It was a beautiful day. Absolutely wonderful. It was spring, and it wasn't raining, I was at Hogwarts, but not having any classes for a whole week, and to top it all off, I had finished all my homework.

Who could ask for a better life?

Simply put, it was too good to be true. At least for a Malfoy, that is.

You see, when the tragic incident occurred - my birth, I mean, into the Malfoy family - yes the Malfoy family, the ones who were involved with the Voldemort and were a bunch of no-good death eaters - I inherited the curse that all Malfoys get at one point in their lives:

And that is the curse of bad luck.

Really, it's true.

I mean take my father for instance. But wait, I really don't need to tell you about that; you already now. I mean, it's not like my dad's involved in the bad side is a big secret now, is it?

And then, my grandfather. Oh, I didn't even need to mention that, did I? That's probably the first person who popped into your head when you heard the word "Malfoy". I mean, what with him being a death eater and sent to Azkaban and blah, blah, blah.

Poor mother, what she was thinking when she said "yes" to my father when he popped the question - and yes, it was him who popped the question, it wasn't an arranged marriage - but anyways, why she agreed to be a Malfoy, and get that beloved curse of ours is beyond me, bless her confusing soul.

Anyways, it seems as though I was right.

It was too good to be true.

Though this time, my bad luck didn't have to do with me joining some crazy, power-hunger fanatic who believed the world revolved around him, no.

It was a girl.

And this complication might seem minuscule to you, but to me, it meant the world.

Because let me tell you, I had been crushing on this girl since 2nd year. And I was currently in 6th year, FYI. When I was twelve I wanted her, for Merlin's sake.

But the sad thing was, (and this is where the whole bad-luck, I'm-going-to-screw-up-your-life-so-terribly-you'll-want-to-Avada-yourself-curse-plays-in, in case you won't notice) I couldn't do a thing about it.

Not one single thing.

Day after day, night after night, I couldn't go up to her and tell her, I couldn't ask her to Hogsmeade, I couldn't flirt with her. School year after school year, semester after semester, the most I could do was stare at her longingly like some desperate love-sick puppy, and that in itself, while amazingly enjoyable, was just as extremely dangerous, because the girl I love just happens to have 50 billion over-protective cousins and relations who would chop my head off if they caught me looking at her like I did.

Why? Why, oh why could I not tell this amazing, beautiful, smart, gorgeous, stunning, incredible, wonderful girl that she had captured my heart?

Because I was a fucking Malfoy.

And she was a fucking Weasley.

Because I was a Malfoy devil.

And she was a Weasley saint.

Okay, and she was the daughter of Ron Weasley, and that scared that shit out me. I mean hey, cut me some slack, okay? I'm not a Gryffindor..

Oh yeah.

One more thing to add to my list of why I can't confess my four year long feelings for Rose Weasley:

I'm a Slytherin.

She's a Gryffindor.

I'm a snake.

She's a lion.

Oh right, one last thing.. or at least I hope it's the last. She probably has no idea I exist.

What a perfect day, eh?

A/N: So, whaddya think? Short, I know.. but this was just an intro, a preface basically so I won't have to explain the situation and the circumstances later in the story. I don't plan on making this very long; maybe just 5, 6 chapters, maybe 7 at the most.


Even though I have an idea of where I'm going to take this story, I would LOVE to hear your ideas if you have any, even they're little tiny things. Oh yeah, the other characters that are going to play a big part in this story besides the obvious Scorpius and Rose are:

Albus P.

Lily P.

Caspian (OC, Scorpius's best mate, maybe Lily's possible love interest, which will also be a minor part of this story)

James P.

Ron Weasley (like uh, no DUH)

And maybe some other friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, complications, etc.

And yeah!

So if you have any ideas on any of the characters or any little sneak peek of the plot that I have mentioned to you, let me know...

This is my first multi-chapter story, so I'm hoping it'll work out!

Constructive criticism, criticism, encouragement, discouragement, ideas, or just you a plain "nice" or "great" or even "this sucks butt" or "why would even think of continuing this piece of s*** that you call a story" just let me know...

In other words... please review! :) (And I am aware that I my author's note is basically half the size of my story.. sorry about that for those who actually even read this whole thing...)

