It's Important that you read this! Especially you readers that are highly upset at me.
Hey guys. I'm doing a note for each of my stories, so some of you will be getting more than one notification. And if you're part of that group that will be getting more than one of theses, than all I ask is that you read the paragraph that highlights your story to know whether or not I will be continuing that particular fiction or not. You won't have to reread anything.
First, I want to thank all of you for sticking with me. No, I haven't forgotten about you guys or any of my stories. If I didn't mention it before, I work full time and I've been attending college here and there. So, it's a little bit hectic for the past two years. Due to college only making me more confused as to what the hell I'm doing with my life, I'm taking a short break from school. And that means more time for writing.
To be honest, I've done you guys a wrong. When I came up with these ideas, I wasn't suppose to post anything until I hade at least 14 chapters written and ready to go. Obviously that didn't happen and this has been the result. To add to that, I was only suppose to stick with one story for a while before adding anymore but I got impatient and disregarded those decisions altogether. And for those reviewers (and the rest of you), yes I could be a better writer if I was better at communicating with my readers. But I'm not, and my time management skills have always been a work in progress.
I've never wanted to be one of those authors that every other update is a note explaining why they've postponed a story, but that's basically what I've been doing…minus the note. So I'm trying to start off this next year out a little better.
Starting next year (in 2015), I will be starting back up my stories. But while I will be continuing stories, I won't be doing them all at once. Out of the 4 that I currently have out, I will be updating one first, and the later on, I will slowly start the others back up one by one.
I have been writing paragraphs here and there, but I still have a lot of work to do. Mostly that work will involve rereading my stories and my notes to get a feel for my stories again. I also am trying to get another laptop, seeing as I drop my last one and it's basically broken.
To The Darkness That Binds Him followers: While this story has been the most popular, it's been the most difficult to write. I started this story with a vision of how I wanted it to begin but I never knew how I wanted to finish it. This has left me with several possible ending, events, etc. If you've left a review about a person, place or event happening in this story, more than likely, I've tried to incorporate in a current/future chapter somehow. This has left me at a standstill. Too many opinions and I always have a desire to mold the story to you guys liking but I will probably have to stop that. I like details in this story and I'm trying not to stray too far from what each character is actually like. So because this is the most frustrating to write, I will most likely be updating this story first. THIS IS NOT FINAL. My decision to update first could change, and if it does, I will let you know. Additionally, because the Naruto manga has finally stopped, I will be finishing the last 200ish chapters to see how I will finish off the TDTBH.
To The Fourteenth Child followers: While I'm not struggling as bad as my other stories, I have drafts upon drafts of how I want each chapter to split. I'm playing with the story line to see how I want it to go. Really, I was hoping to wait for some new chapters from the manga to come out, to get a better feel for how the story itself will play out but….you know. Anyway, besides going back and rereading the story itself, I will also be going back and reading the manga series again. Basically, TFC will be continued but it will be a while before I post anything. It won't be to long though.
To the Team Failure followers: Because this fiction was not thought of by me and was a request that I took from someone else, the status on whether I will continue this or not is still undecided. If my request-y decided that they don't want me to continue, I won't. The story will be taken down. On the chance that they want me to continue, I will have to discuss with them what they want done. In this case this story would be the first to be updated, and not TDTBH.
To the Fukasa No Kodoku followers: I'll be honest, out of all of the possible stories that I could have posted, I have no idea why I even chose this one. I haven't even made it past chapter 5's chapter guide. And to be honest, between the other 3 stories, I've got so much going on with those that I considered just taking the story off the site. But because someone actually likes it, I will be keeping the story on the site. Just be warned. When I do post, this will be the last story I would update.
Currently, I am working my way through reviews, PM's and emails, so everything is a work in progress! I've got to sort through my story notes and revise them. More than likely, I will take down every chapter and repost them, since it's been and I'm sure all of you need a refresher. I would love to tell you guys when to expect your story of choice to be updated, but I've already said my time management is atrocious. I'd hate for you to be even more disappointed.
Thank you again for tolerating me. And for those who've basically called me every word in the insult book, I hope you're somewhat satisfied.
Any question, concern or in need of a vent of a life time; just PM me or leave a review. I read both.
I hope you guys had a great Christmas/Holiday and Happy New Year!