Author's Note: I love you guys. Thank you SO FREAKING MUCH for your patience. I didn't want to slop together a chapter but in turn I took too long. I sincerely apologize. ;A;

I sat transfixed in a pleasant stupor as the moon's silver lazily lulled against the silk of my gown. Its easy grace seemed to hush the room, silence drowning my conflicting thoughts with calm nothingness.

I have been here since my bath, ….since Ulquiorra..., staring up between the slits of the barred window alone above me. My fingers twitched at the flitting thought. What have we… What have I done? To quell my guilty conscience coming alive, I forcefully returned my attention back to the crescent of a moon, instantly cooled.

I've been staring for a day.

Food lay forgotten off to the side, a painful welt from when a guard hit me upon my refusal to eat continued sting. "You idiotic human. So annoying, just eat the food." "Please, I'm just not in the mood." I sighed into the slap soon received, shock or pain not evident on my face. He 'tsked', turning and leaving as quickly as he had come. "Such an unnecessary visit…" I mumbled to myself, turning and facing away from his exit.

Still concentrating on the moon, I decided to try to summon my healers once again to no avail; too confused or too unfocused, whatever the reason, they wouldn't come out. My bruising face was left untouched. Other than for that one assaulting guard, no one else has come except for identical spiritual pressures stopping outside my door every once in a while, checking up on me. In fact, one was there now, lingering like a pest and just as bothersome. I opened my mouth to tell them that I was fine, that they could leave now, but no words were said. I sunk low onto the floor at the effort it was to even contemplate speaking. Eventually, the presence left me be, and the feeling that I were a caged animal lifted some.


I cringed as Ichigo's reiatsu fluctuated, sending me into a sudden sweat. Eyes shut tight, now unable to ignore my friends' existence, I shuddered against the pulsing energies. Undoubtedly partaking in battle, risking themselves, exhausting themselves, hurting themselves...

This is insane. Why does one fight? For what purpose would they need to put everything on the line and go at an opponent? What sculpts an enemy? I couldn't possibly be a reason, I don't want to be a cause for bloodshed. I wished with all my might that they'd leave, just disappear.

I can't stand this insanity.

I wiped the perspiration from my brow as the soul pressures fluttered into nothingness once more, yet still close beside my awareness. I heaved myself upward and stumbled up to the wall, pressing my forehead against the cold marble and then lowering to my knees.

Where is he right now? Is he okay? What is he thinking? What does he think of me now? Will I ever see his face again? Why do I care so much? Ulquiorra…

"Ugh!" I shook my head to shake off these thoughts; after such a long time of refraining from thinking of Ulquiorra, it seemed much harder not to indulge. I was so worried it made me ache, yet my 'in denial thinking' did nothing to subdue the nerves.

Why should I care? It doesn't matter. He doesn't matter. I shouldn't be bothered by this.

I lifted my downcast gaze back up to the caged window, the silver dripping throughout my room no longer a form of comfort but a form of contorted longing, agitating my thoughts. I now felt the need to block off the window, to shade out the form mimicking life, moving against my chamber as if it were walking, breathing.

My inhales seemed forced, the exhales too easy and refreshing. I rubbed at my shoulders as if attempting to massage off this feeling that I have the heaviest of burdens upon my back, yet no relief came, only a tired hand. I looked down at the fallen limb resting against my thigh, fingers bent slightly upward. "Oh stop it." I said out loud and I tucked my fingers in, clenched now on my lap.

A few considering taps of the fist later, I got up suddenly, my vision going blurry only for a moment. I backed up a step, coming into contact with a small table. A feeling of needing to do something suddenly overwhelming, I turned away from my post at the window and walked out of the confinements of my room, the surrounding white a stark comparison to the darkness tinted with silver.

I looked to my left, an endless hallway stretching out. "Hmmm…" I looked to my right, the hallway continuing its eternal path. A quick session of 'Eenie-Meenie-Miney-Mo' later, I was walking down the left. A few doors dotted the walls and a few hallways branched from this one to form an outstanding maze, but I kept on this course. This simple act of walking was just what I needed; I would walk until coming upon a dead end then make my way back to my room. I brushed my hair back from my face, inwardly praising myself for thinking of leaving the door open to know which chamber was mine. The last thing I wanted right now was a confrontation with either Grimmjow or Nnoitra; there would be no opening random doors today.

The rhythmic heel-to-toe steps I took were quiet yet they filled the air with their simplicity, a metronome that went in time with my pulse, slow and steady. Yet I felt the opposite of calm, a mixture between a rage and despair settling beneath the winter that was Ulquiorra, laced with the desperation for an end to this war and my friends' efforts. So many emotions tackling each other at once, cancelling one another out, leaving me with a hollow stride.

Moments disappeared within the light swishing of my uniform on marble flooring, time was lost against the indifferent atmosphere. Yet I felt as the minutes slowly but surely stretched into hours and the hallway continued forever onward. I stuttered to a stop, a sudden awareness of being watched, monitored, instantly becoming overwhelming.

"…Hello?" I called out into the open as if expecting a response. One didn't come so I hesitantly turned around, mentally preparing myself for a long walk back, the prickle of probing eyes still itching at some corner of my mind. I tugged at my slanted sleeve, its accented triangular shape successfully grabbing my attention for a bit, but only for so long.

Thoughts I preferred to have lingering elsewhere returned full-throttle; Is Ulquiorra back? Was he fighting them? Are they okay? Oh please let them be okay. What if someone dies over me? I would never forgive myself. Forgiveness… Such meaning behind a single word.

"Anxiety. It's clearly etched on your face."

I jumped only slightly, figuring I would run into someone eventually, but the unfamiliar face caused me to grow more nervous and the sweetened voice made me cringe. A lanky figure leaned against the wall behind me, pushing his glasses gently up the bridge of his nose, his pink hair almost obnoxious. Realizing I must look like an outright idiot, I opened my mouth for an introduction but he stopped me, raising a hand and speaking instead.

"You know, there's no need to be anxious. Worrying is so troublesome, just stop it. Protruding from that worry will be yet more worry. Why do that to yourself?" I was lost for words, his speech repeating itself in my head and he let me have a minute to process it all. "Inoue-san, madness…it's truly blissful. Take my word for it, it's like a dream." He laughed and shook his head as if reminiscing on good times. "One thing…. It's only one thing yet so many paths and choices can be made to meet it. I'll be looking forward to watching you two befriend."

With this being said, he uprighted himself from the wall and sauntered past. I twitched, yearning to say something to counter yet nothing came to mind. I was left with a somewhat distant "Because it's only a matter of time, Inoue-san!" and he was gone, walking through the white sea of ivory and leaving me alone once more.

I blinked once, then twice in succession, clearing my mudded thoughts which in turn left my encounter pristine in my mind, giving me more than enough to brood over for the rest of my walk. "It's only a matter of time, Inoue-san!" I didn't doubt it, but my now kindling want to prove him wrong, his prediction of my worrying and encasement eventually driving me completely insane, forced that acceptance away.

I came here, to Hueco Mundo, to prove my strength. I crumbled my first few days, the pressure engulfing, but I now had confidence I wouldn't falter again. I narrowed my eyes, kicked up my pace, and even 'hmphed' for emphasis.

"So this is where you have gone."

I melted.

The cold voice sent me on a high immediately, his appearance enough to make my knees shake with relief and unease. I gently pivoted, his demeanor intimidating as he stood, propped against the alabaster wall with his hands in his pockets, his gaze unamused as he stared at me intently.

"Uhh…." I said quietly, my body feeling heavy yet light at the same time.

"You were not in your room and you left the door open as well. What made you think you could get up and do as you pleased?" Clearly waiting for an answer his faint frown deepened, the night on his lips causing recollections of our kiss; I couldn't help my reddening so I looked downward, carefully twiddling my thumbs.

"I was tired of sitting around in my room and thought getting out and about would do me good." I stated, trying to keep my voice as firm as possible.

"I also noticed a plate of food that was left obviously untouched. Your excuse?" he went on without the slightest indication of him accepting my answer.

I sighed. "I wasn't hungry." I looked up into his eyes which now slanted into annoyed emeralds.

"You must keep in good health. I believe we went over this before. Eat when told to eat." His choppy and commanding sentences seemed off and I titled my head with concern.

"Even though I'm in great health, I was aware of orders and refused them. My apologies." I said simply, not wishing to pick a fight over this, let alone anything.

Time stood still for a minute. We were alone, and I was okay with that. Enclosed in snow white, feeling as though everything would shatter if any movements were made… And I was, strangely, perfectly fine with it.

He closed his eyes and cleared his throat, opening his mouth yet pausing as if collecting his sentences. "….Just follow me," he said with agitation slyly hidden.

"Yes, Ulquiorra…," the lack of honorifics still unfamiliar against my tongue.

He led the way down the straight hall of pearl that unfolded before us, tension we both refused to acknowledge looming above. I took slow and deep breaths at the overwhelming joy I tried to hide, all my pervious worries seemingly evaporated at Ulquiorra's return.

He's back, he's safe. Although he's acting like nothing happened. That'd be for the best, probably. But why does that bother me? Why do I even care?

Absentmindedly I chewed at my thumbnail (it wasn't as if there was much to bite down on; I found my fingernails to have gone down in size significantly since my abduction) as I noticed his pace slowing to par with mine, eventually coming to my side as he escorted me down the never-ending hall. I became horribly aware of his presence, picking up small things like how his head tilts backward while he walks, how his hands deep within his pockets clenched and unclenched in sync with his step, how his eyes haven't left me since we headed back, staring from the corner of his vision. If it weren't for the shuddering of my friends' reiatsu against my conscious that I couldn't shake off, Ulquiorra would've long since completely drowned me in his being.

It is too much, being this close.

It took all of my effort to bring me back out of this dazed state and into reality and to realize we had made a turn. "Err…, Ulquiorra," I managed. He said nothing but acknowledged with a slow blink. "While I was walking, I made no turn whatsoever. Shouldn't we have continued walking straight forward?"

Instead of being lectured for asking stupid questions, he rolled his eyes before returning them subtly back to me. "Gin. He must be manipulating the hallways. I assure you, we are going the correct path."

"Oh…" I faltered as I took my eyes to the ceiling as if cameras were scattered above and watching, reminding me of my previous feeling of being observed.

And so we continued onward, making several more turns through the intricate halls, enough turns to make me slightly annoyed; I would be so lost right now making my way back if Ulquiorra hadn't showed up. I inwardly yelled at Gin as we made another two turns one after the other.

Not another word was shared between us although tons raced through my mind. Why did I find it so hard to converse with this man? Although it probably wouldn't be appropriate to have chats with your assailant. Sometimes it was hard to remember that these people were 'evil', although at the same time I can't think of them as anything else.

Before I knew it I was reaching out, my fingers stretching out to touch him, to feel him, refusing to condemn him as 'evil'. It wasn't until he stopped that I became aware I too had stopped, and there was now distance between us.

"Woman?" he inquired simply.

I stood still for a moment, extended hand shaking, before I dropped it, landing with a dull pat at my side. "…Nothing." I shook my head as I stared at my curled up fingertips. I looked back up and there he was in front of me, his sage eyes searching.

Time stood still only for us as I waited for his voice to speak again, to chime out low and soft as it always has. He sighed, his now recognizable scent washing over me, and he reached for the hand that trembled at my hip, lifting it up before us, his frigid thumb tracing light patterns over my palm.

"Woman… Are you afraid?" As "No" easily rolled out, he proceeded to take my hand in his possession and place it over his chest.


I inclined my head, unfathomable sadness for this man rendering me weak. Understanding that my strength was sapped, he held me against him, but placed his mouth to my ear and stood there for many minutes. No breaths were made, not a single inhale or exhale. It was if a dead man were embracing me, a phantom in my arms.

I struggled to clear my throat over the many emotions just conceived. "I understand," He let me ago and I straightened, looking at him with softened eyes, only being able to hope he apprehended my feelings. "But I'm not afraid."

He stared silently at his hand that recently held mine, whatever warmth shared surely dissipated at our release.

"You are…strange." He met my shocked expression with a slight smile, the upturn of his lips churning something deep inside me. "Please, reconsider. I assure you, I can be terrifying."

And so he turned and started walking again, leading the way to my room just ahead.

... Thanks again so much for your patience! I can't describe to you how sorry I've been feeling for everyone who follows this story. I assure you, I've never forgotten about it and I have no intention of abandoning it. c:

Also, I haven't decided whether I'll do this sometime in the near future or when this story concludes, but I may edit previous chapters. My writing style has changed a whole lot since I first started this fanfiction and I'd like to go back and change some things. (On the other hand, I'm wondering if I should leave it be and enjoy reading my writing as it progresses.) Ahh whatever, I'll figure it out. But I'll inform everyone if I do do that. ^^

Thanks again! Reviews/Alerts/Favorites always make my day, and thanks to everyone who has ever checked this story out!