"It's mine!" The green eyed, black haired kid screamed.
The slightly smaller child coughed, "No, I'm pretty sure it's mine."
"Look Nico. We both know I am going to win this disagreement."
Nico scoffed, "Disagreement, wow big word Percy."
Percy's eyes started watering, "That hurt man."
"You big baby!" Nico cried to the sky.
This 'disagreement' was considered life and death to Nico and Percy. If they did not resolve this, then someone would probably get hurt. The sky may be blue and the sun may be shining, but not for long if these two were fighting. (Hey look, I made a rhyme :))) )
Percy growled, "You take that back!" The tears were close to falling now.
"Make. Me." Nico spat in Percy's face.
Percy's face turned red with anger and Nico knew he had crossed the line, "You gothic 74 year old teenager! You had a fit 'cause your sister died? Couldn't you just like go see her? Or were you too scared to disobey daddy's orders? WIMP!"
"Oh you did not just go there?" Nico screamed.
"Oh yes I did!" Percy said in a diva tone, complete with head and finger click.
Nico pointed at the ground, "Do you wish to fall into a crack."
"Well," Percy said slyly, "depends what crack it is." Then...he winked.
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Nico screeched. "You disgusting pervert."
Percy cackled, yes cackled, raising his arms in the air like a mad scientist and looking at the sky.
"Well..." Nico said trying to think of a good come back, "at least...at least...ARGH! I can't think of one!"
"Thats what I thought." Percy said, sticking his tongue out for good measure, "Now if you don't mind-" Percy started trying to get past Nico.
"At least I'm not wet!" Nico shouted, slightly to late.
Suddenly Nico was doused in water.
"Now you are." Percy smirked, "Or...were you talking about something else."
"IT WILL BE MINE!" Nico yelled, and ran towards the big house.
Percy ran after him and tackled him to the ground, "Never!" He then climbed over Nico and ran in front.
Percy ran onto the porch to see the door wide open and Nico standing there open mouthed starring at something in front of him.
"W-what you starring at?" Percy asked timidly.
Nico pointed forward and Percy followed the finger.
There...sitting in the middle of the room...was...Chiron...eating thier cookie.
The cookie they would have fought tooth and nail over was being eaten by their precious trainer.
Chiron looked up at them, "What?" He asked, mouthful of cookie.
Nico fainted.
"All I wanted was a cookie!" Percy wailed at the ceiling and fainted alongside Nico.
My pooey try at a one-shot...don't read...don't bother...its pooey!