Lights were flashing, blows being exchanged. The black and blue figures were at each other's neck. A pink, yellow, and Red figure stood by watching.

"They're really going at it this time." Said the red figure, otherwise known as knuckles the echidna, the hot head of the group. Knuckles is the groups strongest fighter, although he isn't as fast as the blue figure when his punches land you want to make sure they don't hit you!

"Yeah… I hope they don't hurt each other… who knows when Robotnik will attack again…" Said the two tailed, yellow fox, His name was tails. The genius of the group, tails manufactured a plane for the blue figure and without him the blue figure wouldn't be making much headway against his evil nemesis Robotnik.

"Don't worry, sonic will be fine! When was the last time they REALLY hurt each other during a fight huh? He's so great at fighting… shadow doesn't stand a chance!" The pink hedgehog reassured, her name was Amy, although she is a close friend to sonic, tails and knuckles she mostly stands in the sidelines and watches, if she see's trouble she does her best to jump in and help.

"What's wrong shadow? Got nothing left?" The blue hedgehog smirked, positive he had the fight won. "If you wanna take five, you know go home and charge your batteries that'd be just fine. I've always got time to kick your butt some more!" He punched his palm and squeezed his fist, smirking once more.

The Black hedgehog lowly growled, "I'm not finished yet hedgehog…" A bright light emitted from his hand, and even though none of them knew it, an unexpected event is about to occur. Shadow zoomed up to sonic, the light in his hand becoming green. "CHAOS—"

Sonic gasped, and always having an emerald on him, used it as well, "—CONTROL!" He shouted as their arms slammed into each other, a white, blinding light arose from the center of their arms consuming those around it. Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Sonic, and Shadow all being sucked into the white light, along with the seven powerful chaos emeralds, and as soon as it came, it disappeared.


"Odd, two blocks coming your way!" Shouted a voice into a microphone, "Aelita, jump onto the overwing with Yumi while Odd and Ulrich cover you.

"Ok Jeremy, come on Yumi!" The two jumped onto the newly virtualized vehicle and were soon off to the tower. "Jeremy, are there any monster headed our way?" Asked the girl with the pink hair, looking left and right to make sure there

Jeremy began typing in some keys, "It doesn't seem like it… you two might be in the clear!" But he spoke to soon, for as he just announced they might be ok, an alarm went off and two red dots appeared on the screen. "Looks like I was wrong Aelita. There's two hornets on your tail!"

She looked back, and to her dismay Jeremy was right. "Jeremy, you were right! Here they come!" She opened up her palms and two pink spheres' appeared. "Energy field!" She shouted throwing one, but it missed, she threw the other and it made contact! One of the hornets exploded but the other shot a laser at Aelita, it hit her leg. "aah!" She shouted.

"Aelita, you're down 20 life points!" Jeremy shouted, "Yumi try and go a bit faster!" Jeremy went back to odd, who was dodging lasers from the Block with legs. "Odd, how're you holding up?" He asked, Getting ready to materialize his overboard.

"Getting kinda crowded around here! Jeremy mind giving me my overbo— oh! Never mind here it is!" The board virtualized just as two more blocks were arriving, "Laser arrow!" He shouted, shooting an arrow into the eye of one of the blocks as he was jumping on his board. "Hah! Take that, no ones the match for me!" He flexed his virtual muscles when a laser hit his arm. "Hey! Don't you blocks know not to shoot when someone's showing off?" He shouted as they continued to fire.

"Well, no need to worry odd, Yumi and Aelita are almost at the tower, looks like we'll be done here in no time!" Jeremy sighed and put his hands behind his back, relaxing, his eyes closed. Although he wouldn't have long because the elevator was opening up and Ulrich stepped out.

"Jeremy, am I too late?" He asked, "I just got away from sissi and Jim." He walked over to Jeremy, who was trying to relax.

"Sorry Ulrich, Aelita and Yumi are almost at the tower. There shouldn't be anything to worry about."

Aelita jumped off the Overwing and walked into the tower, "Whelp, looks like things are done here." Jeremy said into the microphone.

"really?" Odd asked, "Then… Geronimo!" Odd jumped off his overboard and towards the blocks. They fired and devirtualized him.

Aelita placed her hand onto the floating screen, the words came across: Aelita, Code L.Y.O.K.O "Tower… deactivated. Jeremy, should we do a return to the past?" She asked, the towers screens that surrounded her falling to the bottom.

"Naah, we're fine, XANA didn't even attack this time. We should just leave, we'll be fine for a while… I'll devirtualize you all." He said typing a bit and aelita and Yumi turned into wireframes, then disappeared and into the scanners.

"I've always wanted to do that." Odd said as aelita and yumi walked out of their scanners.

"Well come on guys, Lets head home." Jeremy smiled as they appeared in the elevator. He walked in with them and pressed the up button.

They opened up the manhole that led to the sewers and Ulrich stepped out. "man, that was easier than I thought!" Jeremy said happily, "XANA's slipping up!" He smiled at Aelita, who blushed as she was stepping out.

"I'm probably just going to head back to the dorm and work on some things, I shouldn't be up to long" Jeremy said closing the manhole.

"Well thanks to XANA I missed dinner so I'm going to go see if I can sneak some food from the lunch room—" Suddenly A bright light consumed the sky, The group looked up as lightning was striking everything. The tree's, the ground even their manhole.

"What's going on?" Ulrich shouted, "There wasn't anything about a storm today!" He looked at Jeremy, "Could XANA be doing this? Already?" He shouted.

"No! It can't be! XANA's never launched an attack as soon as we deactivated a tower!"

Another flash of light consumed the sky as the figures appeared and were falling. "AAAAAAHHHH!" They all shouted, except for sonic, who hadn't appeared yet.

"Jeremy! What's that?"! Yumi shouted, pointing to the sky, noticing the creatures descending from the sky.

The four hit the ground, a small cloud of dust consumed them, and they were all unconscious.

The group of five ran towards them and gasped, "What… are they?" Odd asked, getting ready to poke one.

His hand was smacked by Jeremy, "I wouldn't do that if I were you odd, who knows what these animals are, or what they could carry…" He examined them closer.

One more flash of light consumed the sky, and the blue blur finally appeared, But falling faster than his friends did. "WATCH OOUUT! GANG WAAAYYY!" Sonic shouted and landed behind them, also creating a cloud of dust.

"Did you guys hear that? It spoke before it hit the ground!" Ulrich pointed out.

"Yes… it did. Something tells me this isn't the handy work of XANA… let's take them into the factory and wait for them to wake up." Jeremy said.

"Hey Jeremy, what're these?" Odd asked, holding an emerald. "It's green and sort of looks like rock candy…" He said, about to lick it.

Ulrich slapped odd, "are you dumb? It's obviously a diamond, hey yumi, want a diamond?" He asked nervously. She just laughed.

"Look! There's six more of them

Hours passed, the group was at the super computer, waiting for them to wake up, when Sonic's hand twitched. "Uughh… ohh my head…" He clutched his head rubbing it. "Where… am I?" He asked, looking around, suddenly noticing Jeremy and his friends. "Wha?" He looked back to his friends, who were still unconscious. He gasped and quickly jumped to his feet, In front of his friends. Yumi, Ulrich and the rest all gasped taking a step back.

Sonic's fists were clenched and he was still standing in front of his friends, ready to defend them with his life. He lowly growled, untrusting of the five who brought them here.

There was an awkward silence, no one was doing anything, and sonic never moved a muscle. He continued to scan them, trying to see if there was any sign of danger.

Jeremy, afraid something was going to happen, finally spoke up. "U-Um…" Sonic's eyes directed to Jeremy's. "H-Hi… U-Um, Nice t-to meet you." He said nervously.

Sonic raised his eyebrow, noticing fright in his voice. "M-My name is J-Je…Jeremy." He finally spoke out. "it's um… Nice… to meet you… um…" He noticed he had repeated what he just said. "C-Can you speak our language?" He asked nervously again.

Sonic relaxed a bit, but still had his fists clenched. He put his arms down to his side and looked around once more, just in case he need to fight. "Of course I can…" He sighed, they all gasped. I thought I was done with other dimensions the LAST time this happened…UGH…

"So… what's your name? and… what exactly are you?" Yumi asked, nervous, but not as nervous as Jeremy.

"My name?" He smirked, "I'm Sonic, Sonic the hedgehog!" He smiled while giving them a thumbs up, feeling confident they won't do anything to harm him.

OK! So this is my first CROSSOVER story, I don't know how long this will be sooo… I hope you all liked it! Stay tuned for more!