A/N: I love the supernatural, especially vampires. I had this story brewing in my head for awhile so I hope y'all enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything dealing with WWE or any song lyrics that is used as a muse.

Warning: There is harsh language and adult themes as well as Slash between some of the characters (mostly M/M).

Chapter One

Music ripped through the man's ears as he sat with his guitar case beside him on the nearly emptied bus. He ran his hand through his blond fauxhawk as he stared at the three others in front of him with his icy blue eyes.

Another mission, the powers have called me away

Another time to carry the colors again

My motivation, an oath I've sworn to defend

To win the honor of coming back home again

He closed his eyes for a brief second and opened them again to observe the people. A young woman, who appeared to be around sixteen, talked on her phone, a homeless man slouched in the middle talking to himself, and a male wearing a collared red shirt dozed on and off. The man nodded to himself.

I'll have you know

That I've become


Determination that is incorruptible

From the other side, a terror to behold

Annihilation will be unavoidable

The bus came to a halt in front of a damaged bus stop. The bench had been broken into pieces and the plastic barrier that protected the people from the weather was long gone. The man pulled up the hood to his black hoodie, grabbed his guitar case, and got up. He made his way to the front and saw an old lady enter. He stepped aside for her to pass.

"Hey?" the driver called.

The man stopped and pulled his ear-buds out to hear him.

"You sure you want to get out here, buddy?" the driver asked.

The man looked at him. The driver was an older black man about sixty. His eyes held genuine concern. The blond read over the driver's name.

"This is a bad part of town...hell, it's just the worst," the driver said.

"Thanks for the warning, Mr. Jabari," the man replied.

"Just Jabari."

The man nodded. "I can handle myself." With that the man stepped off of the bus and headed down the street.

The driver shook his head and was about to close the doors when a sudden rush passed him. He looked behind him and noted three people still on the bus. He got up and looked outside and just saw the man's back slowly disappearing into the night. Jabari shook his head and decided to continue his route.

The man walked on not bothering to replace his ear-buds. He kept his icy blues focused on what was before him. All the buildings have been abandoned long ago. They were boarded up and decorated with graffiti. A few lamp lights still worked, but even that would not keep fear from creeping into one's mind. This man kept walking with no hints of fear on his face nor any other emotion to be exact.

The blond stopped and tilted his head to his left before turning around to quickly scan the area. After not seeing anything, he continued on and stopped again. A figure stepped out from an alleyway. The man gripped the handle of his guitar case tightly.

The figure slowly walked towards him and stopped under a light. It was the sixteen-year-old girl that was on the bus with him. She looked him over as she licked her lips. "You look delicious."

"Pardon?" he asked.

"She said 'you look delicious'," a man replied as he came up beside her, brushing his black hair behind his ears.

The blond nodded as he looked them both over. "Listen, I don't want any trouble..."

"Oh, there won't be any trouble...if you just play along," the man replied flashing fangs.

The sixteen-year-old laughed and flashed her fangs as well.

The blond man nodded and began to close the gap between them. He got within ten feet of the vampires and placed the case down. He popped the lid and looked inside.

"What? Are you going to play for us?" the girl asked.

The man smiled. "No, but you will scream for me."

The man and girl looked at each other. The man gripped his chest and looked down. A wooden stake protruded where his dead heart was caged. He worked his mouth into a silent scream as he burst into flames. The girl stepped back from him screaming as she watched the fire consume him and then die down leaving nothing but ash to float into the air.

The man wrapped his arm around the girl's neck to hold her in place. "I told you you would be screaming for me."

A stake came through her chest and he pushed her away. He watched as the flames of death surrounded her and her ashes drifted away.

He cracked his neck. "Fuck, that felt good."

The man went back to his case and ran his fingers over the crossbow that lay in its velvet home with the bolts glinting in the moonlight. He took note of the lone stake in the lid. He had forgotten to replenish from his last bout. He sighed and reasoned that he might as well get some metal stakes. At least, they would survive the flames that erupted from a dying vampire. He hated to admit it, but his friend was right and the blond will never tell him.

His cell vibrated in his pocket and he reached for it. The man sighed and answered, "Yes, Kane?"

"Mizanin, where are you?" the deep voice growled.

Mike knew that he was in slight trouble for not reporting in for the last five days. "I'm on my way in when I had to take care of some...vamps."

A grunt came before, "Get your ass home. Undertaker has an assignment for you. You better be glad that you answered your phone...or I would be on a warpath to drag your ass back."

"Yes, sir." Mike closed his phone as well as the guitar case. He stood and continued his way home.

Mike sat in a dim office staring at the larger man in front of him who sat behind a desk. The man's long black hair covered his face as he leaned over writing something. Another large man stood to Taker's right. He was bald and had bi-colored eyes.

"Undertaker..." Mike began.

Taker raised his hand and Mike closed his mouth. Taker went back to writing. Kane shifted his weight during the silence that fell in the room. His eyes were on Mike and Mike's eyes were on the floor. The blond slowly breathed preparing himself for the punishment that would he knew he would get. Soon, the pen stopped and Taker leaned into his large leather chair. He closed his eyes and clasped his hands before him. Kane stared at his half-brother and knew he was not very happy at the moment. Mike shifted in his seat and just wanted the punishment to come.

"You, out of all of my children, know the protocols that I have set forth for our group," Taker said; his deep voice was very calm. "You are smart enough to know the dangers that you place yourself in every time you step out the sanctity of our home. You have the most potential in succeeding and leading this group of ours when I die." Taker opened his eyes and stared at Mike. "We are the Hunters. We are the people that take care of the things that go bump in the night. We are the people that take care of the things that ordinary people refuse or can't see."

Taker leaned forward onto his elbows. His eyes coasted over the large desk calender and stayed on a date that was a few days away. He sighed. "I'm not going to yell at you. I'm not going to punish you this time."

Kane's and Mike's eyes grew wide.

"I going to let you slide on this one, but so help you if you fail to report in after an mission, I will hunt you down and kill you. Do we have an understanding?" Taker asked.

Mike nodded.

"Good," Taker said. "I have an assignment for you."

Mike nodded.

"The Society sent one of their younglings here to watch us and to learn. I want him to shadow you," Taker said.

Mike sighed.

"His name is Alex Riley and he's waiting outside," Taker said. "Introduce yourself and get some sleep."

Mike nodded and stood.

"Oh, don't forget to go to the Big Show to get yourself more weapons," Taker said.

Mike chuckled and smiled. "Yes, sir."

With that, Mike walked outside and stared at the young man sitting in a chair. He had blond hair similar to Mike's but with the sides shaved short. His blue eyes were darker than Mike's as well. He was dressed in jeans and a blue and yellow Letterman's jacket. His black boots were polished and held a high shine.

"Alex?" Mike asked.

The man looked up at him and smiled. He stood and strode over to him with his right hand held out.

"I'm Michael...Michael Mizanin. You can call me Miz," Mike said as he shook Alex's hand.

"I've heard of you," Alex said, his eyes sparkled with excitement and amazement.

Mike nodded. "I guess introductions are done. Tell me, what do you know of us?"

"The Hunters? I know that you take care of supernatural problems from vampires to werewolves to ghosts and everything else. Your success rate is 93%. Far better than most groups like this one."

"Wow. Really?"

Alex nodded. "I know more about you than anyone else here."


Alex nodded again.

Mike's eyes grew wide for a brief moment. "Flattered. Did Taker assign you a room?"

"Yes, right across from yours."

Mike nodded and began walking with Alex behind. No words passed between them. When Mike got to his room, he turned to Alex.

"Listen, I need to get some sleep, so I'll introduce you to the others in the morning," Mike replied.

Alex nodded.

Mike's door slowly opened and a man with dark hair and green eyes stood in the doorway. He had both ears pierced and a lip ring. He gave an mischievous smile and moved with a quickness that Alex nor Mike could not react. The man sunk fangs into the side of Mike's neck and slowly pulled him into his room. Alex pulled out stake from his jacket and slowly followed. Mike's eyes fluttered as the ecstasy filled his body. He could feel his member harden and his toes curl within his boots. Mike licked his lips as he brought his left hand up to rub the back of the man's head. His breath quickened and he moaned as his body shuddered.

The man pulled Mike to his bed and held him until he went limp in his arms. The man licked the wounds shut. He laid the sleeping Mike down and smiled be looking up at Alex.

"Put that away," the man said.

"No," Alex said.

"Don't worry about me, I'm not going to kill him," the man stated. "Randy would have my head. I'm CM Punk, resident Dampyr."

Alex was taken aback. "What?"

"Half-human, half-vampire," Punk replied. He proceeded to take Mike's boots off.

"There's no such thing," Alex replied.

"We exist. We're rare, but we exist." Punk pulled Mike's hoodie's zipper down and got him out of it. "Stop standing there and help me."

Alex placed the stake back into his jacket and helped Punk undress Mike but never taking his eyes off the Dampyr. When Mike was in his boxers, Punk straightened him out and pulled the covers over him.

"There," Punk said proudly. "Thank you."

"What did you do to him?" Alex asked.

"I drank some of his blood."

"Were you hungry?"

Punk shook his head. "We Dampyrs have no need to drink blood, but we can. I did it because I wanted to...and it puts him to sleep."

Alex slowly nodded his head.

"You must be the new guy," Punk replied. "Again, I'm CM Punk. You can call me Punk."

"Alex...Alex Riley."

"Cool." Punk made his way out of Mike's room. "Let him sleep. He needs it."

Alex looked to Mike and back to Punk who winked at him before disappearing down the hallway. Alex closed Mike's door but not before staring into the older man's angelic face. Alex cracked a small smile as he lay in his own bed. This is going to get interesting.