A/N Trying my hand at a different kinda story, let me know what you think unless its so mean it makes me wanna stop writing...

Chapter 1 No one said it would be easy

Randy Orton gritted his teeth annoyed, his eyes scrunched up in a vain attempt to block out the loud music. Angrily he whipped the blankets back from his double bed and began searching for clothing. The music pounding in his skull. He had asked his sixteen year old daughter Alana to keep it down, obviously that was asking for too much. Randy pounded up the stairs and banged on the door "Alana! Open this fucking door!"

"No!" She shouted back.

Using his good shoulder he barged in, she was lying on her bed drawing, the loud music even louder. Angrily he switched it off. "I am trying to sleep" He growled. He was only home for a few days and the first day was always to catch up on sleep.

"Hows that working out for you?" She said lazily not looking up from her drawings. Randy snatched the pad away. "Hey!"

"Listen to me Alana Marie, I am trying to sleep so keep the fucking music down"

"Whatever" Alana rolled her eyes at him. "When are you leaving anyway?"

"This is my house and I am your father so I don't have to tell you anything like that so just keep the damn music down" Randy snapped heading back downstairs.

Tiredly he flopped back down into bed, he didn't know when Alana had transformed into one of those difficult teens. He guessed it was sometime after Sam's death three years earlier. Alana used to be such a sweet girl now she was just sarcastic and angry at everything. Randy truely believed that at times she hated him because the way she acted didn't resemble love. Randy closed his eyes sadly, he missed Sam but he knew he had to move on from her. He hadn't been with anybody since Sam, his attention on Alana. At first that was fine but then one day she just started to push him away and he went back to work. Now she hated it when he came home and she couldn't wait to get back to her Uncle Nathan or Aunt Becky. Randy groaned as the music went up again, his own daughter hated him and right now he wasn't sure if he cared. Randy rolled over and squashed a pillow over his ears.

No one said raising kids would be easy.