Disclaimer "3 shot Kripke" owns Supernatural, and it's characters.

A/N. my 2nd supernatural fic, first...published wingfic. chapter lengths vary based on the mood i was in when I wrote this. mistakes are my own.

Chapters arent' chapters, they're time-frames, and/or point of views. Will remain in 3rd person.

"What the hell did you do to me Cas?" Dean yelled angrily at his boyfriend, his wings ruffling behind him.

"This was not me Dean. I have no idea as to how this happened." Castiel said, running a hand along the outer edge of a wing. The appendage shuddered under Castiel's touch, and Dean sighed, and started to relax.

"Should I leave and give you two sometime?" Sam asked, clearing his throat. Dean was too comfortable to respond, and Castiel was pre-occupied, so Sam quietly left the motel room.