I am SOOOOOOO sorry for the extremely long wait for this next chapter. I've had a really hard past few months and a lot to deal with so this just kind of fell to the side. Thanks to all of those that have stuck with me!

Here's chapter 10! Please bear with me a bit as it's not exactly how I want it. It's been so long since I've updated, that it's hard for me to get back into my own story.

Disclaimer: I do not own White Collar

"Keller," Peter stated. "What do you want now?"

"You sound upset Agent Burke," replied Keller. "When's the last time you slept?"

Peter didn't satisfy that question with an answer. Keller knew that Neal was staying with them and now he was trying to anger Peter more.

"What do you WANT Keller?" Peter asked again walking out of earshot from the sleeping con man. Thankfully El was out running a couple of errands, so Peter didn't have to worry about her hearing his conversation with Keller either.

"Well, thanks to Caffrey we never had our meeting. Now that I know he won't be a problem for awhile, I want to reschedule and this time, I want to see you."

Peter knew Keller wasn't going to stop until they met face-to-face. Neal's current condition was a clear example of this.

"Ok, when and where?" Peter replied still keeping his eye on a sleeping Neal.

Neal wasn't sleeping.

In fact, he had woken up a few minutes before he heard Peter's phone ring. Hearing the tone in the agent's voice, Neal knew it had to be Keller at the other end of the line. Keeping his eyes closed he pretended to be asleep as he could hear Peter leave the room.

"Ok, when and where?"

No…What are you doing Peter?

Neal couldn't believe his ears. Peter had just agreed to meet with Keller.

This is EXACTLY what I was trying to avoid!

As Peter walked into the room, Neal spoke quickly.

"Who were you talking to Peter?"

"Neal!" Peter said, shocked to see him awake. "What are you talking about?"

"Keller…I know you were talking to Keller," Neal stated matter-of-factly. "What did he say? What did you do Peter?"

Peter had two options. He could deny, deny, deny. This of course means that he would have to lie to a friend. Or he could tell Neal the truth. But, in his condition, Peter wasn't sure it was a great idea.

He trusts me. He risked his life for me. I have to tell him the truth and maybe he could help.

"Ok, you're right. Keller wants to see me." Peter answered. Seeing that Neal wasn't going to react well, Peter continued trying to calm him down. "Neal, listen, this is something I have to do."

"No Peter, actually this is not only something you don't have to do, but it's something you shouldn't do."

Peter was a bit taken aback by Neal's response. He was supposed to be the rational one, thinking things through and lecturing Neal about the difference between a good idea and a bad idea. This time the roles seemed to be reversed.

Before Peter could say another word, Neal was almost crying out in pain as he quite literally forced himself from a sitting position on the couch to almost standing up completely.

Peter was across the room in a second. He was able to catch Neal just in time when it looked like his legs had given out due to their sudden use.

"What do you think you're doing Caffrey?" Peter muttered as he started to help Neal back onto the couch.

"No, Peter," Neal started a bit out of breath, "I need to get off that couch."

Seeing the determination in the young man's face, Peter could see there was really no talking him out of it. With one arm around his friend's waist, Peter draped Neal's arm over his shoulders and guided him to a nearby chair. Once Neal was settled Peter looked at him with a worried and almost scolding look.

"Peter, I'm fine," Neal tried to assure the agent when he saw the look on his face.

"I don't think you can talk your way out of this one Neal," Peter replied. "What were you doing?"

"I just needed to move a bit," Neal said. "Peter really, don't worry."

After catching his breath for a few minutes Neal attempted to stand again. This time he didn't get anywhere when Peter pushed him back into the chair.

"Caffrey! What are you doing?" Peter asked again, getting a bit angry.

"Well if you're going to meet Keller, I have to be able to walk if I'm going with you."

"Who said anything about you coming with me?"

"Come on Peter, you can't go alone," Neal protested.

"Neal, you're not going," Peter said in a serious tone.

"Peter, you really don't know what you're getting yourself into…"

"Oh, and I suppose that you're the expert in how to deal with Keller in a calm, non-violent way in which no one gets hurt in the end?" Peter interrupted.

"Ok, I agree, I'm not exactly the prime example of that right now," Neal replied.

"Good, then we finally agree on something."

"Peter, you know that you can't trust Keller!"

"I never said I trusted him, but this may be our only chance to finally get him."

"Then if that's the plan, you're going to need your best CI and no one knows Keller better than I do."

Peter had never seen such determination in the young man's eyes. It was clear that Neal wasn't going to give in and that the stress of this argument was beginning to take its toll on his already injured condition. Against his better judgment, Peter spoke.

"Alright Neal, if I let you come to the meeting do you promise to let this go and rest?'

Neal was shocked. Never did it cross his mind that Peter would actually LET him come with to meet Keller.

"Yes, so what's the plan?"

"The plan is that you can come but you're staying in the van which will be parked a considerable distance away from the place where I will be meeting Keller alone."

"But…" Neal protested.

"This is not negotiable," Peter stated.

Sensing that there was no way that he was going to win this argument Neal decided not to try and push his luck.

After helping Neal back onto the couch and watching as exhaustion quickly overcame his friend, Peter took a deep breath. He knew that he had to meet Keller, but still felt unsure about his decision to let Neal accompany him.

Then it hit him.

He still had to tell El about all of this when she came home. He wasn't sure what he was dreading more.

AN: So there it is! PLEASE, PLEASE R&R!