Royally Challenged

by io sono mi-cchi

Chapter 1: Apple

In the kingdom of Kozuki, peace reigned.

Well, for the majority of the land at least. The castle was an exception.

The servants panicked around the apple tree where their beloved princess climbed in conquest for a juicy apple. Princess Miyu ignored their pleas for her to get down the tree. She grabbed an apple and munched it as she sat on a branch.

Unexpectedly, the branch snapped, causing her to free fall on the ground and to topple on one of her ladies-in-waiting.

The king and queen saw the occurrence and were greatly distressed. She simply smiled in embarrassment.

A/N: So, I have come back. I'm just writing drabbles for now. I'm not sure if I'll still continue TWW and Crazy, though. Or if I do, I might remake it. I lost track of what I was supposed to do. In short, I lost my plot papers. :( Anyway, please review. I hope you liked it.

Oh yeah, I'm not sure if I can update regularly since I'm currently busy with school and I'm not frequenting the net as much as I used to.

I have to thank luna-magic-2005 and R.M. Avalon for inspiring me with their works :) They might not see this though, since they're both writing fics for InuYasha. (I so love SessKag pairings!) They might not be reading DDD fics. Oh well...

Anyway, I'll cut it short. Ja!

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Daa! Daa! Daa! or any of its characters. They rightfully belong to Kawamura Mika.