Authors Note: So I started watching Glee and slowly became obsessed, I wanted to write something fun with Naruto and Glee so this is the story love child between two shows I love. Sorry if its crappy, I just wanted this outta my system! Enjoy if you want to :)


Finding the Music – Chapter 1


San Francisco, CA

July 22, 2010

"And, no buts! You are to live with your cousin and aunt for the next few years!" A tall blonde haired man, in his mid-40's, dressed in a black suit, shouted at what seemed to be a copy of him, but the copy was a couple inches shorter. The teen blonde had an angular tanned face, golden locks of thick hair, and gorgeous sapphire eyes. He had an athletic build, not as bulky as most line backers, but somewhere in between a football player and a swimmer. Overall a very handsome guy but the frown on his face and the 6 line tattoos on his face lessened his appeal.

The carbon copy stood up and stared directly into his father's shimmering blue eyes. "But dad, I have a life here! I've grown up here, born and raised. Why are you sending me away? I don't deserve this!"

"Really son? I believe you do. Who got busted for driving with marijuana in the back seat? Who's grades have dropped and been low since the start of his freshman year? Who's been coming home after curfew every night, buzzed at a ridiculously young age, and causing mayhem for everyone in this town! You!" He pointed an accusing finger at his son. "Naruto, listen to me seriously, you deserve better than this."

"How would you know? You're too busy running that damn company of your to even care! Never actually home to witness to anything I do anymore!" The teen ached inside, he loved his father somewhere deep inside but right now he felt nothing.

It was true. Minato Namikaze was always away on business or spending late nights at the office, and found out about his son's actions from their housekeeper. He knew he was not around most of the time to watch his son grow up nowadays. But Minato had a point as well. Naruto used to be such a great kid. He was hyperactive, funny, charming, and filled with so much potential. Boy could that kid sing and dance! He was overflowing with talent. But after the death of his mother and Minato's wife, Kushina, things were never the same. She had passed away when Naruto was 12. After that Minato had to work with double the effort to support both of them, since Kushina had made most of the money. He eventually rose to the top of his job and bought the company and even since he has been devoted to his job. While his father dove into work, Naruto immersed himself into the popular life to keep his mind off of his terrible family dynamic. He joined the football team. By making the team in only his freshman year, he was immediately graced with popularity and status in the jungle, also known as high school. Though this was great for him, he lost his real self and has yet to find it again. Right now it was summer and he was going into his sophomore year in the fall.

"I will admit that you are right." Minato looked at his son, years of so many bad decisions coming up to a boil. Naruto looked up with wide-eyes. "I have not been the father you needed the past few years, but by sending you to live somewhere you can start fresh, will be so better for you. I just know it. You need to get your life back on track, and staying here will do nothing. I can't even do anything to help anymore, this is all I can do. Get out of here and comeback in a couple years and see if you've changed any. All of this is my fault and I need to put you on the right path!"

The younger blonde's eyes softened, but then hardened straight after. "Oh please, what's that going to do for me? Nothing. That's what."

"I don't care if you think that way. You're going and that's that. You have a month to say goodbye to San Fran and everything here!"

The tattooed blonde sighed and stormed out of the room. This was the final word, since he was a still a minor, Naruto had to obey his father. 'As soon as high school is over, I'm gone. No one will tell me what to do and I'll be free. Just have to put up with the next few years.' The foxy teen walked to his room and lay down on his bed and plugged into his music. He wouldn't admit it but music was his escape from the real world. It used to be a passion of his, along with dancing but he was different now. He defiantly could still dance amazing, and singing came naturally but he left those things behind a few years back, though he still practices his steps when he's bored sometimes. He promptly fell asleep and dreamt of a beautiful girl, who had the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

The next morning, he woke up and Sara, their housekeeper made him some food. The boy was too dazed to say thanks. 'That girl was stunning,' He thought. 'So beautiful and jeez talk about girl of my dreams, seriously.'

He then looked down and found a note on the table.

Dear Naruto,

I'm gone to Japan for a month so I wont be able to see you off. I will visit you around February-March-ish. I'm so sorry that I cant be there… Be safe son and have fun, but not too much fun if you know what I mean…



P.S. Here is your plane ticket and some money for when you get there.

The teen scoffed. 'Just like him, try to make my decisions for me then run away yet again. Oh well, I should of expected this. But maybe this will be good for me. Nah! Who am I kidding? I'll do what I like.' He picked up the ticket. The blonde looked intently at it for a while…

"Where the hell is Lima?"

AU: That's a wrap! Don't worry Gleeks next chapter will reveal most of the actual cast. See ya next time.

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