's face was a foot away from mine. I jump back, surprised, and the locker door dug in between my shoulder blades, making me wince.
"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to startle you." His face looked concerned, making me feel a little better.
"I-I-I'm s-sorry about f-falling into y-you." I winced again, at the sound of my stutter. "I-I j-just—"
"—tripped. I know. It happens, its no biggy." He flashes me a grin that made me blush in spite of myself. I adverted my eyes, feeling self conscious.
He held out his hand. "I'm Simon, and you're Chloe, right?" I nodded, taking his hand and giving it a shake. He held it a little longer than necessary, making me blush as I slowly pulled it free from his grip. He seemed a little bit embarrassed too, but was doing a pretty good job of covering it up.
"So, uh, you the new girl?" I nodded wordlessly.
"You like it here so far?" I nod.
"Hey, can I walk you to the bus?" I nodded, smiling. We exited the front doors of the school, walking across the school grounds.
"Was California cool? You lived there before, right?" he asked after a few seconds of silence. Another nod.
"Do you always answer questions by nodding?" I shook my head, smiling.
He chuckled and tossed his hair out of his face, and I found myself looking at him. His blond hair kept falling in his face, making him toss his head all of the time to flip it away. I hadn't noticed his eyes before, not like it was on the top of my list to find his eye color, they were a deep sea blue. His smile lit up his whole face. He noticed me staring, and I forced my eyes to look at my shoes. We were nearing the buses when the silence was broken.
"Simon, I have to talk to—" Derek stopped once he saw me.
"This is my brother Derek. Derek, have you met Chloe?" Simon asked. Derek scowled at me and walked away. "I'm guessing that's a yes?" He looked at me inquiringly.
I bobbed my head. "Ya, w-we have. I-I d-did meet him a-already."
"Really? Where?" His eyebrows scrunched together, as if he were trying to remember.
"O-on the b-bus."
"Oh, wait, that was you? You fell into Derek?"
I nodded, blushing. We were walking across the lawn, when Simon smacked his hand to his head.
"That's what I forgot! Hey, listen Chloe, I forgot something at the school. See you on the bus?"
"Sure," I said, blushing again. He grinned at me and ran toward the school, disappearing through the front doors, while I headed toward the buses.
I squealed. Seph came up from behind me and tickle my sides. I elbowed him in the gut, heating a groan. I turned around to find a complete stranger, holding his stomach.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!"
I yelped. Someone from behind me yanked my hair, making me lose my balance. I banged my head on the concrete sidewalk, making me see black spots.
Suddenly, my stomach felt heavy. I willed myself to stay focused, and saw a group of people standing around me, laughing, and on my stomach was a boot. It was ripped and coated with mud, dirtying up my new blouse. I looked past the boot and wished I hadn't.
AN: Sorry for the cliff hanger guys. Please write your reviews and tell me what you think, some suggestions that you have, or whatever.